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"AYYY, KIT!" Melo exclaimed excitedly as he picked her up in a hug, bringing a slightly happier mood to the otherwise dull and tense environment. LaMelo and his team had lost the championship sadly, and his high school basketball career was over. They spent the whole night talking on the phone, and now here she was, back in Kentucky for the end-of-season / graduation party that his family had thrown for him and the team.

She wanted to be there for his last game but couldn't blow off a gig that her mother had gotten her with Dior. Not with the hook that Yolanda had on her.

"I missed you!" She gushed as the guys around ogled at the gorgeous and famous model walking casually through the front door, glammed out since she had gotten onto the private jet right after the shoot.

She felt everyone's eyes on them. She felt the eyes of the camera crew, and she agreed just this once to let film them as long as they blurred her face out. The eyes of LaVar, Tina, and the grandparents were all speaking with their eyes. The eyes of Gelo, his girlfriend Jaden, and his coach and mentor Jermaine make fun of Melo for "bagging her." But no one could blame them. She was beautiful.

Her naturally dark brunette hair and darker skin that she let tan in the sunβ€”to Yolanda's horrorβ€”gave her a different appearance than her mother and sister's naturally dirty blonde hair and very pale complexions. So, therefore, the word paternity always came into question. Not that she cared. Her father would always just be her father. And she didn't see him that often anyways.

She had been born right after their parent's divorce, so people always thought she was the secret "love child" that caused the divorce, and it was a question she was frequently asked.

But in reality, it was because her parents had freaky breakup sex and couldn't even be bothered to use protection.

"Why are they all watching?" She asked shyly as he shrugged, becoming silent in front of the others. He really only spoke a lot when he was alone with her. She noticed that when she saw him again for the first time. His voice was lower, he was taller, and he wasn't as goofy in front of others as he used to be.

It was almost as if he put up a brick wall where he would casually joke and be cool around others. But Gen knew he wasn't being genuine. That could be what growing up in front of the world did to you. If anyone would know that best, it would be her, Kendall, and Kylie. Her sisters hadn't dealt with the publicity as early in their lives, but they still understood as well.

She had also just returned from Paris with Kylie, Travis, Kim, and Kanye, where she modeled new couture for Louis Vuitton and their friend and designer, Virgil. Even though she couldn't walk because it was only for men's apparel, she still looked good in a bright orange jumpsuit, sitting up front next to Kylie and the others.

When the models were done, and the show was concluding, Virgil walked out as everyone cheered for him, and the first thing he did was hug Gen. She worked with him over the phone on a couple of pieces, and together, along with Kanye, he finished it in time for his Louie Vuitton show.

He sobbed as she pulled him tight, barely holding back tears since she couldn't let her makeup run. It was a day she'd forever have in her heart.

Sitting next to Melo at the table, she couldn't help but laugh at his and Gelo's shocked faces when LaVar surprised them with a spontaneous and unexpected trip to Mexico, saying it would just be them three and no one else. "As a graduation present, you comin' to Mexico with me! Just me, you, and Gelo! Nobody else! We finna have a good time!" He smiled while she could see the other two's internal panic.

They just wanted to get home, be with family, and relax before their busy schedules started again. Especially LaMelo. He knew that with his limited options for what happens next, he was better off being near Gen for as long as he could before practices and games heated up again wherever he went. He wanted to be prepared. And this gave him no time to be.

Melo rubbed his face with both hands as Ginny rubbed his back soothingly. "Why Pops gotta be so stupid, bro." He groaned with an annoyed look, and his anxiety shot through the roof, although nobody but Gen could tell.

"Hey, we'll party when you get back, alright?" She smiled while giggling since they could hear LaVar hyping up the trip in the corner.

"Can you come with me?" He mumbled sadly.

She winced. "Um...this seems more like a family trip. But I'll be there when you get back?"

"Promise?" He held his hand up before they did their handshake.


"Hey!" She gushed, walking into Melo's room a couple weeks later after being let in the house by LaVar. "How was the trip?" She teased, knowing it was probably awkward and tiring since it was just the three of them. He was under the covers in only his shorts and white Nike socks, his long legs sticking out the end of his blanket.

"How you think?" He groaned, rolling over with his eyes glued on his phone as she lay beside him over the covers. "It was ass." She hummed in understanding and ran her hand over his hair.

"Grew out the waves, huh?" She chuckled as he nodded casually.

"Yeah, I wanna twist it soon." Her heart fluttered. He was more muscular, calmer, and his voice was really low with his morning voice. It made her literally wanna kiss him. But she knew that'd ruin their friendship, and plus, he was spoken for still with Ashley, or as she called her, Trashley.

"But y'know, there's...there's tea in the family r'now."

"Tea? What are you, ten?" She chuckled as he jabbed her side jokingly with his hand.

"Y'know Alan, right?"

"Of course I know, Alan; taught me everything I know about the money side of the business."

Melo clicked his tongue against his teeth. "He embezzled something like a million from BBB."

Her heart stopped, and she frowned. "You're joking."

He shook his head, sitting up and throwing his shirt on. "Wish I was. The whole family's torn up about it. And Zo "removed himself" from the brand. It's not looking good."

They sat in silence as she let the severity of the situation soak in. The brand had been started for the boys specifically, and there was no BBB without Zo. "Damn." She sighed as he nodded and buried his head in her stomach, his arms flexing and making her panic. She had never felt like this around Melo, so why now?

"I know."

"Well, what are you gonna do?" She asked, continuing to run her hand through his hair like he loved ( when he didn't have waves or any other style she could ruin with her "long-ass nails").

"Right now? Focus on the next thing; get it done before heading out for the NBA." He shrugged, saying such a lofty goal so casually. "Then I can be with you."

She smacked him lightly on the head. "What are you talking about, you ass?" She chuckled, making him join her.

But he was being for real. He just wouldn't tell her that.

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