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You were currently getting ready in your room, Sanzu went out and brought you some clothes, which of course you didn't mind, you were grateful, so here you were wearing your same ol' style, you walked down stairs and saw the two of them sitting on the couches, waiting for you.

''Has the druggie already left?'' You blurted out as you made your way over to them, they glanced up and smiled at you

''Yup'' Rindou nodded as he got up

''You might have pissed him off'' Rindou snickered as he shrugged his shoulder, you rolled your eyes

''His fault for trying to kill me with that disgusting medicine...'' You scoffed in annoyance, Ran chuckled at you

''He gave you a spoon, Y/n, and you gave him a whole ass bottle'' Ran said as he looked at you, You clicked your tongue

''Alright, I'm the bad guy, whatever, let's just go, can't keep emo boss waiting longer now can we?'' You stated smugly as you began to walk out of the door, Ran and Rindou shook their heads

''At this rate, you really will get killed by Mikey...'' Ran yelled as he called after you

''Can't hear you Haitani.....'' You yelled from the front door, the brothers both laughing as they made their way outside too

So then, the three of you got into Ran's car, making your way over to the base. You kept quiet the whole way, until..

''So....when am I going to get my phone back...?'' You asked as you pouted, Ran looked at you through the rear mirror

''Never. We can't risk anything, Y/n. Mikey will give you a phone, but it's strictly monitored, so yeah...'' Ran said, you let out a groan

''Yay....how fun....'' You joked as you leaned your head on the window, Rindou let out a chuckle

''I'm just wondering, where does your confidence come from....like what are you eating?'' Rindou asked as he looked back at you

''I eat healthy cereals, it's packed with nutritious vitamins and minerals that help your brain to work...that's where I get my energy from...you should try some....you dumb jellyfish...'' You joked as you rolled your eyes, Rindou closed his eyes as a vein popped from his forehead

''Call me a jellyfish again and I will kick you out of the moving car'' Rindou growled as you glared at you through the mirror, you let out a soft chuckle

''Please do, I need to do some exercise and sitting down for the last few days ain't doing me any good. I might as well get in shape before your emo boss chops me into pieces'' You blurted out as you leaned back on the seat, all you heard were sighs escaping their mouths

''My head hurts already...why are you so annoying....and stop being sarcastic..'' Rindou mumbled as he held his head, you move forward and pressed your fingers into his head, gently massaging his head

''YAHHH...WHAT THE HELL?!'' Rindou yelled as he was about to slap your hands away, but he stopped immediately when he felt something tingly, you titled your head and smiled at him

''Does that feel better?'' You asked in a soft voice as you continued to massage his head, Rindou had a :0 expression on his face as he felt all the tension in his body vanish, Ran smiled at him

''Y/n, girl, your hands have something in them....my head feels so light...please continue...'' Rindou said softly as he made himself comfortable, slowly closing his eyes. You let out a chuckle as you continue massaging his head, for the rest of the journey




You three had made it back to the base now, as soon as you walked in, you felt so many eyes on you, you could see a figure in the corner of your eyes, a disgusting creature, you walked over to Sanzu and stood besides him, you leaned close.

''Sorry about before....let's just move on okay'' You whispered as you composed yourself, Sanzu glanced down at you, he moved closer and whispered something

''Apology not accepted.'' Sanzu said as he smiled as you, clearly joking about, you stared at him

''F*ck you then.!'' You scoffed as you turned your head the other way, earning a chuckle from him. As all the members were waiting, Mikey walks into the room with Akashi and Waka, he looked straight at you

''Y/n, step forward'' Mikey said, you glanced around and saw the others all looking at you, you nodded and stepped forward

''I want to announce something. Y/n is the newest member of Bonten'' Mikey announced, you stared at him




You looked over at the three that were the most shocked out of them all, Sanzu, Rindou and Ran, you internally giggled. This is perfect man.

''You're making her a member just like that?!'' Sanzu asked in disbelief, you smirked at Sanzu

''Emo boss saw potential in me, that's why, you druggie!'' You whispered to him, clearly enjoying teasing him, Sanzu rolled his eyes.That's right Mikey, you found nothing on me and had to make this decision, it was your only choice..

''Mikey has his reason, Sanzu'' Waka announced as he looked at Sanzu

''But, I want to put Y/n with Sanzu, Rindou and Ran. You four will from now work together'' Mikey announced, your eyes widened as did the three of theirs


''Wait a damn minute....you expect me to work with these three horny f*ckers...? I think not!'' You scoffed as you stared at Mikey in disbelief, but Mikey stared at you

''It's an order, Y/n. You best do well to obey my orders.'' Mikey growled low as he stared right into your soul, you closed your eyes in frustration

''Why can't I atleast decide who I wanna work with....atleast give me my rightful freedom'' You mumbled as you pouted

''You don't get any freedom, Y/n'' Koko spoke up, you glanced at him

''Shut up, Kokonut! I want Mikey to answer'' You scoffed as you rolled your eyes, you shifted your attention to Mikey, waiting patiently for him, but he stayed silent

''I already told you what is going to happen. You either listen or you die. Simple'' Mikey said, you let out a sigh


''If I'm working with these thirsty f*ckers then I need you to tell them to not even try to do anything with me....or else I will be the one who will end up murdering them...'' You said on a serious note as you looked at Mikey, he nodded

''They should already know what happens if they don't listen to me. Welcome to the group, Y/n'' Mikey said before he turned around and left the room, you nodded. You looked over at Sanzu and saw him smirking

''Looks like you really are stuck with me, princess~'' Sanzu cooed gently as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, you pushed him off

''Whatever. I guess...I look forward to working with you all now....'' You mumbled as you stared at the rest in the room, you glared at one person in particular, however unbeknownst to you, someone saw this


Mikey was current in his room, on his laptop, Koko was sitting opposite him, also on his laptop. Ever since they met you, they were on to get information on you.

"Mikey, there is literally nothing on this woman. There is nothing about her family, her background, zilch" Koko let out a sigh as he closed his laptop,

"Her driver licence is the only thing we have on her in terms of her ID. What should we do now...?" Koko asked, Mikey looked up at him

"She joins us, simple. This woman is dangerous, I know. So the best bet is that we invite her into Bonten and make her a permanent member" Mikey announced, Koko nodded slowly in understanding

"We need to monitor what she is doing. Give her the phone that we all use to call each other on and let's see where this leads." Mikey added further as he got up and started walking to the door, he stopped just before the exit

"Bonten may need her help in the future" Was all Mikey said before he walked out

To be continued...

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