โ the exam โ
IT WAS FINALLY the last round in the practical exams, meaning it was your teams turn to battle against All Might. 1-A watched in fear for your team, All Might being seen as the most feared teacher to spar against. There was no way a group of students would win against Japans number one hero, right? It was quiet amongst you all as the exam gates opened, revealing the abandoned city you'd be sparring in. You took in the sight of the long road ahead, set on the exit that awaited you at the end.
"Team Midoriya, Bakugo, and (L/n)." The announcer introduced, "Ready, begin!"
Of course, Bakugo was the quickest, leaving both you and Midoriya behind. The two of you exchanged knowing looks, before picking up speed to match that of the ash-blondes.
"Kacchan, please, let's discuss a plan," Midoriya began, walking alongside Bakugo. You trailed closely behind, choosing to keep quiet. "Normally I'd suggest that we assess the villains skill level before choosing to attack or run away, but this is All Might we're up against. Combat against him will be utterly impossible, no matter how many people we have!" Bakugo began to walk faster, grinding his teeth in anger as he tried to ignore Midoriya. You sighed, rubbing your temples in frustration. As much as you had prepared before the exam, there was no amount of notes that could prepare you for dealing with him.
"I don't give a fuck what you think!" He spat. "I'm gonna blast that smile right off his face whether you like it or not." Midoriya reached for Bakugos arm in an attempt to stop him, but was met with a fist to the face. He stumbled backwards and fell into your arms. You had just barely caught him.
Stunned, you watched as Bakugo continued on his own path, uninterested in anything else the two of you had to say. No, you weren't going to let this slide. Maybe Izuku could tolerate his disrespect, but not youโ he pissed you off on the wrong day. Pushing Midoriya to the side, you began to march after the pyro-idiot. "Get your ass back here, Bakugo." He cursed in annoyance, turning back to face you with clenched fists.
"The fuck do you want?!" To be frank, he didn't give a shit what you had to say. He wished both you and the freckled idiot would get lost somewhere so he could face All Might the way he had planned. Bakugo wasn't interested in your shitty over-thought plans. He felt he was being dragged down by the two of you.
"You're seriously being irrational! We have to come up with a strategy or you'll end up ruining everyones chances of passing!" Bakugo furrowed his brows, stepping up to you in a threatening manor. He glared down at you as if you were inferior to himโ you hated that.
"Your best chances of winning are with me on your team." He sneered, too blinded by his arrogance to listen to reason. "I can win this shit by myself, I don't need you or that other shithead's useless quirks!" Without thinking, you shoved Bakugo to the ground, blinded by anger. This. This is exactly why you couldn't be on a team with him. He had a special talent of getting under your skin. Yeah, you didn't interact with the blonde very much, but the few times you have, it always ended in a heated argumentโ and you were never one to back down.
"(L/n), let me handle it!" Izuki yelled, pulling you away from the seething blonde. Those crimson-red eyes glared daggers into you as he pushed himself up from the concrete. Snatching your arm from Izuku's grip, you lunged forward, tackling Katsuki back to the ground. This was so unlike you. You and Bakugo began to scrap on the ground, ignoring Midoriya's pleasโ that is, until a violent wind came blasting through the street. The extreme force sent the three of you scrambling across the concrete, struggling to make anything out through the thick debris.
"If you continue to treat this as if it isn't a real fight, you'll be sorry." As the dust cleared from the air, the muscular pro-hero came into view. He glared, his blue eyes menacing. "I'm the villain here, remember that." Midoriya took in a sharp breath, before quickly turning and fleeing from the scene. "There's no way we'll win, we have to run!"
Scoffing, Katsuki ignored his warning. He began sprinting toward All Might with a crackling palm.
"Don't underestimate me!" Bakugo yelled. You quickly gathered yourself and followed Midoriya. You'd have to come up with some kind of plan to winโ and fast. You hated to run away, but on the other hand, battling against a pro-hero wasn't going to end in your favor. Not to mention, your team wasn't exactly the most compatible one here. If anything, your team was the most dysfunctional.
"Don't think I've forgotten about you two," A voice echoed from behind. You and Izuku turned, meeting All Might. God, he was fast. "Do you believe running is the best option?"
"(L/n), stand back!" You took note of his warning, and watched as Izuku powered up his quirk to destroy the concrete beneath him, blinding All Might with the dust from the explosion.
"Nice, Midoriya!" You praised, pumping your fist in excitement. Suddenly, All Might reached through the smoke toward you, but you reacted quickly, doing a backhand spring to avoid the attack.
"Hey, move it!!" You slammed into something firmโ Bakugo! The two of you toppled to the ground, throwing curses at one another for getting in each others way. Rising to your feet, you searched for All Might, only to find him standing above the two of you.
