xvii. beginning of an adventure

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The light of dawn seeped into my eyes, with the golden disk pouring over.

Maybe sungazing was not a bad idea after all.

I stare at the sky above me, observing the shades, colors, and the different patterns that the clouds create.

"It's really quiet up here" Peter mumbles, laying on the ground, and I slightly turn my head to his direction.

After Peter successfully dragged me throughout the entire college, we ended up on the rooftop, laying down on the cold tiles, watching the whole other world above our heads.

"I have a question" he then starts, breaking the silence between us.

"About yesterday"

My heart pauses for a second, thinking of all the possibilities of what Peter would want to say right now, hoping that it's not something that'll have to ruin the current vibe.

"Because - well, we didn't get the chance to talk properly last night"

Peter pauses for a second, seemingly to adjust his thoughts. "Do you, by any chance, know who might have.. you know"

I directly understood what he was talking about, and relief took over. I was expecting something worse.

"I do not, but" I reply, shaking my head, which was still pointed towards the sky.

"I don't like what's coming"

"Yeah, you shouldn't" I sneer at Peter. "Because, he looked familiar, but also not. If that makes sense"

"It doesn't, but go on"

"He had dark face features, hair and eyes, if I remember correct" I speak up, my mind travelling to the events of the previous night. "He looked like I've seen him before, but, I just have no memory of him"

Peter doesn't say anything, and the space between us is again, filled with questionable silence.

"You're really pretty" Peter then whispers, changing his position so that he's now facing me.

"Can I..?" the brunette starts, pointing to his his camera. "Can I take a photo of you?"

I take a full turn, and our eyes meet, for a moment, but I break it off, after I feel the blood quickly rush into my cheeks, hoping Peter doesn't notice.

But that isn't what matters? I mean, have never in my life blushed, at least not over a bughead.

Peter now has his camera in his hands, and he turns it around, getting closer to me. He slowly adjusts his positions, and I hear him snap some pictures.

"Okay okay, enough" I complain, as I try and cover the Peter's camera with my two hands.

"What?" he chuckles, his eyes squinting from the sun. "You look nice"

"That's not an excuse to snap pictures" I huff, rolling my eyes at the smiling boy.

"It's a video, actually" Peter grins from behind the camera and pushes it to the middle of my face.

I shriek away from him, a laugh escaping my lips. "Keep that thing out of my reach" I threaten, as I crawl away. "I'm warning you, Peter Parker"

He, however, did the opposite.

Peter gets onto his knees and sprints his way to me, as I unconsciously kick around the space, the sun rays blinding my vision.

"Move!" I cry out as I feel Peter holding me back, preventing me from trying to catch his camera.

I, then, luckily get ahold of Peter's features, and I push him hard on the chest. I feel him falling down, moving us away from the sunlight, so that I can now clearly see what was happening.

Peter pulls me down with him, and in a second, he rolls us, putting me just underneath him, his legs on the sides of my hips.

"Do we always end up on the top of each other?" he taunts, a mischievous smirk on his lips.

"Don't falter yourself" I assure him, turning my head sideways, trying my best to avoid staring into his eyes.

Peter stays still in his position, looking down at me. "Have you ever been bitten by a spider, Irene?"

I blink, nearly choking on my own saliva as I take in what he spoke up. "I beg your pardon?"

This can't be a coincidence no more. Peter Parker is flirting. And with me.

Peter grins and shrugs it off as he gets off me, leaving me breathless on the floor.

"This is so wrong" I whisper to myself, my heart beats slowly getting back to their normal rate.

"Yet it feels very, damn, right" Peter mumbles with a tone, from the other side.

I gulp. He saw right through me.

What have you done, Irene, to deserve a person like this one brunette, who successfully bought you back to life?

I squeeze my eyes close, and manage to get myself up, Peter giving his hand for support. "You okay?" the boy queries, in concern.

"Yes. Mhm. I am" I stammer out, shifting my vision to my our feet, and I slowly back away.

But there was something not fully crossed of the list of about what just happend.

"Peter" I start, turning to face the messy haired boy. "Whatever possessed you to do that, should possess you more often"

I walk my way to the stairs leading back to the hallway, a smile slowly creeping onto my lips.

I was greeted by the black tiles and white walls. There are teachers, students. Everything seems pretty normal.

Except for that ringing.

I sprint my way throughout the corridors, pushing past among the peers of the college.

There's something wrong.

My head is pounding loud.

I wanna sit down, I wanna lay down. There's a chair right there, but I don't think I can make it. I feel like I'm going to trip over any second.

My vision is now getting blurry, making it difficult to see, that nothing is clear anymore, and I feel the corners of my eyes dampening.

Then, it was all over.

Suddenly and out of nowhere.

I can see the hallway well, everyone was here, there were people rushing around again, and voices filling in.

Everything was back to usual, except one thing.

The doors are now glossy black, numbered with different beige colors, and the tiles are no longer black.

The hallway doesn't look familiar anymore.

I did it again.

I am lost again.

More clearly, I am alone again.

I'm standing in a busy college, like a ghost. Students walking past me, giving me stares.

I slightly shrug, and tilt my head sideways.

No familiar faces, no familiar surroundings, and most importantly, no familiar Peter.

Maybe I need to find Peter.

Every universe has a Peter Parker, right? Or at least, must have, to balance the equation of the multiverse.

I then start my sprinting by the students, pushing them away and throwing my apologies.

A short intake of breath follows my lips, as I think of Peter, who was left sungazing all alone.

I'm thinking of him, in the middle of an unescorted situation, while he sits up on a roof, all by himself.

I might have done something terrible, again.

What if Peter was searching for me, and thought he lost me? He lost his uncle and suffered a lot, isn't that enough?

He should have never trusted me, and I should've warned him not to get close to me.

But what if he isn't even thinking of me right now? I mean, he once mentioned having a best friend.

He can easily go to her and forget about me, correct? Maybe none of it was real, all along.

I come back to my senses after I walk into a guy wearing an average sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.

"My apologies!" I cry out to him, and hurriedly walk my way past him.

I then suddenly pause in my tracks, my insides sending me an alarm, causing me to directly turn back to the boy I just stumbled across.

"Hi, again" I greet, heavy pants escaping my lips from all the running. "I'm sorry about what previously happend, I was just.. panicking"

"Oh it's alright" the boy admits and offers me a smile, as he looks up to meet my eye level.

He had dark hair, dark eyes, dark face features. Rings any bells? But also not quite familiar for the eye. Could it be -

"Can I help you?" he then asks, slightly waving his hand in my face, to catch my attention.

"Yes, yes, surely you can" I blurt out, nodding my head as my eyes shift around the space. "Do you, by any means, know Peter Parker?"

The boy in front of me raises his eyebrows. "You chose the best person to ask"

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