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Lowkey a time skip. We're into the next month in this chapter.
But, do y'all fw Penthouse?? They ate!


9:34 AM

⚝ ⚝ ⚝

I DID THE LAST POSE and dropped my act, "God i'm freezing." I reached for my jacket from Uma. "Of course you are, bitch. Hoes will do anything for pictures. Plus you're weariny shorts." Uma said. I rolled my eyes as I put on my jacket, "It's cold outside but ima still dress like a thottie cause a hoe never gets cold." I exclaimed.

Uma rolled her eyes, "Referring to old ass Vines is mad corny." She said.

I reached for my phone, "Can I see the pics? Thank you for taking them." I asked Namra, who were searching through the pics. She nodded, "Yeah look." She gave me my phone.

I cheesed, "Waitttt. These are mad cute." I scrolled through the variety of pictures she took of me, "I love the off guards." I said.

"You been taking mad pics lately for Instagram. Who you tryna impress?" Uma asked.

I shrugged, "Nobody." I said.

"Lies. Namra told me about your new girlfriend."

My head snapped over to Namra so quick, "Namra?" I fussed, "Why would you tell her?" I didn't really care it was just the fact it wasn't her business to tell.

"She interrogated me!" She pointed at Uma. Uma's mouth dropped, "Liar! You said you had a secret on the tip of your tongue you couldn't wait to spill!" She fussed at Namra, "So I had to get it out of you somehow." Uma shrugged.

"You forced me!" Namra said.

Uma rolled my eyes, "You took the $50, didn't you?" She scoffed.

My eyes went wide, "My business was worth $50??"

Uma snorted at my comment.

"$50 is $50." Namra said.

I scoffed, "You're so low." I rolled my eyes. "Can't believe my tea is actually piss, apparently."

Uma hit my arm, "I can't believe you didn't tell me you had a new girlfriend. Out of everyone you tell Big Mouth Sally over there." She said referring to a slippery mouth Namra.

"You made me tell you!" Namra said.

"And you folded under pressure like a weak bitch!" Uma fussed back, making Namra roll her eyes.

I shrugged, "It's not personal. I didn't tell anyone. It just accidentally came out to Namra."

"Accidentally." Namra scoffed as we all began walking into the front entrance of the school building.

Suddenly our trio walked was interrupted as somebody squeezed between Namra and I, "Yoooo. What we talking about?" Jazz looked around at all of us.

"The fuck do you want? Can you leave me alone?" I scoffed. She literally bothers me everyday and everyday her girlfriend, or whoever she think she is, Eden, makes a post about me on snap like grow up.

Jazz stared at me for a second and then looked over at Uma and Namra, completely ignoring what I just said that.
"Y'all hear about Kyle Richh, Tata and Jenn Carter coming to perform at the pep rally this morning? Niggas finna be thrashed to that Tik Tok song."

I sighed, forgetting that Jenn and the guys told me they were booked to come to our pep rally today to preform. They've got so big lately. Not only from that Notti Bop song but from that old song called See Red by Ta and Jenn.

They've been so busy lately that Jenn and I barley see each other now. She's always in the studio, at an important meeting or hosting a party that I don't care to go to.

"You talking about that one fine ass stud? Like she's darkskin with locs? My gawd." Uma basically drooled, "I don't even like girls but she something different, word to my mother." She played with her hair, making me give her the hardest side eye of all time.

"She? Who?" Jazz scrunched up her face.

Uma squinted her eyes, "Um, Jenn Carter. She's a girl dumbass." She scoffed.

"Oh shit." Jazz muttered.

"When are they scheduled to preform?" Namra asked.

Jazz shrugged, "Shii, I don't know."

I scrunched up my face, "Can you go away?" I looked Jazz up and down, "And why are y'all talking to her? Don't piss me off." I looked at Namra and Uma. I mostly stared at Uma so I had an excuse to give her a stank look from talking about Jenn like that.

"My bad." Uma held her hands up in defense.

"Chill. Y'all New Yorkers so damn rude." Jazz said, "I got to get over to the gym anyway. It's finna start." She walked away from us.

I rolled my eyes and then cut eyes at my annoying friends. Namra had an apologetic look on her face, "I just asked one question!"