"This team is already disappointing me. Get it together." He scolded. Katsuki moved quickly, but you weren't so lucky. All Might threw a powerful punch, sending you flying into a nearby building. The precise and violent impact knocked the wind from your lungs, and you fell to the ground, struggling to catch your breath. You watched helplessly as Bakugo and Midoriya attempted to hold off against All Might. They managed to land a few hits, only to eventually suffer the same fate as you. In the process, one of Katsuki'd grenade gauntlets were completely destroyed, setting off a devastating explosion that sent debris flying in all directions. You raised your arm to shield your eyes from the dust. Maybe you should invest in some goggles after this match. Suddenly, another hand reached out to grab youโ thankfully, it was Midoriya. Tossing your arm over his shoulder, he led you away from All Might, who was stuck in the core of the wreckage. The impact of the attack left you momentarily stunned, and if it wasn't for him, you'd have a tough time growing distance between yourself and the pro-hero.
"He'll catch up with us soon, we can't make it all the way to the exit in time!" Izuku exclaimed as he followed closely behind Bakugo. The blonde scoffed.
"When he catches up, I'll blast the fucker with my other gauntlet!" In the blink of an eye, said pro-hero appeared beside you, grasping on to Bakugo's gauntlet and crushing it with the sheer force of his hand. You all backed away quickly, getting as much distance as possible.
"Listen, Bakugo," You started, taking your arm from around Midoriya's shoulder. Your body hurt like hell, but you had to push through if you wanted to pass. "It may sound weird, but I need you to blast me with your quirk."
"How the fuck is that useless shit going to help us?!" He yelled in annoyance. Midoriya took a second to think over the previous notes he'd taken on your quirk, before nodding.
"When (L/n) ingests fire, her attacks become stronger. Since your gauntlet was destroyed, we could use her power to our advantage!"
Quirk; Flame
This quirk is able to grant (Y/n) pyrokinetic abilities. She is capable of generating and manipulating flames at will, and can even change the temperature of the flames. If flames are ingested, she can create an even larger attack. The major drawback of this quirk is her body. Overusing the flames will raise her body temperature to dangerous levels, and if overused in powerful attacks, or drawn-out battles, can impair her physical abilitiesโ including causing painful burns to her own skin.
BAKUGO GRITTED HIS teeth in anger. He hated not being in the lead. If you idiots had just listened from the beginning, you all wouldn't be in this situation. You would've passed by now! "We're not doing that shit. Just head for the exit and I'll handle All Might myself." You blinked, before letting out a laugh.
"You'll handle him?!" You mocked, earning a death-glare from the hothead. "Like you handled him and got your ass kicked five minutes ago? If we want to pass, we need to work together! We won't get anywhere working by ourselves! Get your head out of your ass andโ" Bakugo raised his palm to your face, setting off a large explosion that took you completely off guard. You stumbled backwards, but quickly found your footing, ingesting the flames that surrounded you.
"You fuckin' happy?" He spat, earning a deadly glare from none other than yourself. If looks could kill, the kid would be dead. You shot up the middle-finger, to which he simply rolled his eyes. Izuku let out a deep sigh, longing for this disaster of an exam to come to an end.
"Once I attack, I'll be out of commission. I've been working on my ultimate attack, but it uses up most of my energy. I'll need one of you to help me to the exit!" Izuku nodded in understanding, while Katsuki simply rolled his eyes. He honestly didn't care.
"Did you forget about me?" All Might questioned, drawing near. Turning toward the voice, you created a funnel shape with your hands, placing it against your mouth. You took in a deep, sharp breath, your chest beginning to heat up at a faster rate than normal. Your cheeks grew extremely hot, and you began to sweat. You'd have to put everything into this attack. Your teammates were counting on you!
A gigantic wave of fire burst from your mouth, engulfing the entire street into a fiery pit of hell. You felt parts of your suit beginning to burn from the attack. You had initially designed your suit to handle heat, but this was the most powerful attack you had ever attempted. You figured you'll have to tweak the design. All Might cried out in surprise from the attack, temporarily stunted. As you stumbled backward, a strong arm wrapped itself around your waist.
"Not terrible..." The voice muttered, and you felt yourself let out a raspy chuckle. Wrapping your arms around Bakugo for support, you looked back, the smoke beginning to dissipate, revealing All Might. He spotted the three of you, and began to head towsrd you. Please, reach the gate in time!
Just seconds before All Might could reach the three of you, you slipped passed the gate, reaching the end of the exam.
"Team Midoriya, Bakugo, and (L/n) passed the exam!"
Once you all had settled, you let go of Bakugo,
your knee's trembling from the immense strength used to hold All Might back. You
stumbled forward, but caught yourself on a nearby tree.
"We did it..." You spoke in-between coughs. Your chest burned with every word you spoke. You'd have to practice that ultimate move if you wanted to use it against an actual villain. Izuku sent you a large smile smile, while Bakugo simply nodded, looking away.
"I've never seen you attempt something so powerful," Midoriya beamed, "That was amazing!" Suddenly, his brows twisted worryingly. Your body swayed, and you felt your heart-rate increasing. You then clutched your chest, letting out a pained breath. Your vision became blotchy, and you felt yourself beginning to lose consciousness. You still managed to let out one last remark.
"Heh, how's that for useless, you motherf ..."
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