Fights and making up

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"What?!" He asked angrily "what's is up with you?!" You asked as he pulled away "Oh hell I don't know probably, my own girlfriend didn't tell me a thing about her past!" Bakugo yelled "Well I didn't want bring it up, I was going to tell you but not like that!" You responded.

"Oh! You were?! YOU COULD'VE HAVE TOLD ME ANYTIME BUT I HAD TO FIND OUT LIKE THAT?!?!" He yelled "YOU WERENT MENT TO KNOW LIKE THAT!" You yelled back "YOU LIED TO ME!" Bakugo said, tears streamed down your face as he said that "Our relationship is supposed to be full of trust!" He yelled "Bakugo, that's what it's always been like in our relationship"you  said as more tears streamed down your face "Tch, are sure your not lying to me? Because our relationship, has been lies ever since now!" Bakugo said you saw his hands light up as he burned your arm with his quirk. You stayed quiet as tears streamed down, Bakugo looked at you with tears froming in his eyes, Bakugo quickly opened the door and left as he slammed the door in his way.

You looked at the empty space that used to be where Bakugo stood but he was but he was now gone, you cried as you made your to the living room. Matilda walked to you and looked at you, you took off your sneakers and your jewelery as you looked at Matilda and petted her, Matilda left to go sleep and you made your way to your room, and cried, you out on one of your baggy hoodies and continued crying.

Time: 3:00 A.M

You kept crying, as your eyes turned red, a few minutes later you stopped crying but you were still sad about what you did which made you cry you also looked at the burn mark Bakugo left and cried even harder to think that your boyfriend would hurt you by accident, you heard the door open and then close, you knew it was Bakugo but you didn't care and you kept crying you heard his footsteps make it's way to your room knock knock  you hear Bakugo knock on your door you sniffled but ignored his knock "Teddy bear?"  Bakugo said softly "I'm sorry teddy bear" he said.

He opened the door to see your red eyes, you saw he had flowers and red eyes too "Baby I'm sorry, I just got mad and I couldn't control my quirk and i-i" He said as tears streamed down his face, "No, I'm sorry I should have told you before" You said, Bakugo made his way to you and sat down on the side of your bed, he slowly started to caress your cheek and kissed you on the forehead "Here, I thought some flowers night cheer you up" He said handing you the flowers "Thank you baby" You said with a smile.

"Could we cuddle?" Bakugo asked  "Mhm" You said as Bakugo got close to you. You and Bakugo later started to cuddle and both of you feel asleep.

The next day

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