"And I got excited about Jenn Carter." Uma pouted as we began walking and going on our way to the gym, "Speaking of Jenn once again. You know her? Because I know your brother be with her. Put me on!"

"Put you on? You don't like girls foreal." Namra said.

"You don't know what I like." Uma rolled her eyes, "Anywhoooooo." She cut eyes at Namra, "You gon do that for me?" She batted her eyelashes at me.

I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed by her comments but I know I couldn't tell them I was talking to her considering Namra has a loud mouth and Uma lowkey does too. "I don't know her." I tried to force a smile on my face, "Sorry."

"Awh." Uma said, "Talk to your brother for me then." She pecked my cheek, making me wipe it instantly.

"Ew?" I fussed disgustingly.

"Watch it, whale hips!" Uma fussed at somebody who brushed passed her back, "This why I hate prep rally's. Or bleachers in general. Why are we all this fucking close?" She scoffed.

"Whale hips not crazy?" I laughed.

"I'm so ready to go. This shit mad boring. I'm only here from the performance too be honest." Namra said.

"Me too." I agreed.

"Me three." Uma reached across my lap to get some popcorn out of Namra's bag, considering I was sitting in the middle of them.

"Attention students of New York Agricultural and Technical State University." The director said, gaining everyone's attention, making all the noise, talking and commotion calm down a bit.

"I need your guy's to pay close attention as well prepare for the final event of the day." He said, "Ladies, gentlemen and they/thems I'd like to present to you: Jenn carter! Kyle Richh and Tata!" He yelled, making everybody cheer as Jenn, Ta and Kyle came running onto the court.

"MY BAEEEEE!" Uma screamed.

"Kyle looks so good!" Namra clapped.

I rolled my eyes as See Red started to blast through the speakers. Everybody instantly stood up and began screaming along to the lyrics. I stood up and began cheering as well because I was actually really proud of them. This may not be Times Square but it's not too far from it. They're coming up fast.

"Oh my God, this is my shit!" Some girl next to us screamed as she bent over and beginning twerking as people began to hype her up. "Ahh!" She stuck her tongue out.

"Eowwww!" Namra yelled as she smacked the girl ass.

"Lemme smack it too!" Uma smacked the girl ass as well as she continued to throw it back to the beat.

I laughed. I won't be smacking butts because I like to feel on coochie when somebody twerk on me so that just won't be happening here right in this gym.

I looked back over at Jenn and Tata skipping around and Kyle being their biggest hype man. I smiled seeing how happy they were.

Jenn eyes searched and somehow they found mine.  I felt my cheeks blush at just the sight of her staring at me. And the fact she even found me. She just smiled back at me and prepared for her part to come up.

Once her part did everybody went wild and some people felt the need to do the dance, which just turned into a twerk fest.

"Gon head, Ak!" Uma pushed at my arm.

I was having fun so I didn't mind it. I looked down, "These jean shorts. I can't throw nun." I said.

Namra rolled her eyes, "Bitch throw that shit!"

"Right!" Uma pushed me, making me bend over and I started eating the girls up. Namra and Uma began slapping my butt as lot of people came to me and started recording and hyping me up. A few other girls joined me and started twerking too.

I stood up and started doing the hula hoop method, making my ass clap. If you know, you know. I can't believe it was moving like water in these jean shorts.

I turned back around, laughing, "Nah I ate that shit up!" I lowkey said out of breath.

"And did!" Uma high fived me.

"You got me wanting to throw it back." Namra said.

"What the fuck stopping you?" I asked, "The fuck? Shake your ass bitch." I said, fixing my shirt.

"Nahhhhh. I'm dead too shy." Namra laughed, making me playfully roll my eyes.

"Damn, I'm hot. I need some water now!" I fanned myself as I laughed.

They soon finished up preforming and everybody started heading down the bleachers to meet them and take pictures with them. "Come on. I wanna meet Jenn." Uma grabbed my hand. "And I wanna meet Kyle." Namra giggled.

I tried to keep my composure with Uma's comments because I know she didn't know Jenn and I were talking so I don't really blame her it just makes me kind of uncomfortable. But, she'll know sooner or later.

"Don't drag my arm off." I fussed as we walked down the bleachers.

