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"Not bad" Osore grinned as he and Mayumi faced off against eachother, a familiar cursed presence and the smell of burnt flesh causing his grin to grow wider than Mayumi thought was possible

He'd dashed, running in the opposite direction to the zenins confusion

"Oi get back here!" She yelled, racing after the curse who had his hand outstretched

"Nows my chance!" He grinned, Mayumi realising he was going after a half burnt naoshi who was cutting down trainsfigured humans

"Naoshi!!" She yelled, catching the males attention only for Osore to touch him in his stomach

Both of the zenin paused, fear in their eyes

"Huh?" Naoshi blinked as his worst fear began replaying again and again in his mind
It was Mayumi, yet she was being eaten alive but tiny insects until she was nothing but a skeleton

She was dying, it was placing stress on his heart, Mayumi was screaming for him to snap out of it and Osore was laughing maniacally

"No, mayumis here, she's safe" Naoshi repeated to himself, grabbing his sword and directing it at osore

"Naoshi..." Mayumi muttered, panicked eveifent in her tone as she saw how much the older zenin was struggling trying to erase the effects of Osores cursed technique as he continued to fight the curse

I have no regrets

"Hey mayumi" He spoke, the girls eyes widening

"You can still talk and you're fighting? Geez you're persistent.." Osore grumbled

"You can keep my scarf, since you like it so much" He smiled, mayumis eyes welling up with tears

"I don't want the scarf I wasn't you to be—"

Osore plunged a sword through naoshi


"Naoshi where'd you get that scarf?? It's so pretty" Mayumi smiled as she dangled her legs over one of the tiny bridges dividing naoshis estate from the rest of the clan estates

"It's a plain white one, and I made it."

"For real??" The thirteen year old gasped "please may I have it as a hand me down?"


"Why not" She frowned

"I made it for my daughter, it was supposed to be for her fourth birthday but I made it too large, and she never reached that age."

"Oh, I see" Mayumi nodded, feeling bad for bringing it up "I'm sorry"

"You don't need to be sorry" he reassured her

"It's in your old room" He muttered, blood seeping out of his mouth as he turned to face the girl


"It's over for me, Mayumi" He sighed, Osores smile growing "I have no regrets, I'm glad I taught you"

"Naoshi don—"

Osore removed his blade from his heart, letting the zenin topple lifelessly onto the floor

"Now" the curse smiled "shall we continue with our fight, Mayumi zenin" he proposed, the teenager taking in a deep breath as she looked at the lifeless body of the closest thing she had to a father, her rock

"Osore!!" She yelled, running towards the curse who wore a proud grin

The zenin twisted her sword in her hand, intending to use it as an extension of her arm, almost as if it were a ribbon, wrapping it around the curse who mearly slid out, running towards Mayumi and landing a black flash

"How exhilarating!" The curse spoke, wearing a huge grin "your moves have grown sloppy! Why?? Because I killed your dear old dad?" He grinned, Mayumi managing to use her blade to slice through his stomach, his internal organs spilling out

"You think he was my dad?" She questioned as Osore healed his stomach

"No" She thought "my father was a man who didn't bother to raise me, who shipped me off to that backwards family"

"But naoshi made life better, he was the only adult there for me" She stated as she stared at the smiling curse, raising her fist and landing a black flashed square in his healed stomach, sending him into a nearby shop

"But you took that away!"

"You really are an interesting character zenin" The curse smiled as Mayumi confined to slash at him, only for Osore to take at his blade and block her attack, sending her backwards and into a pole, her divine dogs partially emerging and clawing at the curse whilst madoka dear healed her

"Are those pups the best you go—" he was too late to see the bull charging straight at him, and boy did it hit him

"Don't underestimate me" Mayumi spoke as Osore found himself in the crater sukuna had made

His body was mangled and mushed and he'd been sent flying's meeters away from their fight

"Well don't underestimate me!" He grinned, having healed himself and placing his hand on mayumis stomach

What was her worse fear

She saw megumi and tsumiki, their corpse mangled and disfigured

"It's not real" She muttered, gripping into her sword and slashing the curses hand off

"I thought that would be enough" He smiled, taking out another odd weapon that shot sharp razor like object at Mayumi, the zenin trying her best to deflect them all with her blade but one grazing her shoulder

"Shit she muttered" noticing the purple splodge appearing

"They're poisonous, and since I know you don't have reversed cursed techniques it's into a matter of time befo—"

"Watch your mouth" Mayumi spoke, appearing behind him and slashing him back as madoka deer ramnbed its horns though his torso, the zenin forcefully ripping him out of them and proceeding to brutally pummel him

"The deer has reversed cursed technique.." Osore thought as he found himself unable to defend or attack

"I would say this is bad, if..if u hadn't discovered" He smiled, his eyes rolling back to the pint only the whites were visible

"The true essence of my soul! Tatar Foras!!" He yelled, a white light sending Mayumi flying as Osore began to grow in size, taking on a monsterous and nightmare fuel look

His organs began to splash out of his growing torso before being sucked back in, and invisible force stitching them back together as bloody tears streamed down his face, his mask being replaced with a wide smiling set of teeth and an eire cloak

"The fuck?" Mayumi blinked

"What do you think of me now Zenin??" The curse jeered, it's voice sounding even worse than before

"I think you look disgusting" Mayumi stated, lifting up her word

"Hiss great serpent!" She commanded, her sword outstretching and almost connecting with Osores face

It should've

"What happened??"

"You can't reach me can you?" The curse spoke but its mouth did not move

It effortlessly doged each of mayumis attacks, as if it was child's play

"It's useless, you can't reach me. Because you got cold feet"

"Cold feet?" Mayumi repeated

"You're seeing me right?" The curse continued, tilting its body to the side in a creepy manner

"The cells in your body may be inactive at bellow freezing temperatures but your nerves are still active!"

