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❛ home sweet home ❜

"MIDORIYA?! KIRISHIMA?!" You navigated through the crowded train station alongside Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, desperately searching for the rest of your group. It had been around ten minutes since they last escaped, and you all were beginning to worry. The battle taking place nearby had attracted even more of a dense crowd, making it harder to spot the boys out.

"(L/n), slow down." Todoroki called out, "We need to stick together." You didn't listen. As you scanned the surrounds, you began to griw more anxious by the second.

"There, I see them in that crowd!" Yaoyorozu pointed ahead, and you could just barely make out that familiar head of blonde hair sticking out through the horde of people. You quickly rushed forward, pushing your way past anyone that stood in your way.

"Bakugo!" You cried out. Being able to see him alive and well lifted the weight of guilt off your shoulders. You hated that you weren't able to stop him from being taken. The hot-headed blonde turned his head at your voice, his eyes widening. You crashed into him, wrapping your arms around his torso. He tensed from your sudden embrace, but he didn't make any attempts to push you off. To be honest, your over-the-top reaction had taken him by complete surprise. He was used to bickering with you, he didn't expect you to care much about the lack of his presence.

"I'm fine, you idiot," He said bluntly, awkwardly patting your back in an attempt to comfort you. "Don't be so dramatic." Backing away, you offered a sheepish smile.

"Just glad you're not dead, fireworks..."

"Uh, guys ...." Kirishima ushered toward the
mega screens that were plastered onto the
towering buildings. "Check it out, All Might's on TV but something's seriously wrong ... "


You let out a yawn, untangling the knots from your bed-head as you made your way downstairs. The previous night had been one to remember. All Might's battle against All For One had completely captivated all of Japan. Thankfully, he was the victor, but his true form had been revealed. His once muscular body had turned frail and weak. The All Might the people had grown to love wasn't who he truly was, but nonetheless, the people still cheered him on. Now, you wondered what UA would hold in store for you next.

As you made your way to the kitchen, you searched through the fridge for something to eat. You'd probably just settle for cereal, you were too tired to cook anything. There was chatter coming from the living room, but you chose to ignore it, too tired to deal with anyone this early in the morning.

"(Y/n)," Great, just what you wanted. "Could you come over here, dear?" Retrieving the quarter-filled milk carton from the fridge, you placed it on the counter before heading toward the living room.

Much to your surprise, seated beside your mother was Mr. Aizawa, and All Might in his new form. They sipped on their freshly brewed cups of tea, awaiting your arrival. You've got to admit, you've never seen Mr. Aizawa in such professional attireβ€” but that wasn't important. Whatever they're here for, it couldn't be good.

"U-Uh, hey there, guys..." You stuttered, avoiding eye contact with all three authoritative figures. Luckily, your father wasn't home. "Nice, uh, morning we're having..."

"Take a seat." Your mother ordered. You immediately obliged. It was clear what was going on from the tone of her voice, all you could hope is that you weren't in too much trouble, or didn't get expelled.

She frowned, exchanging glances with the teachers that sat across from you. A bead of sweat dripped from your forehead at the tense atmosphere of the room.

"How could you do something so reckless and stupid?!" She burst into a fit of anger, beaming the couch pillow at your head. You caught the pillow, using it to shield yourself from the next two pillows that she threw.

"Mom, I can explainβ€”!"

"You're lucky you haven't been expelled." Mr. Aizawa interrupted the scene, earning your attention. "Due to the retirement of All Might, we decided to let all that were involved off with a warning. You'll receive a less harsh punishment for your actions. Consider yourself extremely lucky, (L/n)." You lowered your head in embarrassment, followed by a smack on the head from your mother.

"This discussion will continue another day," All Might began. "I'm sure you've received the notice UA sent through the mail discussing the brand new dormitories." Dormitories at UA? How are you just now hearing about this?

"Yes, I've received it." Your mother crossed her arms, leaning back into the couch cushion. "What makes you think these dormitories would be any good, or the school in general, for my daughter? It seems that these villains follow UA students around like clockwork." Your eyes widened. There was no way she was considering taking you out of the program entirely, is there?!

"We have multiple teachers that'll watch over the students at all times," Aizawa explained. "The UA security system has also been upgraded to provide round-the-clock protection alongside the heroes."

"Hm, and what makes you think being around is going to do anything? It hasn't helped the plenty of other times you've all been attacked." All Might stood, earning everyones attention.

"We as heroes promise to protect our students with our lives. We'd hate to lose (L/n) from class 1-A. Her talent is remarkable, and she never fails to step up and protect her classmates when the situation calls for it." All Might lowered his head. "She may have went against our wishes and did something extremely reckless, and we're not exactly allowed to say this as teachers, but what her and the other students did to save their classmate showed us just how selfless of heroes they all will be. These are the kind of students we need in this program. With more training, of course." It was silent as everyone took in what All Might had said. Mr. Aizawa was clearly bothered, but chose to stay silent.

Your mom shared glances with the two teachers, before letting out a defeated sigh. "Hm, well, I'm sick of her hogging all the food in this house anyway. You can take her." You choked out in surprise. Quickly, you wrapped your arms around her, tears spilling from your eyes. She rubbed your back, a smile gracing her face.

"I'm proud of you, kiddo, but if you do something like that again I'm kicking your ass." Gathering their things, Aizawa and All Might and make their way out the front door to the next students house. You couldn't All Might leave without saying something.

"Wait, All Might!" You came stumbling through the front door, quickly slipping on your slippers. He turned at the sound of his name, offering a smile.

"Did you need something?" Falling to your knees, you sobbed as you hugged his legs.

"(L-L/n)?!" He stuttered, wriggling against your grasp. "What're you doing?!"

"Thank you!" You cried. "For what you said about all of us. For believing in usβ€” for believing in me! UA has changed my life, I can't imagine having to leave!" All Might knelt down to your level, patting your head.

"UA wouldn't be the same without your strength and bravery, (L/n). You have a bright future. I can't wait to see how far you go."

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