β provisional licensing exam: final part β
"(Y/N)?! (Y/N), GET up!" Your eyes fluttered open, revealing that bubble-gum pink hair you were all too familiar with. "You were knocked out for a few minutes. Can you move?" Mina huffed as she draped your arm over her shoulder, running beside many of your fellow 1-A classmates. They each held an injured bystander in their arms, heading toward another nearby first-aid station that wasn't overrun with villains. Retracting your arm from across her shoulder, you began to run beside her. A few parts of your body were still numb from Gang Orca's attack, but you could manage on your own.
"I'm fine, what's going on?!" You glanced backward, spotting a group of villains hot on your trail. Well, that explains it.
"They're getting closer!" Ojiro yelled. Gang Orca's henchmen were growing too close for comfort. They were catching up every passing second. Nearby buildings were collapsing, and a raging ball of fire was beginning to grow from far away. It was a chaotic sight, and there wasn't much anyone could do about the villains. Most of the students hands were full of injured citizens, leaving them no way to fight back. You had to actβ and fast. Stopping in your tracks, you turned toward the villains, both of your hands engulfing into bright flames.
"You all keep going, I'll hold them off until then!" Nodding in understanding, your classmates continued on their path, holding the bystanders well-being as top priority. You weren't able to do much in your injured state, but nonetheless, you'd try your best. Swatting your fiery hands, you created bursts of flames that kept the villains at a safe distance, and gave enough time for your classmates to escape. You'd have to stay on the defense, considering your offense was a bit shaky from the previous attack. You wouldn't be able to achieve your full power at this state.
"Enough of this!" A villain yelled, before reaching through the flames for your arm. His suit was scorched from the heat, but he continued his efforts and pushed you to the ground. You landed harshly against the concrete, gasping for air. You were winded from the impact of hitting the ground, causing your flames to extinguish. The villain retracted his hand to strike. As soon as you raised your arms up in defense, a buzzer went off, signaling the end of the exam.
"So, yeah, all of the HUC bystanders that were employed have now been rescued from the disaster zone. That's it, exam's over. As of now, you're free to exit the exam area and change into your regular clothes." Jeez, just in time. You let out a sigh of relief as you fell back against the ground. What a day it has been ...
"Ohh, I'm so excited, I wonder if we all passed?!" Denki exclaimed, adjusting his tie as he joined the group of 1-A students. You stood around with your class, awaiting the results of the exam. Your fellow classmates had informed you on what had took place while you were unconscious. Apparently and the strange student from before had argued mid-battle, and almost injured another fellow student in the process. Todoroki had stood a distance away from the class, not interested in making any small talk.
"Yeah, I hope we all passed .." You muttered to yourself. As those words left your mouth, Yaoyorozu approached Todoroki, striking a conversation. You quickly looked away, immersing yourself into the students that surrounded you. Iida and Midoriya were discussing their experience during the exam. You smiled, doing your best to tune in to what they were saying.
"Alright, students, it's time for the results to be revealed. The results of those who passed will be displayed on the screen ahead." The chattering died down as students focused on the screen, reading the results. You realized just how many students had passed. As your eyes trailed over many students names, you finally found yours. Sighing, you felt at ease. It was finally over.
"I passed!" Jiro exclaimed, jumping in excitment. Mineta grinned, pumping his fist.
"YES, I PASSED!!" He screeched. The majority of 1-A began celebrating where they stood, ecstatic that they had passed. Midoriya then grew quiet, staring at the screen once again.
"Uh, where's Kacchan?" He whispered. Everyone looked back at Bakugo, who stood in silence. His mouth was agape as he stared at the screen. Denki chuckled, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"Well, I guess you should've been more careful on how you spoke to theβ" The deadly glare that Bakugo shot him made him stop talking.
"I failed." Todoroki suddenly spoke up nearby. All eyes turned toward him. It was completely backwardsβ two of the most talented students in the class had failed. The Shiketsu student that Todoroki had argued with began to appraoch him. They stared at one another, before the student bowed, slamming his head into the ground. Seriously, is this guy alright?
"I apologize!" He yelled. "I shouldn't have been so narrow-minded. I costed us the licensing exam!" Todoroki shook his head.
"No, I'm the one that got us off on the wrong foot." He admitted, feeling a bit embarassed. "I apologize for how I acted."
The announcer began to speak. "Now, we'll be handing out for exam results. It includes a breakdown on your scores, so you'll be informed on just what you need to improve going forward." A multitude of arena workers began passing out results sheets to each and every class. As you received yours, you read through your score.
"An 80, not bad." You nodded in approval. Iida showed you his own paper.
"I got the same score, excellent!" Midoriya frowned at his paper.
"I got a 71. I got docked for some things I said in the beginning for the exam." Everyone began discussing their scores with one another. Most of 1-A got very high scores, Yaoyorozu receiving the highest, which was a 94. You were proud of your class.
"Moving forward, those who passed can exercise the same authority as pro-heroes, but only during emergencies. You may fight villains, save victims, and act using no direct orders. Be mindful, your actions carry deep responsibility toward bettering society. The world is watching you. Unfortunately, with All Might currently out of commission as a pro-hero, crime rates have been on the rise. Things have been changing drastically, and you young heroes are our hope for the future. Remember, the license that you've earned today is only provisional, and you still have much to do going forward. For those who fell short and did not pass, we offer you a chance to redeem yourself. We offer a three month long course, and if you pass the given test, you can receive your provisional license." Those who had previously failed began cheering at this information. "We see potential in each and every one of you standing here. We're going to need as many kind-hearted pro-heroes as we can get. This course will keep you busy, seeing as it runs throughout the time you take your normal studies."
"This is great, Todoroki!" Midoriya smiled, rubbing his back. "You'll get yiur license in no time! You'll do great!" Todoroki nodded, offering a smile.
"Yes, it is." His eyes then trailed toward you, and you couldn't help but smile. Even though things were weird between you, you couldn't help but wish him the best. You're confident he'll receive his provisional license in no time.
"Ahh, it's beautiful." Midoriya looked down at his newly-appointed provisional license, shedding at tear at the sight. Uraraka chuckled, patting his back.
"Are you crying, Deku?" He quickly shoot his head, wiping away the evidence from his face. Giggling, you looked down at your own provisional license. It was a sight to see, and you couldn't help but shed a tear as well. You've come so far, you were nothing but proud of the hero you were becoming.
"Don't cry, (L/n)!" Kirishima laughed, putting his arm around your shoulder. "Cheer up, you did great today." He offered a bright smile, showing off his own provisional license. You laughed, pushing him away. Although two of your classmates had failed, this was a day to celebrate. You were all one step closer to becoming pro-heroes.
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