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❛ work studies ❜

AFTER YOUR RETURN from the beach house, you landed yourselves a scolding from Aizawa. Thankfully, you weren't charged for your overnight stay, which was one less thing to worry about. Due to the fact that work studies were beginning again, Aizawa decided to hold off on your punishments until further notice. Since your original pro-hero Hawks had been drowning in hero work, you were placed with Endeavor, the number-one hero. Luckily for you, both Bakugo and Todoroki would be accompanying you. Great, what are the odds. Midoriya would be there to ease the awkward tension, at least.

Once you arrived in Tokyo, the four of you stepped off on the train, taking in your surroundings. Endeavor had quite the agency; it being a large skyscraper with dozens of floors. You adjusted your scarf, taking in the view. The pro-hero stood outside of the building, offering the four of you a forced smile.

"Welcome to the Endeavor Agency," He then scowled. "I can't believe I have to train you." Endeavor's eyes trailed over you for a brief moment, before he continued.

"I'd rather be working solely with Shoto, but I reluctantly took you all in as a favor to him. Even you, (L/n). I don't normally condone couples working together, it's unprofessional. This won't happen again. Make sure to keep up with me, I won't be slowing down for anyone." You and Todoroki cringed at how disrespectful he was. Endeavor was still an asshole, not much changed from the last time you spoke with him.

"She isn't my girlfriend." Todoroki spat. "And you already agreed to take them in, stop complaining." Bakugo huffed, earning their attention.

"You're a jerk." He said, shifting the gray bag that hung from his shoulder. His comment took Endeavor by surprise. "But if I can see how the top hero works, I don't really care." This angered the pro-hero, making you giggle under your breath. You and Bakugo exchanged amused looks.

"We appreciate you taking us in, sir." Midoriya bowed, showing respect to the Endeavor. "Thank you for this opportunity!" You scoffed, rolling your eyes. There isn't a world where you'd bow down to Endeavor, of all people. He's always been an asshole, whether you were Shoto's girlfriend or not.

"Shoto, I didn't know you were friends with such a delinquent." The pro-hero exclaimed. "And (L/n), I see you're still as rude as ever." Your face twisted into an expression of annoyance, but you remained silent. You were in enough trouble already, you didn't need another reason added to the list.

Without warning, Endeavor propelled himself down the street with a powerful blast, taking you all by surprise. Shit, he wasn't joking when he warned the four of you to keep up. Wasting no time, the four of you used your quirks to chase after the pro-hero, navigating your way through the civilians and vehicles. Endeavor's number-one hero status showed with his reaction time, as well as his strength. He headed toward the villain before anyone was aware of there being one.

"Hawks?!" The pro-hero came to a halt, finding the number-two hero already at the scene of the crime. Walking away from the scene, Hawks waved, offering a goofy smile.

"Hey, guys!" He then turned toward you, his smile widening. "Hey, there's my girl! How's it going with Endeavor?! I'm sorry I couldn't take you and Tokoyami in again, it's been busy." You gave him a dissatisfied look, to which he completely understood. He chuckled slightly, mouthing a 'sorry'.

"Why didn't you tell me you were on your way to the scene?!" Endeavor exclaimed, upset with the pro-hero. Hawks sighed, shrugging in response.

"I was already in the area. I figured I'd just handle it myself." For two pro-heroes that worked together quite frequently, they sure seemed to dislike one another. There wasn't a day that went by during your work-studies with Hawk that he wouldn't complain about Endeavor. They couldn't be more different in their style of hero-work. Endeavor sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, becoming more agitated. This was going to be the longest work-studies experience of your life.


After a while of patrolling, Endeavor decided to work closely alongside Midoriya to help him better understand his quirk. You, Todoroki, Bakugo and Endeavor's sidekick, Burnin', were ordered to continue patrolling the streets of Tokyo, keeping them as villain-free as possible. It's been hours since then, and the three of you were perched at the edge of sky-scraper, growing bored with the lack of action.

"Holy shit, you won't believe this." Bakugo spoke, letting out a dramatic gasp.

"What?!" Burnin' exclaimed, analyzing the distance for any possible danger.

"Nothin'." Bakugo muttered, kicking the ground. He earned an annoyed glare from the sidekick.

"Do you think we could patrol somewhere else?" You questioned, letting out an exhausted yawn. "I'm going to fall asleep if I sit here any longer." Burnin' sighed in annoyance. Pointing to Bakugo and Todoroki, she shooed them away.

"You two; go check out our last patrol post. I'll take (L/n) somewhere else." The two exchanged disapproving glances, before heading in the direction of the last post. You followed after Burnin', heading to another patrol post you had checked out a few hours earlier. You knew hero work wouldn't always be action-packed, but damn this was boring.

"It may seem like Endeavor has something against you," Burnin' began, "But he's always a jerk. Before you arrived, he was saying some pretty positive things about you. Don't be hard on yourself." You smiled, not knowing Endeavor had it in his to be a nice guy. You still didn't like him, but it was nice to know he recognized your talents.

You and Burnin' spent the next hour patrolling the area, and once again, there weren't any villains. Of course, this was good news, but you were expecting a bit more action from your work-studies. Since there wasn't any criminal activity to worry about, the two of you decided to stop for lunch, ordering yourselves two bowls of ramen.

"Watch my bowl," Burnin said, getting up from her seat to walk to the door. "I'll look for the boys and bring em' back, we all deserve to eat after today!" You nodded, slurping your noodles down as you watched Burnin' take off. You were glad she offered to take you before searching for them. You were starving. The part of Tokyo you were in wasn't very populated, and the restaurant was practically empty. It was peaceful, and before you knew it, ten minutes had passed, and you finished your noodles.

"Hm, her bowl is getting cold." You muttered, staring at the pro-heroes bowl that was left behind. "What's taking them so long?" You swung around in your chair, swinging your legs as you whistled thoughtlessly. You weren't sure what to do while the pro-hero was gone. Maybe you'd order another bowl?

"(L/N)!!" Burnin' bursted through the ramen shop doors, taking you by surprise. The door collided against the wall, nearby breaking off the hinges. She panted as she held the door frame, looking disheveled. "It's Bakugo and Todorokiβ€” they're fighting! We have to goβ€” NOW!!" Your eyes widened as you shot up from your seat, the pro-heroes untouched ramen almost spilling over. You dashed out the door, following her to this supposed fight.

"Godβ€” I leave them alone for one second! I can't believe this shit!" Burnin' continued to mutter to herself, disappointed by the boys actions. You couldn't believe Todoroki and Bakugo would go so far as to fight during work-studies. You knew they didn't like each other, but jesus, they couldn't pick any other time?! As you turned the corner, you were blasted by a frosty wind from Todoroki's quirk. You squinted through the ice, spotting them in the distance. Todoroki and Bakugo exchanged heavy blows, their quirks causing destruction around them. Your heart droppedβ€” what on earth was going on?!

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