02. Lover's First Glance . . .

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chap 2. lover's first glance !

(Y/N) was standing in front of her new classmates as the first lesson had started, and held a flute in between her shaking hands from the nerves she felt. Though her gaze stayed on the instrument, and sometimes Marinette, who was next to Alya, both of them grinning in encouragement at the girl.

Taking a deep breath to ease her anxiety, she placed her lips on the end of the flute, and began to play it in a cacophonous way, causing the class to wince with their hands covering their ears.

Even with the entire class making complaints at her terrible playing, Marinette, Alya, and Nino all sent the (H/C) haired girl thumbs up, and strained smiles.


Standing on a balancing beam inside the sport hall of the high school, (Y/N)'s hair was up in a bun, and was wearing her gymnastic gear, as she raised her arms up to balance herself panickily.

Beside the long beam leading to many mats at the end, Mrs. Bustier, and Principle Damocles held clipboard with pens, to watch the girl and grade her for this subject.

When (Y/N) goes to jump up into the air, their heads and eyes followed where she went, faces changing into worried ones when the girl did to many back handstands, and landed with a thud against the mats.

Her face was planted on the ground in an uncomfortable position, legs bent over her head as she whimpered in both pain, and embarrassment. The teachers glance down at her with concerned looks, and winced in sympathy.

Marinette was straightaway by her sisters side, bending down to her height, and easily pulled her up to give (Y/N) a reassure smile, while Alya sent another thumbs up in approval behind them.


Sitting around one of the science tables together, the Dupain-Cheng sisters were busy creating experiments with liquids for their current class, as their table was full of different things to add into them.

(Y/N) held a flask in one hand while the other held a tube of green liquid, and was very hesitant to poor it inside the glass. She gulped as she shared a look with Marinette, who nodded through a smile to signal 'go for it'.

And as soon as the green chemicals dropped inside the flask, an explosion occurred that sent a fog of green smoke flowing out of the flask in her hand, and made the twins yelp in surprise with rapidly blinking eyelashes staring at it.

"That's so cool!" Alya rushed up to them with a wide grin, and wrapped her arms around their shoulders, shaking them in emphasis with her words, while Nino peeked over the tables in slight fear from the explosion.


The school bell rings in the late afternoon which signalled another finished day for the students, who were all walking out of class now, and through the hallways to most likely head home for the day.

Marinette had already left early since it was her time to help at the bakery this afternoon, leaving her twin by herself which (Y/N) didn't enjoy, but would deal with it for the sake of her family's needs.

"Hey, you keep your head up, girl." Alya speaks to her newly best friend spotting her sad frown, and turned around to squeeze (Y/N) in a tight hug, "You call me, ok?" She pulled back from the embrace, and showed a phone motion against her ear.

(Y/N) waved a little bit at Alya when she walked away down the hallways, and tried to keep her head down as she began to hear the students whisper about her.

"You're too much, (Y/N)!" One of the female students comment in amusement, as the said girl was walking down the hallway to her locker now, and glanced up upset hearing the words.

She couldn't shake off the heavy weight of judgemental stare fro her fellow students, each step feeling like a new obstacle to overcome, as if the glares were digging into her skin, making (Y/N)'s heart race with anxiety.

"It's like she does it on purpose!" A male whispered to his girlfriend beside him, the two of them just passing the girl everyone was judging, "She's crazy clumsy!"

Every hushed words she caught seemed to confirm her worst fears, that they were talking about her, judging her, and maybe even mocking her. (Y/N) could feel her hands beginning to shake, making her grip onto her sleeves, and tried to keep her head down, desperately avoiding eye contact.

"Whatever she does, better stay away!" Another female whispered to her group all staring at (Y/N) from the sides, and it caused most around to laugh in agreement, making matters worse for her.

(Y/N) shudders to herself trying to ignore their words, as she finally made it up to her locker, and pushed back the doubt creeping in her mind about whether she belonged here at all. Normally she'd have Marinette hear to scare those people away picking on her, but she wasn't here now, and (Y/N) couldn't always rely on her sister for that, it wasn't fair.

