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The household is full of joy.
Misa has a get-together with her grandparents. They traveled from Yuki no Kuni and it's lovely to see them visiting. After their exquisite meal, she is stargazing in the backyard. "My dear, it's late." She heard the soothing voice of her grandmother. Her name is Haruna and she is Reiko's mother. "I know but tonight, the sky is gorgeous," Misa responded and smiles at the elderly lady.
Haruna takes a seat next to her granddaughter in the backyard. "I remember when you were so small, you would beg for me to tell you stories under the moonlight." She reminisces on those nights where the two bonded and try to stay warm from the cold. "I was a kid full of curiosity and I still am." Misa laughs softly.
Her rosy pink eyes shimmer when looking at thousands of lustrous stars. Haruna brings up a topic to discuss. "I've spoken with your parents that you have someone who is always on your mind. Is that true?" She wonders about who is this special person. Misa looks down at her folded fingers and nodded her head. "Ever since we started our shinobi life, we developed a romantic relationship. He is also known for being the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan." She began talking about Sasuke. It intrigued Haruna when Misa told her how their bond is unbreakable. He makes her happy but she is feeling perplexed if she should or shouldn't forgive him for running away.
Haruna then grasps the girl's delicate hand in a firm grip. "I understand it's difficult to get through it but you both can still be together. It might take some time but there is always a chance." The older woman's wise words want Misa to believe that Sasuke is still in love with her. Letting out a sigh from her mouth "I missed him and I hope we can see each other again." She sounded wistful yet tries to keep herself from sobbing.
Tears aren't going to make him come back.
A gentle breeze brushed against their skin as the trees rustle. Haruna's ash gray hair glows like a halo forms around the crown of her head. She etches a smile on her crinkle pink lips. "I don't think I've told you this before but during my youthful days, I was friends with an Uchiha." She tells Misa whose eyes widened out of her socket. "Who was it?!" The girl asked eagerly. Haruna let out a small laugh at Misa's reaction. "His name was Uchiha Kagami." The older woman begins explaining about Uchiha Kagami.
Misa learned that he worked directly under the Second Hokage. It was interesting because she read stories about Senju Tobirama that his prediction of having unity would bring hatred for the future. More likely towards the Uchiha Clan. However, Kagami was a comrade of many shinobis. He had a strong devotion to his clan and expressed loyalty towards Konoha as a true citizen.
"I see. So how did you became friends with him?" Misa asked her.
"We cooperated in a mission. My team helped out Tobirama and his people when they went to Yuki no Kuni. I remember Kagami was overwhelmed by how cold it was," Haruna giggled merrily. Just remembering the moment warms her heart. She continues with the story "I once told him 'Try to get used to it' and he did later on." Haruna laughs away like chiming bells.
"I would visit Konoha just to not only see him but the others as well. Sadly, he didn't live longer like everyone else but he was one of the bests friends to remember and never forget." She ended it there. Misa grows amused at their sweet friendship. Also, they had companions that were elite shinobis. It's unbelievable. After the storytelling, they are out like the light.
When the moonlight changes, the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. The Akiyama siblings go out to an empty training ground for a sparring session.
"I won't go easy on you, onee-chan." Koichi sends a look of determination.
"I don't mind that, otouto. I want to see what you've learned over the years." Misa smirked slyly.
"Get ready." He mirrors her smirk.
They start it off with Taijutsu. Koichi was quick on his feet when Misa throws multiple punches and kicks. He caught her fist before it strikes his face. "Not bad. Your timing is on point." Misa noted. She begins to pick it up when throwing another punch but Koichi guards it with his wrist. His leg lunged and kicks her to the middle. Misa flies backward but a gust of smoke appears. 'A clone!' Koichi fell staggered. He senses ignited chakra energy coming from behind.
"Hana NinpΕ: HyakkaryΕran!"
He veers himself to witness flaming flower petals coming directly at him. He also sees his sister sprung out from the top of a tree. Koichi performs hand seals "HyΕton: Fubuki no Jutsu!" A strong frozen wind expelled his mouth and shoots at the flower petals. He throws multiple shurikens and Misa dodges them at a surreal speed. Koichi's bewitching pink eyes try to detect her movements. It came in like a blur when Misa instantly springs herself to afflict Koichi by the face and fell to the ground.
He groans as he tries to stand back up but his sister lends him a hand instead. "That was one incredible technique there." She makes a compliment. The boy grins happily and accepted her offer. "I learned it from okaa-san. It's also one of her best techniques as well." Koichi wipes away the dripping sweat as he spoke and panting heavily.
Like the ordinary, Misa ruffles his fluffy head affectionately. "For our first spar, it turned out great. But you still need a lot more to improve, Koi Koi." The older Akiyama gives her brother a reassuring smile. The boy has a long way ahead of him. "Don't worry! I'll get there on time. Well, maybe not on time." Koichi's clueless face was so adorable that it made Misa laugh heartily. She held his hand "You will. Now let's go on back." Receiving a nod from Koichi, the siblings started heading home.
