10. The Library

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"And it gets worse
before it gets BETTER
That's one thing that
I have come to KNOW"

-do not wait, wallows

"so why do we need their help?" isaac asked as they walked through the warehouse.

"because it's harder to kill than i thought and i still don't know who it is." derek said

"and they do?" isaac asked. sasha made sure his heartbeat was steady. she made him promise that he wouldn't tell derek that it was jackson until she said he was allowed to. for some reason he didn't question the girl, whatever it was she was grateful for it.

"which is why i need one of you to get on their good side."

"and what am i exactly?" sasha asked.

"you need help"

"help? please i dont-"

"you just got a restraining order from jackson so yes you need help."

"hmm, scott or stiles?" erica asked

"either." derek faked smiled at the girl

"you know the full moons coming derek."

"i'm aware of that." derek opened a large trunk and pulled out a load of chains.

"my, these look comfortable." erica picked up a handful of different restraints.

"you said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted." isaac gave out

"there hasn't been time." derek said, continuing to empty the chest.

"but if you have to lock us up during the full moon that means you're alone against the argents."

"once again, i am here!" sasha gave out

"they haven't found us." derek ignored her

"yet!" sasha added

"how about we forget the kanima?" isaac suggested.

"we can't!" derek shouted. "but there was something about the way gerard looked at it. he wasn't afraid...at all. i don't know what he knows or what's he planning. but i'm sure about one thing. we have to find it first."


sasha pushed through the crowd gathering in the corridor to see their chemistry teacher giving out to a panting scott, allison, stiles, a shirtless jackson and erica. she steeped out of the crowd, " what's going on?" she stood beside allison who was nervously fiddling with her necklace.

"you dropped this" matt held out a tablet that their teacher snatched of him.

"you and you..." he pointed betweeen scott and jackson. "actually, all of you, detention. three o'clock."

"what? i didn't do anything!" sasha defended her self

"i suggest you be quiet ms. hale unless you want a double."

sasha sighed heavily and leaned against the wall. the teacher stormed away.

"okay someone tell me what the hell just happened?" sasha asked the group who were all hanging their heads.


"we can't be in detention together." jackson complained to the teacher as they sat down in the library, sasha sitting at a table with erica scott and stiles. "i have a restraining order against these tools."

"all of these tools?"

"no just us tools." stiles pointed to him, scott and sasha.

"alright fine. you three, over there." he pointed to the other table. the three of them got up, swung their bags over their shoulder and walked over to the table.

"i'm gonna kill him." scott said

"i'll join." sasha sighed.

"no! neither of yous will be doing any killing. you're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him." stiles said

"why exactly?" sasha groaned

"you know, i think you've been spending to much time with isaac." stiles gave out to her

"nope. she's right let's kill him." scott nodded

"hey, what if it's matt? i mean this whole thing comes back to the video right?" stiles thought out load

"danny said that matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing." scott explained

"exactly! he's trying to throw suspicion off himself."

"stiles you could easily say that about anyone. heck! what if it's me and this is just all an elaborate plan to kill yous all?" sasha wiggled her eyebrows

"you really scare me sometimes you know that?"

"why thank you!"

"so he makes jackson kill isaacs dad, one of argents hundreds, and the mechanic workin on your jeep?" scott asked.




"because..." sasha waited for stiles to finish his sentence.

"he's evil." they looked over to matt who placed a chip into his mouth, crunching loudly.

"you just don't like him."

"the guy bugs me. i don't know what it is."

"the hair? the questionable fashion choices? the camera? his face? how loudly he's eating?" sasha offered. they looked back over as he offered jackson a crisp.

"any other theories?" scott sighed. suddenly jackson stood up and walked towards the door, holding his head in his hands.

"i'm going to the toilet."

"you okay? hey you don't look so good." the teacher asked him as he walked by.

"i just need to get some water."

the teacher got up from his desk. "no one leaves their seats." he ordered before walking out the door, following jackson.

as soon as the door clicked shut, scott stiles and sasha got up and ran to the table where erica was sitting reading a book.

"stiles says you know how jackson's parents died." scott said

"maybe." erica sighed


erica shut her notebook at placed it on the table. "it was a car accident. my dad was the insurance investigator and every time he sees jackson drive by in his porsche he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18."

"so not only is jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?" stiles asked


"okay how is life fair? my parents died, i get thrown in and out of shitty foster homes, but jackson gets adopted by a fancy rich family and will become even richer." sasha sighed

"you know what?" erica sat up, opening her laptop.Β  "i could try to find the insurance report in my dads inbox. he keeps everything." erica started typing while the three waited nervously running low on time.

"scott mc call please report to the principals office."


stiles and sasha were sitting around erica when the teacher and jackson walked back in but they paid no attention to them.

"the estimated time of death, 9:26 pm, june 14, 1995" erica read out.

"jackson's birthday is june 15th" stiles said

"how is that even possible?" sasha asked

the teacher zipped his bag loudly and stood up. the students all looked at him, also standing up. he started laughing, "oh, no i'm sorry. uh yes i'm leaving. but none of you are. you may go when you're done with the reshelving. enjoy the rest of your evening." he walked out the door as the kids dropped back down to their seats.


"it means he was born after his mom died by c section. they had to pull him out of her dead body." stiles explains to allison scott and sasha between bookshelves.

"so was it an accident or not?" allison asked

"the word all over the report is inconclusive."

"then his parents could have been murdered?" scott said

"if they were then it falls in line with the kanima myth. you know? it seeks out and kills murderers."

"is that for jackson or the person who's controlling him?" sasha pointed out.

scott sighed before moving out into the isles "we have to talk to him. we have to tell him."

"he's not gonna..." allison tried to stop him but he was already gone.

after a few second, a loud noise filled the air and the kanima jumped from bookshelf to bookshelf, hitting all the lights, sending sparks everywhere. stiles and allison ducked down onto the ground to shield themselves while sasha ran to where scott was.

suddenly erica roared in pain. "erica!" sasha yelled out for her friend. there was no answer. her and scott backed out from the row of shelves. they froze as they saw jackson standing beside them, half in kanima form.

he charged at scott, sending him flying into a book cart. sasha ran over to scott to help him up. he groaned in pain as she pulled him up back into the row of bookshelves with stiles and allison.

they watched as jackson stood in the middle of the room beside a chalkboard. the boy limply raised his arm and started writing in the board before dropping his hand back to his side and lowered his hand, as if he was a robot that ran out of battery. sasha looked back at the board and read out the words.

"stay out of my way or i'll kill all of you."

suddenly jackson moved, jumping up to the windows along the top of the room, shattering them and diving out.

the four stood up and walked towards the board, in shock of what was after happening. stiles ran into one of the other rows dropping to the ground beside a seizing erica and picking her up in his arms. . "hey hey hey hey! i think she's having a seizure."

sasha and scott ran towards the girl while allison ran into a different row to check on matt. "he's alive." allisons voice came.

"what do we do?" sasha panicked looking back at erica.

"we need to get her to a hospital." stiles said.

"d-derek, only to derek." erica stammered.

"when we get her to the hospital-" scott began explained to allison until erica intruppeted saying to derek again.

"go." allison said causing scott to get up and run towards her.

"scott!" stiles called after him. he looked towards sasha. "do you have a number for derek or anything we can call?"

"does derek seem like the type of person to have a phone?"


"i can text isaac though, he probably will know."

"okay okay, scott we need to go now!" stiles yelled. scott ran back to them and picked up erica and the four of them walked out the library towards the car park.

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