With a low sigh to herself, she pulled open her lockers door that had a few cat stickers on the handle, and flinched when a familiar voice spoke behind the locker.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Your sister isn't here to protect you now!" Chloe slammed the girls locker closed shut, and leant her arm against it to sneer in a smug way, "Why don't we braid each other's hair after school?" She leant back to stand beside a worried looking Sabrina, "Then I could strangle you with it! How does that sound?"

The Dupain-Cheng girl freaks out at her sudden threat, gulping nervously, and looks past Chloe's shoulder to think of something to distract her, "Wait, is that another girl wearing an Agreste sweater?"

Chloe gasped in horror, and turned her head around to where she was looking at, "Who dares?" She snapped crudely, and only then noticed (Y/N) running away behind her down the hallway, "Hm, you won't escape me, Dupain-Cheng!"

(Y/N) bumped into Rose as she was checking to see if Chloe was following her, and yelped apologies at the nice girl, as Rose smiled it off. She watched as (Y/N) barged straight into the library, through another group of people, ranting out more apologies to them.

The (H/C) haired girl now inside the library ran for cover in between the shelves, and peeked her head out to gasp when Chloe was just passing the closing door. She ducked back out of way, breathing heavily and glanced back when she heard the wooden doors close.

"There must be an exit." She whispered to herself in a squeak, now starting to walk through the library and spins around slowly to look for other doors, "An emergency exit."

Not finding anything like she said which wasn't surprising, her back landed against one of the last shelves, and groaned tiredly, "My life is totally over." She began to rant in one of her overthinking moments, "I'll have to leave Paris, change my name, cut my hair!"

She gripped the sides of her head with another annoyed groan, wishing she was confident and outgoing like Marinette, but was stuck with being timid, and having anxiety problems, that quite literally effected her life badly.

(Y/N) leant the back of her head against the shelf now, and glanced down at her lucky bracelet around her left wrist, thumb rubbing over it a little, "A little luck here, please." She quietly begged, until a book was pulled out behind her, making the sunlight shine through the gap, and for her to spin around in alert.

Her breath hitched greatly spotting who was responsible for taking the book, and her heart suddenly fluttered. Over on the other side of the shelf, was a handsome male with blonde fluffy hair, wearing headphones, and had green eyes that locked with her wide (E/C) ones feeling the staring.

Both of their eyes went wide now once they fully looked at each other, a new warm feeling washing over their hearts as neither of them had felt it before, until now.

She flinched her head back away from his view, gasping gently in the back of her throat, and tried to blink away the stingy sensation in her eyes, as she could tell he already spotted the tears from before.

Adrien Agreste for the first time in ages, was actually interested in a girl, and found it to be funny that he first met her in the library he was studying in.

He tilted his head to the side, and pulled out one of his earplugs, "Are you ok?" His voice was gentle, along with his features, and (Y/N) stumbled to give him answer, which gave him a view of her teary eyes, "Are you crying?"

She blinked rapidly hearing his sudden questions, the girl not use to someone being this talkative with her expect for her family, and frantically shakes her head, "What? No, I'm not! Um-" She clasped her hands together nervously, and tried to think of an excuse through jumbled words, "This is just, uh, allergies. You know? I mean the dust is pretty bad, right? I must have it in my eyes-"

His lips twitched upwards in a soft smile, and scrunched his nose up a little bit in amusement, followed by a low chuckle that caused her stomach to flip. He gave her one last slow look, before walking back to the desk with a book in hand, and sat down in his spot.

(Y/N) could hear her heartbeat in her ears that's how fast it was pounding right now, as she stared at Adrien's figure in awe from in the shelves still. She went to push another pile of books away, so she could peek through to gaze at the handsome male, and continued to do so all the way down to the end, him completely oblivious to it as he worked.