Eventually, Misa meets up with her teammates. They did their routine of waiting for their sensei. It took about ten minutes for Kakashi to arrive. "You're late!" Naruto remarks. "Finally, you're here." Sakura has the patience for now. Misa just smiled and is happy to see him. "Yeah well, it took longer to write up documents for the new team." Kakashi rubs the back of his head. He technically didn't sleep all night because of reasons.
"Today's our new team's mission! Aren't you fired up?! You have always been like this!" Naruto's bright energy made him raising his voice. When taking a brief look, Kakashi doesn't seem well prepared. Judging by his visible under-eye circle and a slight slouching of his back. But suddenly, a bird flies in the sky and chirps loud enough for them to hear. "A messenger bird." Misa points out. The animal went straight to the Hokage house.
Lady Tsunade has gathered the team for a meeting. Everyone was shunned about the message. It was informed that two members of a secret organization that goes by the name Akatsuki invaded Suna. Not to mention, Gaara was abducted after losing in a battle against them. His brother Kankuro took over and tries to avoid the enemies from getting away. As an ally with Suna, they needed to send help. Tsunade establishes a mission and demands to deploy Team Kakashi.
After two and a half year hiatus, Team 7 is back to being original.
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Time is scarce but it's unpredictable.
The team doesn't know what will come for them during this mission. However, there shall be no backing out when saving a friend.
Misa straps on a backpack with everything she needed and is ready to leave the village. Before existing home, Akemi hugs his daughter "I know you'll return with a huge achievement. We all are counting on you." He was sincere and anticipated. "Arigatou, I will bring back something great." Misa marks her words. Both Reiko and Koichi joined the family embrace. After parting their ways, the beauty waves goodbye as the family watch her leave from their sight.
She can hear the wonderful voices of her friends calling her name. She finally made it to the gates and sees that they are already there. Misa spotted Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Iruka with them. Everyone gave the squad their support to get prepared for the battle. Tsunade steps up to Sakura and Misa and makes a smirk on her face. "My students, good luck on your first official mission. Also, don't waste your energy." She advised and expects them to follow it. Her favorite girls nodded their heads that they will. Then Team 7 begins their trip to Sunagakure.
On their way to the sand village, they come across Temari. Unfortunately, there was a sandstorm approaching. Temari and they immediately find the nearest cave to stay safe in and wait for the storm to subdued. They're a little bit behind schedule but they need to remain patient. "Is Kankuro okay?" Misa asked the Suna kunoichi.
A grim expression draws on her face, she shook her head. "I am not sure. I haven't been with Gaara or Kankuro because I had to complete some tasks with Konoha. But it does not mean we shall stop there, considering Gaara is kidnapped." Temari is in deep desperation to save her little brother's life. Misa's face fell at the horrible news. There's so much to take in that she can feel a lot of weight on her shoulders.
Sakura can read her body language is disheartened. She scoots closer and grabs for Misa's hand in a tight grip. The Akiyama grows muddled but Sakura starts speaking out. "Don't worry, we will get him back. I know that we all are feeling anxious but try to take deep breaths." She didn't want to see her friend all stressed out and reassured. So Misa did some deep breaths that made her feel a little relieved. Moments later, the sandstorm has settled. Now they can officially head over to Suna.
When they quickly dashed over there, the villagers were so elated when they come at present. On their way to the hospital, a Suna shinobi informed that Kankuro is at the hospital but was badly beaten by the enemies. They claimed he has gotten poisoned and it is uncertain how long he can make it. Outside of the room, they can see him unconscious. Just before they were about to enter, an unexpected old woman charges at Kakashi. He was bewildered but Naruto guards him with his clones right before she strikes the man. "Why are you charging at Kakashi-sensei like that?! You wrinkled hag!" Naruto asked out loud at the old woman.
She is strong for someone at her age. "You dared to kill him back then, accursed White Fang of Konoha? I'll finally avenge my son today!" The lady threatens Kakashi but he tries to make an excuse that he isn't what she thinks. However, she gets stopped by an old man who is her brother. He told her that Kakashi isn't the White Fang of Konoha and he has been gone many years ago. The silver-haired JΕnin giggles nervously behind Naruto. Chiyo is her name and she takes a better look at him. She then realizes that it was a whole different person. "I was just playing dumb!" The elderly woman starts cracking up but it was a very displeasing reason for the others.
Abruptly, they hear Kankuro groan in agony. It seems like the poison is getting more effective in his body. Sakura goes over to Misa and placed a hand on her shoulder. "This is going to sound crazy but, I want you to take over the procedure." She affirmed without any regrets. Misa's rosy pink irises have widened than ever. "Are you sure, Sakura?" She wants to know if the kunoichi is being positive about not taking the opportunity. A genuine smile curves on her lips "Please do. You are the expert at medical ninjutsu, Misa-chan." Sakura truly believes in her friend.