"My bad. I'm excited." Uma said. "Oh girl please bitch hoe." She said as she tried to squeeze us through the crowd. "Too many of y'all trying to talk! We got a celebrity's sister coming through!" She said referring to me.

I rolled my eyes because she just made that celebrity shit all the way up.

We got to the front and was met with Kyle, Tata and Jenn.

"Heyyyy guysss." Uma said, waving at them.

They greeted her back and then looked over at me. "Yo, Ak, my heart." Ta grabbed me and hugged me all aggressively. I pushed him back some, "You're going to wrinkle my shirt." I fussed.

"Wassup, Ak." Kyle dapped me up.

"Hey nigger." I said.

Jenn walked up to me, smiling, "Wassup with you?" She held her arms open.

My cheeks flustered. It's like I can't get used to her doing cute shit. I always get nervous, every damn time, "Hey Jenn." I leaned in and engulfed her in a hug.

As I do everytime I hug her, I take in her smell and lay my head on her chest.

"Let go of my girlfriend bro." Ta broke us apart.

I smacked my lips.

"What was that?" Uma asked.

"Looks like a Kodak Moment." Namra said.

"Wait." Uma said, "I thought you said you didn't know her?"

"You told them you didn't know me?" Jenn let out a nervous laugh.

"I did." I said quickly, "But um this is my friend, Uma," I pointed to Uma, "..And this is my friend Namra." I introduced them, "Namra, Uma, this is Kyle, Jenn and Tata. Which, I think you guys already know them." I said.

"But that still doesn't explainβ€” " I cut Uma off.

"I'll tell you later." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh well. I'm a huge fan." Uma shook Jenn's hand. God, I can't take it anymore.

"And i'm a huge fan as well." Namra shook Kyle's hand.

"And i'm chopped liver." Ta shrugged before shaking his head.

"Enough of that." I broke Uma's hand from Jenn.


I turned around quickly at her, "Move that's my bitch!" I whispered yelled.

Uma scrunched up her face in confusion for a second, "What?β€”Ohhhh!" She came to realization, "You two-oh-that's?β€”that's the girl-?" She said stumbling over her words. Jenn stood there with her arm behind her back and nodded.

I looked at Uma and nodded as well.

"Ohhhhhh! I'm sorry! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She hit my arm, "You just let me keep talking!" She fussed.

I shrugged, "You didn't ask." I said, "But Ta is veryyyy available." I pushed her over to him before walking back over to Jenn.

"What you shaking ass? That's what we doin now?" Jenn smiled.

I let out a laugh, "I was just having funnn." I dragged out. "Didn't know you seen that."

"Girl they had you on the jumbotron." She laughed, making my eyes go wide, "Plus I couldn't miss that ass, gangsta."

I hit her arm, "Stoppp. That's mad embarrassing."

"My bad." She laughed, "Your brother here. Lil nigga over there talking to all the college bitches. He said he gotta get onnat with them."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course he did."

"I haven't seen you in mad long though." Jenn hit my arm, "You coming to the stu with me tonight? I know you not going to this whack ass homecoming game, word to my mother." She muttered the last part.

I smiled, "Yeah i'll come." I said, "What time?"

"I'll text you." She said.

"IlL tExT yOu." Camrin came up to us, "Hey sissy." He grabbed my face and tried to kiss me on my cheek, making me try to pry my way out of his grip.

"Let go of me!" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Fucking freak." I fixed my top.

"Why you being mad fake right now?" Camrin poked out his bottom lip, making me roll my eyes, "That's why I pissed in your bed after you left this morning."

"Just like old times, huh?" Shut him up real quick.

"You not funny, Ak." He said, "...You not grown either. Why I look up and see you twerking on the fucking jumbotron? That's some treeshy shit." He said, making me slap his arm, "Chill." He tried to block my hits, "I was playing." He laughed.

"Jenn can we please have a pic?" A few girls came up to her all excited, making me roll my eyes with their presence. But, they were fans so I know I had to suck it up and respect it.

"Yeah, I got y'all." Jenn smiled.

"I hope nobody post those videos." I said.

Some girl came up to me, "Too late. It's already posted on NYATshaderoom." She showed me her phone.

My mouth dropped.

