v. reptiles

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It's been a week since I first woke up in this house, but opening your eyes to Peter's room was still a slightly odd feeling that one should start getting used to.

Peter and I started to bond, mostly because I don't know anyone here, and because I'm his only friend at the moment.

I discovered that recently.

He, however, was still processing the idea of the Gwen Stacy girl being my variant. But in his point of view, I am the variant of Gwen Stacy, which I completely disagree with.

At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but I noticed that everytime I wanna dig further into who Gwen Stacy is, he seems to shut the conversation down.

And I was looking forward to know the real reason behind that.

Peter seemed to still be asleep on the floor after the arguments we have every night like little kids of who should sleep on the bed and who should sleep on the floor. And surely, I won.

But having Peter as the brain between us two, he came up with the idea of switching places every night.

Now here I am getting up from Peter's bed and making my way to the kitchen. Aunt May hasn't left a trace of her existence so I guess she left. I sit down on the kitchen table and pour myself some milk and cereal I found.

It was such a chill morning if it wasn't for the television in front of me. My eyes, however, widen in shock as I look at the screen.

"What the hell is that" I cry out and Peter comes in jogging from his room.

"Good mor- Holy shit!" he shrieks, focusing on the news as he takes my cereal bowl from me and pleases himself with a large spoon of cereal.

"Hey that's my -" I begin to speak before his hand found its way to my mouth. "Be quiet" he whisper-yells furiously. "And do not try licking it" Peter demands.

I traumatized the boy.

We assure you, fellow citizens. There is no need to freak out. Police members from all levels are out in the city, trying their best to prevent any kind of disastrous incidents that we are being exposed to. Stay home and stay safe, and in case of any unnormal signs you feel, keep the police department posted with -

Peter changes the tv channel in a matter of seconds, and the screen displays a footage of a man in jail, turning into some kind of giant dinosaur-ish creature before dissolving in the air like dust.

"Goddamn it. They didn't even mention their savior's name once" Peter snaps "I do 80% of the police jobs and that's how they repay me"

Peter storms off to his room, definitely not noticing the bewildered and confused look on my face. "Peter!"

This boy is a mess I swear.

"Peter!" I bluster, only to be greeted with random noises and crashes from his room. "Peter!"

"Peter. What are you -" I pause as I walk in on Peter ripping his shirt off. "Jesus Christ. Can't you like lock your door or something?"

"Couldn't you just have knocked?" he whisper-yells, with a freaked out look on his face.

"Relax. It's not like it's anything I've never seen before" I taunt as I roll my eyes on his childish actions.

"Uh - I - okay - that's good - I mean - that's - ARGH"

"You're so adorable when you're stuttering" I giggle at the boy in front of me who seemed to be genuinely slapping himself on the inside.

"Anyways. Please get your shit together, calmly and put something on"

"I -um - yes. I need to change to my suit but I just can't -"

"It's under the rug"

He looks at me with a hesitant look on his baby face. "Oh, thanks! You're a life saver" Peter exclaims like the little kid he is. "Leave that for later" I gush.

"How did you find it?"

"Magic" I genuinely smirk.

I close my eyes, focusing on my suit before it's suddenly in my hands. I, although, pretty sure caught Peter's mount slightly drop. I smile in mischief.

"How did you do that?" he stammers. "That thing - that thing. In your hand. It appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?"

"I'm a witch"

He looks at me in disbelief.

"Yes, Parker, a witch. I have green hair and a tall nose and I wear a black dress with a broomstick in my hand in order to break in your room at 3am and turn you into an ugly frog"

"Don't get me wrong tho. Frogs are definitely the cutest creatures to ever exist. But your frog version is the only ugly frog"

And there it was. The boy was too stunned to speak. "So, you're an actual -"

"Witch, yes"

"I was gonna say an idiot but that works too" he teases and his lips form a little smirk.

"Wipe that smirk off your face and take this seriously" I finally assert as I pass from sight and come back in my suit.

It was just a simple black suit with a hood and a mask. It's consisted of black shorts and t-shirt with pair of black knee socks.

"That's so cool. But - but what's that?" he asks, pointing to the two shaped bracelets on my wrists.

I smile at the widow's bite that I was once given. "Well, these are some little fighting helpers that an old friend once supplied me with"

If only you knew how much I missed that old freind.

"It is an electroshock weapon, that, you know, pewpew, throws laser at the target" I explain as I imitate aiming at a target.

Peter looks me up and down with an appreciative smile. "I love that"

"By the way, you're funny if you think you're actually going with me" he taunts coolly.

"You know, I can actually hex your webshooters so they won't work and make you fall on your ass"

"And I can web your hand to the bed so you can never take it off"

"You won't"

"Oh trust me I will" he threatens. "I already did that to Gwen and she - she yelled my name in front of everybody without actually realizing what she just did. It was funny indeed. Good thing no one heard her, though"

I pause, thinking wisely.

"Smart move" he teases.

"Come on. I've fought an enormous purple alien from space once. A dinosaur won't be much of a problem"

Peter looks at me in hesitation. "No. What are your powers anyways?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

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