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maid? a female domestic servant


Hyejoo, a servant to the one & only Princess Chaewon. Although she could not say with her words, she hated her. She bossed her around like she was nothing. Hyejoo couldn't stand it, but she could not do anything about it.

Due to her ancestors, she had been cursed by the land. In the early 1700's her ancestors had discovered land in the far west, and like usual, they used it for their own benefit. Years and years after torturing the soil for tobacco it has finally grew dry. The soil, grew a terrible sickness. 

The ground was no longer able to bring forth the fruit it had dreamed of. And at the fault of her ancestors and their wrongs, every single child of the males side of the family was cursed with a unspeakable tongue. 

Meaning, they were unable to speak.

The Son family, spread across the whole world uniformly for reasons, was the most cursed of them all. They were mainly servants and such. They held no high ranks, they were hated. Most of the Son family had been murdered, few were slaves, and the rest were servants to the royal family.

As Hyejoo, Chaewon's personal servant, maid.

Hyejoo hated her life, it wasn't her fault. Nobody would love her, nobody would be friends with her, just because she couldn't speak. Many assumed she was deaf, and that was why she didn't talk, but she could hear them. They despised her.

Because she couldn't talk, it ruined her life.

She wished every single birthday that she could learn to speak, every single penny in a well, it was all a waste. None of it worked, she was stuck. Stuck in hell. 

She had so many things to say, plenty of thoughts to roll of her tongue that couldn't. 

The only time she was glad she couldn't talk is when Chaewon spoke, every single time she ordered her to do something and complained about it taking too long or something, she wanted to scream her pain. 

Her pain stayed still inside her mouth, trying to claw its way out. Instead, she kept it, she held everything inside. Everything.

The bell ring, the bell calling all of the maids and servants, Hyejoo knew that call very well. She knew the way around the old castle, she knew every single thing about it. She had been here since birth, she had been a maid since birth.

"Hyejoo!" Screamed Chaewon. 

Hyejoo turned, if she missed the meeting she would be in deep trouble, but if she didn't answer Chaewon's calls she would be sentenced to death. She'd rather not die, just yet.

She changed her direction, heading to Chaewon's room. She pulled open the heavy door made of gold decorated with roses.

Chaewon yelled, "Get out!"

Hyejoo slammed the door shut and exhaled. Chaewon had been changing. It wasn't until Chaewon had called for her to come in that she realized she could be in big trouble. 

The it really hit her, she had seen the princess naked.

Chaewon rolled her eyes, "Knock before you come in again. I need my nail polish from the bathroom."

Hyejoo nodded her head, angered, she walked over to the bathroom and retrieved the pink nail polish for her. She handed it to her with a straight face.

"I want the purple one."

Hyejoo smiled.

A few second later she gave her the purple polish, "I change my mind, I want pink again."

My god, she's doing this on purpose. Jesus Christ.

"Well, pink is a bit too bright. How 'bout burgundy?"

Hyejoo bit down on the side of her cheek feeling the urge to scream curse words, she was missing the meeting. Chaewon was doing this purposefully. She couldn't.

"Wait! Purple, I definitely want purple now."

Will I be doing this the rest of the afternoon?

"Scratch that, I don't even want to paint my nails any more. Leave."

Hyejoo turned out, the smile disappearing from her face. Her hatred began showing. She lightly shut the door despite the urge to slam it loudly to show her displeasure.

By the time she made it to the garden where the meetings are usually held everybody was gone, the meetings usually don't last long. She had no idea what they had said and nobody would bother to tell her anyways. She'd figure out eventually.

 The bushes moved suddenly, scaring Hyejoo. Her eyes widened but that was all. A figure stood up, waving her over to where she was.


Hyejoo has no idea who this person was, nor had she ever seen her in the castle. 

"Hyejooooo!" Please no.


"Mom, Dad! Hyejoo's not coming!"

Hyejoo's eyes widened before she started running in the path of Chaewon's room. She forgot all about the mysterious girl that had appeared out of nowhere.

Hyejoo knocked on the door as soon as she got there, not sparing time to take deep breathes.

Fuck, she's mad. And I'm gonna die, wonderful.


A/N: this book is going to have very uh filthy language and a shitty author who can never update in time so uh beware

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