Misa hesitates to reply at first. She did make a promise to her family that she'll return with something marvelous. Letting out a brief sigh "Alright, I'll do it." Misa confirms to everyone that she will save Kankuro's life. Temari brought the girl into her arms and can feel tears brimming her eyes. "Arigatou, Misa! You don't know how much this means to me!" She sobs her words out. Misa hugs her back and comforts Temari. "Nobody deserves losing a precious loved one." The ebony beauty desires to bring peace to the people.
That's her promise.
Naruto has never felt so lucky to have Misa be part of his life. When he first encountered her, she was unlike anyone he has ever met. Kind and innocent, but can certainly fight like a trooper.
He wants their friendship to be everlasting.
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Misa has done medical procedures with Tsunade but this one, in particular, is going to be entirely different.
She unties the ribbon that holds her bangs in place and ties her whole hair into a low ponytail. She examines Kankuro's condition. He can still breathe and his pupils are dilated when flashing a light which can mean the poison is constricting his vision. Misa leans her ear close to his chest and she listens to his heartbeat. It has a very slow and irregular rhythm. "It's a vile poison." Misa proclaimed. "The type where it destroys the muscles and cells." With just a short examination, she is highly confident that there is a way to remove the poison.
The people in the room besides Temari looked at her all skeptical but she seems reliable to perform this operation. "May I see his records?" Misa asked politely. "Yes." A doctor hands her over the clipboard. When reading it, Kankuro's heart is the only organ being the most affected. It'll collapse at any moment but she is not letting that happen. A perfect strategy comes into her head. "I have a way to put in the antidote but it's going to be a rough one. Bring everything I say in here!" Misa ordered the doctors as they run around the room.
After mixing and preparing the treatment, it's time to do the procedure. Misa connects her palm with the medicine in a bowl as it forms into a bubble. "I want you all to hold him down so he doesn't resist during this procedure." She tells them and they obeyed. Her hand hovers the open-cut as access to the heart. "Here we go." She has the bubble inside but Kankuro screams in pain and has the people let go of him. "Hold him tightly!" Misa demanded them. His arms and legs get planted onto the bed in a restricting grip. Once the bubble is fully into the heart, the girl concentrates with her chakra to reach the poison in the cells and muscles.
Suddenly, she pulls the bubble out to reveal that it collected all of the poison.
Misa disposes purple substance into an empty bowl and repeats the process.
About half an hour later, everything was finished with a great result. Her teammates walked into the room and compliments her on how she amazing did. Subsequently, a Suna JΕnin delivers Kakashi a message scroll. This mission has more people coming in. It's astounding yet brilliant that Team Gai is on their way to the village. Misa smiles gleefully that she gets to meet her friends. She nudged Sakura with her arm "Are you happy that you're going to see Neji?" The Akiyama asked almost in a teasing way.
A blush spreads on the pink-haired girl's face. "I mean I would love to see him." She chuckled sheepishly. Misa squeals but received a baffled look from Naruto. "Heh? What do you mean by that?" He goes up close to their faces. His curiosity is eager to know. Thankfully, Misa answers his question. "Neji and Sakura are in a relationship." She said it so innocent that Naruto went silent for ten seconds.
"Oh calm down you it's not that important." Sakura waves her hand. "Yes, it is!" Naruto will not leave her alone for more answers. She told him the story and he reacted the same way as Misa did when she first found out. Kakashi from a short distance watched them acting playful. He grows fond of it. Despite being in a bad situation, they sure can light up the mood.
An amber light appears as the sun is set on the horizon.
Somewhere in the wilderness, a handsome dark-haired boy looks at his opponents. Over a thousand enemies have lethal weapons and ready to fight him. The Uchiha's mentor assigned training and this was it. When coming at him, he effortlessly takes them down one by one. Orochimaru witnessed the show and was anticipated that Sasuke will defeat all of the enemies. Several minutes later, the training is done.
"Is that all?" He asked nonchalantly.
"You didn't even kill one of them. You're still too soft." The Sannin analyzed and wasn't so sure to feel impressed by it.
"There are others I'd rather kill." Sasuke stands up from a pile of unconscious bodies. He puts back the Kusanagi into the scabbard and proceeded to leave out of his master's sight.
Author's Note
Your author has returned!! π This update was very interesting to write becuz I did a study about medical knowledge in school and it was nice to do π But yea since this is the start of an arc, it'll be short instead of publishing many chapters. I have to see about it so I can pick up the pace where I want my fave arcs to come in π₯ I won't rush myself just to let you all know that might get worried π If you were wondering from the beginning of the chapter, yes Uchiha Kagami is a character in the original story and I thought it would be nice to add small writing for other characters. I'm ending the note here and stay tuned for the next update β€οΈ
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