She hadn't even told Jesse yet. She wanted to tell him in person and so she would as soon as she had the opportunity. She just immediately ran upstairs since nobody was downstairs and was instantly dragged into bouncing on Fat Amy's bed with her. With no clue why.
They were shortly interrupted when a knock at the door could be heard over the loud music they were singing along to. The pair groaned and then ran downstairs and to the door together. Fat Amy was the one who opened the door with Elle behind her.
"Oh. Sorry, my boobs are all crazy. I was just jumping." Amy apologised, fixing her bra. Elle recognised the girl at the door. The same girl that she had almost spoken to outside the main university room.
The girl shook her hand, silently telling her it was fine. "I just came from auditions. You guys weren't there. I was hoping for the chance to sing for you." She explained, a smile present on her face, Elle noticed the same excitement about the Bella's now that she had the day previous.
Amy immediately shut her down. "No, can't help you. We're not allowed to take anyone else new." She denied, closing the door.
Elle quickly caught it and looked at Amy with a frown. "Oh, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait! I'm a Junk!" She said quickly and Elle frowned again in confusion, Just as Cynthia was walking past behind her.
"What'd you say about your junk?" She asked, nodding her head to let her in. Elle frowned and looked between the two silently before opening the door and letting the girl in despite their restrictions.
The girl walked into the living room where all the
Bella's were now stood, looking at the girl curiously. "I'm Emily Junk. I know, it's weird. It's my mom's last name. My dad's last name is Hardon, So... Um... I'm a Legacy. Junk. Junk. My mom was a Bella." She rambled, wafting her arms around as she explained it.
Chloe suddenly gasped and they all looked at her curiously. "Your mother is Katherine Junk?" She asked impressed.
"Who?" Elle asked, looking apologetically at the girl standing before them.
"Only the top b1tch of the 1981 Bellas. She pioneered the syncopated booty shake. And word is she has a five-octave vocal range." She listed out facts while Emily agreed to confirm her facts.
Emily nodded. "Yep, still does. You do not want to hear that woman doing it with my dad. Whew." She brushed her hand over her head while they all frowned.
"What an odd thing to say." Fat Amy hummed, leaning against the back of the sofa and looking at her suspiciously.
"True. If a Legacy wants to audition, we have to let her." Chloe confirmed, being the only one of them who had been a Bella for long enough to actually know the people who came before them.
"Okay, um... Show us what you got. Right now? Right here? Right here, right now. Yeah. Okay, um, I'd like to perform an original song that I've been working on. I'm not quite finished with it though, so let's not be dicks about it. Sorry, that was crass, wasn't it?" She rambled once again. "Fat Amy, you have a lovely vagina." She complimented.
"Thank you. Proceed." Fat Amy beaconed for her to continue while Elle laughed at her nonchalantness.
β« "When tomorrow comes I'll be on my own,
Feeling frightened of the things that I don't know.
When tomorrow comes.
When tomorrow comes.
"Darkness all around... No. That one, I'm not... I'm still kind of tinkering with that verse. So it's not... Nothing's really completely set."
β« "I got all I need when I got you and I
'Cause I look around me and see a sweet life.
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight.
You're getting me, getting me through the night.
You are my flashlight." β«
Once she finished, Chloe held her hand up to stop her from talking until she had. "Would you excuse us for just one second?" She asked, turning to the group while Emily nodded. "She's pretty good. Can't we take her?" She whispered to the group now they were all sitting on the sofas.
"What do you expect us to say? She's standing right there. She's definitely not a soloist." Fat Amy said, whispering the last bit.
"No. Technically, she came to us, so really we're not breaking any rules." Elle shrugged, not particularly bothered about breaking them regardless. They were ridiculous rules.
Chloe nodded. "Yeah, it's the perfect loophole." She agreed.
Francisca gathered all their attention on her this time. "You know, it's always good to have an extra body. Just in case one of us gets kidnapped for ransom, is thrown into a shipping container, and is made to eat only leaves and gas receipts." She explained. Elle frowned slightly at the long explanation.
"Mmm, I agree. We need new blood." Chloe agreed again.
Cynthia was next to speak up. "I don't think we should decide anything without Beca." She added.
"I keep a penny under my tongue," Lily whispered.
"Did anyone else think it was creepy that she never really opened her eyes the whole time?" Stacie asked and a few of them nodded.
"Again, we're talking about her and she's standing right there. Oh, yeah. But if we're gonna talk negatives, let's start with the giraffe legs." Amy spoke up again, loudly the first time and quietly for her giraffe comments.
"Okay, let's take a vote on it. Anyone who wants her in, sing a G-sharp. Anyone who doesn't, sing an E-flat." She suggested and they all agreed. "Okay. One, two..." She counted down. Elle didn't know about anyone else but she sang G sharp and so did the majority of the others.
"I like your shirt," Emily murmured to Chloe once she stop in front of her keeping a straight face so she didn't know their decision. "Welcome to the Bellas!" She shouted excitedly.
"O-M-a-ca-G! Whoo!" Emily started to jump up and down throwing her arms around in the air.
"Oh. Stop, girl, stop. Yeah, stop, stop it. Girl, stop." They all voices trying to get her to stop acting like a maniac.
"Sorry. So, when does initiation start? Tell you what, I'll go back to my dorm and pretend to be surprised when you throw the hood over my head and make me solve a Rubik's Cube while sucking vodka from a maxi pad. That's what my mom said happened." She suggested but they all looked between each other confused since none of them had to do that.
" Mmm, no can do. Well, look around. We don't exactly have a maxi pad to spare, so... All right, grab your guts, ladies! It's party time! We've got tickets to Copenhagen and a brand new Bella!" Amy shouted, leading them all out to the Trebles Tiki party that they were planning on going to anyway.
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