xxiv. family genes

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I am now standing at Peter's door step, a nervous exhale leaving my mouth.

I then surprisingly build up the courage to knock at the door, before hearing the sound of footsteps walking closer, filling up my senses.

The door opens, revealing Aunt May, with a food tray present in her hand.

"Oh dear, hello!" Aunt May exclaims excitedly, as she quickly opens the door wide open, inviting me in.

"Peter will be here in some time soon. You know, he's doing his Peter Parker stuff at the current moment"

"Oh sure, no worries. I'll wait for him outside"

"Are you sure? It's getting dark"

"Yeah, yeah" I shrug it off, nodding my head. "I'll be here, it's alright"

Aunt May offers me a smile, shutting the door behind me, as I jog my way to the front porch.

I sit down, dropping my head into my both hands.

"Irene" Aunt May then calls out, opening the door again. "I could use some help"

I smile at the lady looking down at me and get up, following her in.

The smell of muffins fills in my nostrils, making me realize how much I'm starving right now.

"What can I help you with?"

"How about you put on the chocolate pudding on the cupcakes right there?" she asks, pointing to the muffins on the counter.

I make my way to get the pudding, and to the counter I go.

Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all.

"I always loved cooking, I just never had someone to do it with" I tell Aunt May, who was walking around the kitchen busily.

She chuckes at my confession, and makes her way next to me, putting down some more muffins on the table.

"You're most welcome at any time, to pass by my kitchen and lend me a hand" Aunt May smiles, giving my back a pat.

I focus on the muffins in front of me, as I spread the chocolate pudding around them.

"I bet you, Peter would gladly eat all the muffins if he knows that you helped" the lady jokes, pointing out to the sweets in my hands. "His uncle Ben once did it"

I chuckle at Aunt May's words and shrug my shoulders. "Maybe it's genetic"

"Oh dear, it is, trust me" she unexpectedly admits, a smirk creeping up upon her face.

Aunt May puts the other muffins in the stove, closing on them, before turning to face me. "You know, I haven't seen Peter that happy in a while"

My hands stop their work, and I slowly raise my eyes to the lady's level.

"I realized from a young age, that sometimes, there's more than what simply meets the eye" Aunt May points out, looking at my direction.

"For as far as I was concerned, Peter has been my boy. And he always will. A mother can always sense her child's emotions from the eyes"

"Peter was grieving for a good while before you came along, changing it all. And when it comes to me, I'd do anything to see my boy smile, just like he used to" Aunt May concludes, a small smile clear on her face.

"I said what just needed to be said" she then adds, getting up and to her work again.

Maybe it's too late for me to take a step back, when I've already stepped through the solide area.


Aunt May was now sprinting around the kitchen again, taking care of her own space.

"We're almost done here, you can now go wait for Peter outside" the lady speaks up from the other side of the room, and I nod in approval.

I directly wash my hands at the sink, pushing my way to the front door again.

I go back to my previous position, sitting down on the porch.

Maybe it's too late to go back now, when I've already sailed to the middle of the ocean.

I then directly snap my head back up, as I hear a creak on the ground.

I feel my face tensing up, and I inspect the area around me, sensing a presence next to me.


I call out again, taking a defensive pose, and I directly turn my head back, only to be met with a pair of green eyes.


Just a black cat.

Goddamn, I thought it was a bughead.

I then definitely did not expect to see a flying book bolting in my direction.

I directly duck down, missing the book.

"I knew it" I smirk, as I get to my feet again. "Try again, Peter Parker!"

Well he did try again.

I gasp as I feel a sticky substance gluing my hands right above my head, pinning me to the wall.

"Fuck!" I shriek out, shaking my hands at the fastest rhythm possible. "Let me go!"

Peter's webs were surprisingly too strong, like nothing I've seen before. Not even the Peter from my universe has the same kind of webs.

Peter then slowly glides himself down, so now he's facing me, upside down, as he webs himself from the highest ceiling point.

"I knew you'd be back" he whispers into my ear, and I take a deep inhale, focusing on my breath.

"Where have you been?" he scoffs, his one finger tracing the area around the smooth webs stuck on my hand.

Oh my God.

His touch. His touch was driving me insane.

"You disappeared for a couple of days, out of nowhere. What happened?"

I let out a shaky laugh, and furrow my eyebrows. "A lot happened. And you unwebbing me would solve, ninety nine of them" I reply, between heavy breaths.

"Mhm, what are you gonna do about it?" he teases, folding his arms while examining my face, curiously.

"Maybe a small hex could do the job" I mumble, as he looks into my eyes; still hanging upside down.

Peter taunts, clearly feeling proud of being in control. "Why so brave when seeing who has and will always have the upper hand?"

Stop it goddamn it.

"Always?" I scoff, my voice not cracking once. I was actually proud of that fact. "You wish, Peter Parker"

He smirks down at me, his eyes traveling between my pinned hands and my eyes. "We'll see about that"

"How about you shut up and unweb me already?" I rant, rolling my eyes at the boy hanging above me.

"Just like that?" Peter huffs. "Nah, there's gotta be something worth unwebbing you"

"Like what?" I falter uncertainly, tilting my head to the side in curiosity.

"Kiss me"

I pause, my brain making a new connection. What was that?Β 

Fuck, Peter.

"Aw, you're blushing" the boy mocks, now licking his lips, looking fixedly into my eyes.

"Am not" I assure him, shaking my head.

Peter tucks a strand of my hair gently, poking the smooth skin of my cheeck in process.

"I missed you" he admits, a chuckle escaping his lips, and into the crook of my neck.

"Tell me that again"

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