Uraraka opened the door only to see a crowd of students. "Whats going on??" She stepped back. Bakugou stepped ahead asserting his dominance. "Move it extras."
"You can't just go around calling people extras!" Iida scolded slicing his arm through the air. "Tsk, of course you can." You rolled your eyes standing directly infront of the door.
"It's not as glorious as you wannabes think." You grumble pushing your way threw the crowd, with a menacing scowl.
Midoriya was mesmerized by your boldness. After Bakugou got the crowd to scram, due to his empty threats Midoriya went off to accompany you. Yet you were no where. He sighed dispirited.
It was to late, you were gone once again.
Why would you stick around and wait for him, when you could get someone like Todoroki or Bakugou. It perplexed him how you didn't have a boyfriend, but also gave him hope you would be his one day.
"I wonder if someone knows where she is..."
He taps Kirishima lightly on the shoulder. "What is it Midoriya?" Kirishima asks in his gravelly voice. "Do you know where L/N is..?"
"Oh your girlfriend went on the roof!" The term girlfriend caused Midoriya's cheeks to flush. Only in his dreams.
"T-Thanks!" He then registered the fact, if he went to you announced for no particular reason it'd be strange. He stopped and faltered to his common table.
If he wanted a relationship with you he wanted you to want him, rather then him just chasing after you.
He only wished he could see your peaceful face enjoying a well prepared meal.
The sports festival is tomorrow which totally annihilated your nonchalant attitude. One thing was clear to you. Midoriya is a hard worker, who strives to accomplish his goals. As the day neared its end you came to the conclusion that had wandered throughout your mind all day.
"Oi broccoli!" You approached Midoriya leering.
"Y-yes?" He sweetly asked blushing. "Don't take this the wrong way greenbean, but i'd like to train with you for an hour or so."
"greenbean?" The word was stuck on replay in his mind. "Why the fuck are you staring at me like that?"
"S-sorry! But erm..g-greenbean?"
You ignored his comment, pretending you failed to hear it. "Cmon i'm not staying out past sunset."
"Y-yes ma'am!"
"What do you do?" He froze, with the remembrance of past events with All Might. "V- various things.."
"Show me, please." He gulped and decided to show you. "Please come with me.." You obliged and followed him to a spotless beach, that used to be trashed.
"Did you do this..?" You were in awe. It was usually dirty, more of an eyesore but now it was beautiful. "Yes." He answered unwaveringly.
Your lips curled upwards ever so slightly, taking in the terrains natural beauty.
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