"Tatar foras instils fear in you through your optic nerves!" It stated, its mouth now open but remaining open

No movement

Mayumi found herself in an enclosed space with white padded walls

A domain

His domain

This weren't walls, they were eyes. And each of the millions of eyes began to open and look around

"You see?" Osore laughed "everywhere you look you will see my eyes!"

"Your nerves cannot escape me!" He declared, Mayumi closeting her eyes instinctively

"Closing your eyes will do nothing!" Osore pointed out "Fond memories may last in your heart, but bad memories last even longer!!"

"Just as past fear arise in the dark of night, a fear one experienced will resonate" he stated, Mayumi watching as megumi, tsumiki and naoshis bodies began to deflate and rot, millions of bugs comming out of them "Even stronger in the depths of your brain when you close your eyes!!"

Insects began to crawl up her legs

She could feel them, she could see them

But she could move, she could just scream

"There not picky in fighting! Your fear will eat you alive!!" Osore promised her, Mayumi trying to lift her head up to avoid the bugs

"No ones here to save me! That's fine! I can do this on my own" She reassured herself "I've always been able to do that! So why not now!!" She seethed, bringing her fist together as a last-ditch effort

"With this treas.." She began before she dropped her arms "Who do I look like?" she scoffed "Megumi??"

"Ive always had to fight for what I want and that's made me strong" she concluded

"I think it's better to work for what you want, after all it shows resilience" Tsumiki smiled

"And right now, I want nothing more than to see you exorcised" Mayumi concluded, bringing her hands together

"Domain expansion, Censure of the white haze!"

"She had a domain.." Osore muttered as a white icey mist took over his domain

Her domain was different from other ten shadows users, it was cold, desolate, hazy and dangerous

There were crystal statues of her Shikigami lined up, at the centre standing mayumi who's hair had turned white, paper white along with her clothes and lashes

She looked like an ice witch

"If you couldn't tell" She spoke, walking towards Osore who found himself bound to the frozen shikigami every step she took was like an ice blister being plunged through his heart

"This domain is incomplete"

"I'm scared"

"And you will die by an incomplete domain" She whispered, walking past Osore

"I'm scared"

All that was left of him when the domain was over was his frozen corspe, the top half of his head having been completely taken off

"I don't feel happy that I exorcised you" She mumbled as she kicked the frozen curse down, Osore shattering into millions of different pieces

"I don't feel any sort of positivity" she spoke as she walked towards naoshis corpse

"Because at what cost" She said with teary eyes as she found herself for the first time in a long time allowing herself to cry

"If he saw me crying he would probably stare at me awkwardly" she sniffled "naoshi...I don't want the scarf, I want the only dad I've ever known.."

Her tears felt like they were peircing her skin due to how cold she was, the ice was melting

"Take your time and melt it Mayumi." A familiar voice spoke, Mayumi turning to see Naoshi

She missed him that much that she was imagining him now, how pathetic

"Naoshi.." She muttered

"Don't rush it." He continued

"You have a wonderful domain" he hummed, turning away from the girl and walking off

"Thank you" She said with teary eyes "thank you for being in my life, for giving me a home" She sniffled

He didn't turn back though

He was gone

As Mayumi let the ice defrost she could hear the sound of panicked screams growing closer and closer only for a man, no. A curse, to come running at her

Although the looked like he was running away from someone, something

"Yuji!" She gasped, noticing the male was walking behind the curse

"Mayumi!" Yuji said, breathing a sigh of relief at the fact she was alright

"Geto!" Mahito said as he crawled towards the fake

The use of that name immediately caused Mayumi eyes to widen as she turned around and used her sword to cut the unsuspecting fakes neck

"Impressive" He smiled, healing the wound with ease whilst Mayumi continued to stare at him

"Where's Gojo?" She questioned, the man only taking out a small box with eyes in order to further anger the girl whilst he turned back to the patchface curse

"Shall I save you Mahito?"

"Give him back" Yuji yelled

"In the edo period, people believed there was a mysterious connection between catfish and earthquakes, they believed that a giant catfish moving underground was the cause of earthquakes" Kenjaku explained as both yuji and mayumi found themselves falling only to be in the same place

"Did you think you had fallen? Seen from the side you just suddenly flipped over" Kenjaku explained

"The strength of cursed spirit manipulation lies in the great number of moves at my disposal, I wield multiple cursed spirits of semi grade one and higher and I can just summon more when my opponents solve the cursed techniques and overcome them"

"Of course, I don't have to let that happen, and may simply pile on the attacks" Kenjaku stated sending dark tentacles at Yuji and Mayumi, the Zenin being able to evade most of the tentacles Yuji not being as lucky promoting her to grab onto him and pull him out

"Last year, after the night parade of a hundred demons, if the forces hadn't been divided between shinjuku and Kyoto, he would've won instead of okkotsu" The fake geto smiled

"But I guess you two had nothing to do with it"

"Just give him back.." Yuji muttered

"What do you need from Gojo? Is it just because you know you'd be wiped out if he was here?" Mayumi scoffed, the fake geto giving her an annoyed look before turning back to yuji

"Even I'm impressed" Kenjaku smiled

"sukunas vessle is tough" he hummed avoiding the patchface curses attack

"I knew something wasn't right about you.." Mahito smiled "after all, I am born of humans" He smiled, Mayumi and yuji watching as "suguru geto" absorbed the special grade curse

"Now then" He smiled holding up a glowing blue orb

"Let's discuss, the world to come"

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