This was a new feeling for her that she was experiencing, never having felt herself turn all mushy like that in front of a male before, and stuttered so easily. Normally she have problems with talking to people, but not like this, not like how she wanted to actually know more about this male in front of her.

She appeared out of the book shefles to quietly come up to the trolly full of books, and leant her hands on the handles, not realising she was pushing her full weight on it. A slightly dreamy sigh escaped her lips gazing at Adrien's figure, and ended up slipping off the trolly with a loud yelp onto the floor.

The trolly skidded away from her as it clatters, and (Y/N) face planted onto the hard ground, causing Adrien to snap his head around at the loud noises, wondering what had happened.

"Are you sure you're all right?" He repeats his question in concern seeing her on the floor, and stood up out of the chair, pulling his headphones all the way off of him now.

She scrambled to sit up straight quickly, digging her shoes into the floor in a nervous laughs, as she bumps into the shelf with her back, "Oh!" She yelped again when books came flying down from above, and slammed into her head.

Feeling embarrassed, and exposed to this handsome male, she hastily picked up a book that had a black cat on the front, and hide her face behind it from him, trying her best to calm her racing heart down.

However when (Y/N)'s ears picked up on footsteps coming over to her, she slowly peeked her doe eyes over the book, and gasped gently in surprise seeing Adrien there, with his hand held out to help her up.

"Need a hand?" He offered in a warm tone, expression showing no judgemental nor amusing one now, as the sunlight behind him made his soft look stand out more to her.

Her much larger (E/C) eyes stared into is gentle ones looking down at her, still not truly believing someone like him was still actually talking to her. With half of her face still hidden behind the book, she slowly lift up a trembling hand to his one in the middle, butterflies now being felt in her stomach.

When her fingertips touched his warmer, and much larger hand in between them, he gently curled his fingers around hers in a soft caress, and heaved her up just as carefully to stand beside him.

The touch between them lingered to a second longer, as their gazes don't leave each others faces, until Adrien chuckled nervously, and pulled back his hand with slight heated cheeks, as he bent down to pick up the books on the floor.

(Y/N)'s stomach flipped more with butterflies when she spotted his embarrassed face, her back now turned away from him, as she held the hand he touched in the air, book in the other under her arm.

She couldn't believe someone was genuinely being nice to her, instead of teasing her or bulling her, he helped her up and even asked if she was alright. (Y/N) knew those were little things, but it still sent her heart in a spiral, as she glanced at the hand Adrien touched, which was her lucky bracelet one.

Bringing that hand down to where her heart was beating fast, she sighed in awe to herself, blinking rapidly to calm herself down, and span around to hopefully talk to him, "Wait, do you think we should-"

She paused mid speech seeing no Adrien in sight now, expect for the books all cleaned up on the ground, making her slightly deflate sadly, and looked down the hallway to just see the door closing shut.

Outside in the schools hallways now, students chattering all around was heard through Adrien's ears. He went to place his earphones in, but paused when his mind drifted back to (Y/N), "She's so..." He turned his head back to the library, a sudden dreamy smile appearing across his lips, "perfect.'


As the sun set over Paris, a serene transformation took place around the high school. The City of Lights truly lived up to its name, as the streets became illuminated with a soft glow from the streetlights, and the dazzling lights of the iconic landmarks in the in the distance.

Now walking out of school with a goofy smile on her face, (Y/N) never felt such excitement flowing through her from before, now knowing that she'd get to see someone like Adrien at school now.

Her happiness was short lived when a familiar voice called tautly from beside her, causing the girl to freeze mid step down the stairs, "Hey, Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe was standing there with a grimacing Sabrina, "Why don't I walk you home?"

(Y/N) sees the evil glare in Chloe's eyes, and this set off her instincts to run since Marinette wasn't there to scare the bully off, "Gotta run!" She exclaimed, going to do that but ran into someone, making her yell out apologies to them, and sprinted off away.

"Friend's don't run from friends who hate them!" Chloe yelled out to her fleeing figure, and shoved her bag into Sabrina's hold roughly, as they went to follow.