"I can't believe you're dating Jenn Carter." Uma said as we walked to our cars, "Then you just let me say all that stuff about her without saying anything. I feel so bad." She lowly pouted.

I let out a laugh, "She's not my girlfriend, Uma." I said truthfully, "Plus I wasn't really trying to tell everybody, but, you was getting touchy so I had to."

"Why couldn't you tell us? She got a bitch or something? Nooo Ak don't tell me you playing side bitch."

I smacked her arm, "No bro. I could never play side bitch. Are you dizzy?" I scoffed, "It's just because she's cool with Camrin so we don't want him knowing so just be quiet about it for me. Okay guys?" I looked at Uma and Namra.

"I promise." Uma said.

"Girl don't nobody care about you and Jenn. Did you see how Kyle was feeling me? He asked for my Instagram." Namra gushed, playing with her braided ponytail.

I rolled my eyes, "Kyle asked for my mom's instagram too. You not special." I joked.

Namra rolled her eyes, "Don't be a hater."

"Oh, trust, I'm not." I held my hands up in defense. I was glad she was moving on from me and looking at other people. I didn't want her to have to know about Jenn and I and she still wanted me and it would be completely awkward.

"Where you goin after this?" Uma asked.

"Jenn asked me to go to the studio with her so I guess ima meet her there." I shrugged.

"Sounds like she wants to get freaky on the soundboard." Uma said.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up." I laughed. "I'll see you guys Monday though." I stopped at my car and pulled my keys out my telfy. "I'm finna stop and get me something to eat. I'm mad hungry bro." I complained.

"See you, Ak. I'll text you." Uma said.


"Bye Ak!" Namra yelled.

"Muah! Bye." I blew kisses at them before unlocking my car and getting in.

I soon drove off after getting my phone connected to my bluetooth aux and began blasting any song by PND. I had stopped by Dave's Hot Chicken and grabbed Jenn and I something to eat. She lucky I like her because I'm so hungry, I could eat her food too right now.

I pulled up to the stu, grabbing the food and my bag and got out the car. I walked in the stu and knocked on one of the studio doors. Room seven. Which was always the room they liked to use.

"Who is it?" A deep voice asked from across the other side of the door.

I rolled my eyes, "Ak."

"Who? Hollon." I heard shuffling.

The door swung open, "Move back nigga!" Jenn fussed at whoever the lightskin guy was, "Come on." She led me in before looking both ways out the door and closing it. "Starboy you buggin!"

I let out a laugh.

"What you laughin at?" Jenn smiled.

"You." I handed her the food, "I brought you food."

Jenn smiled, "Yeen have to do that. Thank you." She engulfed me in a hug.

"You know I gotchu." I said.

"You know I gotchu too. You should've called me up and told me you was hungry. I would've paid for it." She said.

"It's okay, Jenn."

"Who this?" I heard a female voice, making me turn my head quickly in the direction the voice was coming from, "No way. You Cblu's sister." Murda B walked up to us. "I'm Murda B." She excitedly shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. I love your music." I smiled.

She let out a laugh, "Appreciate it. Appreciate it."

"My brother here?" I asked.

"Nah he just left." She said.

Jenn sniffed, "Yeah that nigga said he had some business to tend to." She sat down on one of the sofa's and opened her food.

"Talm bout he getting the baby oil. Nigga said he gon baby oil my doonies, what the fuck." Murda laughed, "Yo brother is mad fuckin weird bro."

I let out a laugh, "Trust. I know." I sat beside Jenn and got my chicken out.

"Yo bro." Jenn got the attention of some man and he turned around in the rolling chair he was sitting on, "This Ak, Blu little sister. Ak this our manager. Ion think y'all met each other yet."

I smiled and shook his hand, "Hey, It's nice to meet you." I said a little bit nervously.

"How you doing?" He smiled back.

"I'm good, thank you."

"Bro." Kyle smacked his lips, "She do this shit every fucking time." He cut eyes at me, "Why the fuck you act like youn see me and Ta? Then you bought food for Jenn and shi."

I stopped for a second, "You done crying yet?"

Jenn covered her mouth to prevent food from flying out as she laid, "Yo gangsta. She funny as shit." She dipped a piece of chicken in some ranch.

"Yo bro then you hyping that shit up." Kyle smacked his lips at

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