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   ZIGGY JOHNSON HAD always believed the worst in people. Why? It's because of his parents. His parents don't give a living shit about him. They've always preferred his twin sister Mabel over him. He's always so misunderstood. The only time they act like they care it's when they need something.

    Ziggy's relationship with Mabel was good. She's the only person that actually cares about him and doesn't treat him like a doormat. Mabel does act like his older sister even though he is 7 minutes older than her.

   Ziggy had just finished his project for school. He thought about to getting something to eat. So he left his room and entered the kitchen. Mabel and their mom, Rebekah, was in the kitchen as well.

   "Hey Ziggy." Mabel greeted as Ziggy smiled at her while opening the fridge.

   "Ziggy, we need you and Mabel to do something for us." Rebekah said as Ziggy groaned and rolled his eyes.

   "What do you want me to do now? Steal from my teachers? Hook up with a teacher? Rob a bank?" Ziggy said as Mabel started laughing. Rebekah gave her a glare as she stopped laughing.

   "Look, the bank robbery was a one time thing! And I was joking about you hooking up with a teacher!" Rebekah exclaimed as Ziggy rolled his eyes again.

   "What do you want mom?"

"Have you heard of Jake Sully?" She said, taking out some papers of some information about Jake.

"Yes because you always talk about him constantly." Ziggy said as Mabel laughed again. Ziggy took one of the papers and started to read it.

"Jake Sully, aka Toruk Makto. Married to Neytiri, 4 children. Seriously mom? Can't you just leave the guy alone? He has a family." Ziggy said as Mabel took one of the papers.

"Neytiri is beautiful." She admits as Rebekah scoffs.

"What does the Sully family have to do with us?" Ziggy asked, impatient.

"We need you guys to help us terminate them." She Said as both Ziggy and Mabel looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you fucking shitting me?" Ziggy cursed. Mabel stood up from her seat. "Yeah! What he said!"

"Look, a guy name Quaritch offered us a deal of a lifetime. He said he'll give us our reward if we kill the Sully family. Mainly Jake." Rebekah explained to the two as they both looked confused.

"What's the reward?" Mabel asked as Rebekah sighed.

"He said he can help us get rich." She blatantly said as Ziggy scoffed.

"You want us to kill an innocent family because he said he was going to make us rich?!" Ziggy exclaimed as Rebekah slightly jumped at his sudden outburst.

"Do you really believe him mom?" Mabel asked as Rebekah came close to her.

"Yeah I do sweetheart." Rebekah said softly as Ziggy rolled his eyes.

"I'm not doing that. You can have your precious little Mabel to kill them."

"Ziggy do as i say or I'll forget you are my son."

"You already do that." Ziggy said. There was silence in the room after Ziggy made that comment. Rebekah gave her son a look of desperation.

"Fine! God damn!" Ziggy groaned loudly as he left the kitchen. He went into his bedroom and slammed his door.

Ziggy doesn't want to kill an innocent family. But he thought in the back of his mind, maybe they'll finally care about me. He was currently laying down on his bed. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was his dad, Ricky.

"Your mother told me about you being selfish." Ricky said in a angry voice. Ziggy scoffed and sat up.

"I'm selfish? Both of you the selfish ones." Ziggy said as Ricky got furious.

"We will be very proud if you do it." Ricky said as Ziggy scoffed one again.

"I already said I'll do it." Ziggy regretted saying that but maybe they'll finally be proud of him.

"Get some rest. We leave in the morning." Ricky said, leaving Ziggy's bedroom. Ziggy laid on his back and stared at the ceiling.

In was the next morning and Ziggy, Mabel, and their parents were about to enter a plane to head to the forest. Ziggy wanted to go home. Mabel just follows whatever their parents want. As they were about to head in the plane, a 9 foot tall blue guy walks up to them.

"Welcome Johnson family." Quaritch greeted as Ziggy just stared at him. Quaritch shook Mabel's hand and reached his hand to Ziggy. Ziggy just walked by him and ignored him.

"He's just being stubborn." Ricky said as Mabel rolled her eyes.

"Oh wait!" Quaritch said, reaching for his pocket. He brought out two oxygen masks for both Ziggy and Mabel. Mabel gave him a confused Look but took the masks.

"When you enter, you need to keep this on at all times or you will die." Quaritch said as Mabel hummed in response. She followed Ziggy to the plane as she handed him his mask.

"What's this for?" He asked as he took the mask. Mabel sat next to him in the plane.

"It's to keep us alive. Since we aren't Avatar, we can't breathe their air kind of." Mabel explained as Ziggy puts on his mask. Mabel does the same.

"Holy shit. Here we go."

End of Prologue

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