Heavy breathes escaped (Y/N)'s lips as she hated running, and wasn't the best at it either, but had to in order to escape Chloe. She didn't see the car incoming on the road, causing it to beep at her when she crossed, and she shrieks seeing the car just close to hitting her.

She not so gracefully dodged many more cars incoming around her, as she heard the rubber screeching against the road, and bumps into the final truck that honks its horn.

When the last car came driving past, she quickly leapt back into two people on the sidewalks, rapidly apologising to them, and sprinted away again at Chloe's voice shouting, "I just wanna have a nice screaming exchange like two civilized teenagers!"

(Y/N) skidded around a corner mid way of her running, which was nearing the popular part of town, and began to fumble in attempt of a run again down the pathway. She pushed past two people in her way, and ignored the woman yelling out to her rudely.

She came to another sliding stop near the edge of the path, and gasped in horror spotting an older man in the middle of the road, about to be bit with a truck. Quickly acting out of insticits, she rushed up to him, grabbing his smaller figure and narrowly avoided the bus about to hit them.

The crowd all gasped watching this scene, them now all watching with their hearts in their throats, as (Y/N) was kneeling beside the male, and shields his body with her own from the incoming car.

Her arms were up to protect herself and him from the car, as she squinted her eyes shut from the bright light, and just felt the car touch her skin when it stopped just a gap from hitting them.

Master Fu exclaimed in surpise at this, along with the crowd still watching who didn't do anything, and began to cheer, with claps once they realised everything was all right.

Turning her head to Mast Fu behind her with a shaky sigh, (Y/N) didn't see the glowing red object that flew into her backpack, and instead questioned to older man, "Are you ok?"

"You risked your life to save me?" He answered in a shocked question of his own, eyes going wide once he realised something about her, "Wait a second. It is you!" He leant forward to gently grasp her hands in his own, suddenly speaking dramatically, "You! Come with me! Now! The world is in danger!"

She grimaced a little uncomfortable at this, and cleared her throat nervously to softly push his hands back away, "Ok, you seem fine. I better get going-"

"Dupain-Cheng!" A familiar taunting voice of Chloe was heard again, as she was pushing through the crowd of people, and appeared at the front with an evil smirk.

(Y/N) squeaked seeing her now where she was, and scrambled to stand up straight, as she pulled Master Fu up by under his armpits, and made sure he was up before rushing away, "Gotta go!"

"Hold on! Remember!" Master Fu was calling out to her, one hand holding his sore hip and waved his other arms in the air for emphasis, "Who saves a life saves the world!"

She was staring at him with a slightly scared look as she ran away, and bumped into a few people because she wasn't looking where she was going, "I have to get away from all these crazies!"

"Don't be afraid!" Master Fu's husky voice was back again in front of her, as she yelped startled at his appearing out of nowhere, and stopped her running for a a second, "Or we will all die! You are the one!"

A confused whimper left her parted lips, and shook her head rapidly, "The whole city's a looney bin! This is why I stay in my room!" She exclaimed in one breath, and rushed off towards another way, stopping when she found an alley to hide in.

She breathes heavily when she looked down at the quiet alley, spotting fog at the end of it, and it was lit by one lantern hanging off the wall to a stop. A cat yowls in the distance, causing her to gulp but couldn't be fussy, as Chloe's voice was back, and it made (Y/N) quickly scramble to hid behind something in the alley.

"Why are you so slow, Sabrina?" Chloe complains in an annoyed tone to the girl behind her, the two of them just stopping where (Y/N) was hiding behind some chairs, "You let her get away!"

"I was carrying both our bags!" Sabrina stuttered for her own defence, and motioned to the objects in her arms, as she rolled her sore shoulder back.

Chloe huffed with an eye roll, "You only think about yourself!" She exclaimed in her face, and pointed a finger above her head forcefully, and demanded, "Find her!

(Y/N) tried to get up from her spot to sneak away, but ended up stubbing he toe

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