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Everyone gathered outside in the dimly lit wilderness yawning and stretching. You were wide awake not at all phased by the early start to the day. After all you immediately went to sleep after arriving at the cabin.

Most of the class wasn't ready and half asleep, barely listening to Aizawa's instructions.

He gave everyone 15 minutes to change into their pe clothes and go to the field. You brushed your hair, teeth, and dressed.

i can't be first at the field something may happen to me that i will regret

You stood leaning against the building, waiting for Midoriya.

"L/N are you waiting for Deku?" Uraraka called from over the railing, smirking down at you.

"Are you waiting for me to kick your ass?"

"He's to good for you."

"Mineta's to good for you."

She rolled her eyes also waiting for Midoriya. Finally he emerged from
the cabin. You ran to him making it there before Uraraka, sadly she followed behind you.

"Good morning Deku!" She sang happily with a bright smile (that totally wasn't fake.)
"Morning Uraraka..Hi L/N! D-Did you sleep well?"

"I slept fine. Did you?" A small smile spread across your face seeing Uraraka's expression twist.

"I-I slept g-great!" Midoriya blushed shoving his calloused hands into his pockets. "That's great, Midoriya Kun.~"

You may have taken it to far, being to amused by Uraraka's shift in attitude.
You didn't notice you were slowly killing Midoriya. He wiped away the nosebleed you had caused.

"Are you sure you shouldn't get that checked out Deku?" Uraraka worriedly spoke leaning in close to his face. He backed away nodding. You glared grabbing Uraraka by her shirt.

"I'm going to be as truthful as possible," You spoke sticking your face in her face. "I don't like this attention seeking whore Midoriya. She's trying to seduce you, fuck you, and probably steal all your money. She's fake she doesn't deserve your attention." You harshly spoke pushing her into the ground. Midoriya's mouth fell agape.

You looked over seeing the whole
class staring including Aizawa and all of the Pussycats.

"I would beat the fuck out of you but I'd like to participate in this event."

"You wouldn't dare touch me—" It was to late. You bloodied her nose, and tackled her down. That was about all you could do before Midoriya pulled you off of her.

You thrashed in his strong grip attempting to escape, but failed. Aizawa had also restrained your hands after he got in range.

Uraraka temporarily got to sit out until her nose stopped bleeding. You had to sit out the entire day, sitting in the cabin alone.

It didn't stop you from hating her. If anything it made you hate her more.

why can't she just fuck off?


This is kinda sloppy but I felt obligated to update fast, so that's why it isn't the usual quality. But hey I just enjoy taking out my anger on Uraraka. Also I think the next chapter will be more in Midoriya's POV.

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