WITH A GASP, RILEY'S eyes flew open and the boy began moving around frantically. His breathing was heavy and it took a minute for him to realise he was back in his bedroom.
The envelope still sat next to him and after a few seconds, the boy had finally calmed down. "What the fuck." Riley slightly yelled to himself, quickly standing up from his spot.
"Riley, are you there?" The sound of Dustin's voice coming from the walkie-talkie was enough to make him flinch.
Riley didn't respond, too focused on what he had just experienced. The Blood boy didn't like it when his friends worried for him, that's why he didn't tell them about getting cursed.
But now, they knew. Meaning they would worry. And Riley hated that.
"Hello? Riley, are you okay? Are you there? Max told us." Dustin's worried voice continued.
Riley ran over to his walkie and instantly shut it off and threw it onto his bed. Riley began pacing around his room, more focused on how they got out of there. But then it clicked.
The music.
When the music started playing, a portal to the other side opened. But it wasn't just any song, it was the girl's favourite song.
Riley ran over to his drawer and pulled out his mixtape which contained of all his favourite songs since the boy couldn't pick just one. And all of them just so happened to be Queen.
He then ran out of the room, knowing his friends would make their way to find him. He grabbed his skateboard as he rushed towards the front door but obviously, got stopped by his mother.
"Where are you going now?" Aspen asked her son in disbelief. "I don't have time to explain." Riley quickly told her before opening the door and slamming it shut.
Riley placed his headphones over his ears as he began playing music through his mixtape. The boy placed down his skateboard and began skating away immediately.
He didn't know where he was going and didn't know anywhere he could go. But then, he remembered a place where he would definitely be welcomed. With Eddie.
It took a while but the Blood boy had finally made it to Eddie's hideout. Riley's mind had drifted away from all the chaos in his life and was much more focused on his music.
"I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy."
The Blood boy hummed to the tune, very invested in the piece of music. But, his humming came to a quick stop when he felt a liquid run down his nose.
Putting his hand up to his nose, he felt a cold substance cover it, making him instantly pull it down. Red. It was red. It was blood.
The boy quickly wiped his nose once more before taking off his headphones and hopping off his skateboard. He quickly walked up to the door and began knocking frantically.
"Eddie? Hey, Eddie? You there? Open up. It's Riley." From inside the house, he could hear clattering before finally the door opened to reveal the exact person he was looking for.
"Riley? What are you doing here?" Eddie spoke confusedly as Riley just rushed into the hideout and closing the door immediately.
"Jesus fucking Christ." Riley muttered, now pacing around the room as Eddie just watched.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Eddie placed his hand on the boy's shoulder making him stop pacing and look at him.
"So fucking much. But if shit goes south, put these on me and press play." Riley instructed the Munson boy who looked at the mixtape confusedly.
"Why?" Eddie asked, clearly confused by the boy in front of him. "Just do it." Riley told him, the two stared at each other for a few seconds before Eddie slowly nodded his head. "Okay."
The two pulled away and Riley sighed as he sat himself down onto the floor below. "Shit's crazy." Riley told the Munson boy who chuckled.
"Is that why the others aren't here?" The boy asked curiously, making Riley nod. "Yep. They don't even know I'm here."
"Why are you here, exactly?" Eddie then asked, now sitting himself down beside the stressed-out boy.
"Let's just say stuff happened and I don't want to face them right now." Riley told the boy who only nodded in response.
Neither boy said anything as they stared at the wall in front of them. The boy slightly jumped as he felt a small pressure going onto his hand making him look down.
On his hand sat Eddie's. Riley looked up at the boy, now noticing just how close they actually were. He could feel the boy's hot breath hitting his face.
Riley's eyes glanced down at Eddie's lips, only now noticing just how pink they were. Eddie did the same, his eyes slowly trailed down the Blood boy's face until they reached his lips.
The short-haired boy's breath got caught in his throat as the two began leaning into each other. The two boys were only inches away from each other's faces, and they both knew what they wanted.
Riley finally leaned in, now feeling pressure on his lips. The pressure was soft and gentle as his hand moved up to touch the Munson boy's face.
The kiss was surprisingly slow despite how much the boys wanted each other at that moment.
The two boys finally pulled apart, their foreheads leaning against one another's. Riley awkwardly coughed, now pulling away from the boy completely.
Neither one knew what to say. Eddie glanced around the room, now finding more interest in the plain wall in front of him.
"You, um, want something to eat?" Eddie awkwardly asked, trying his best to cut the awkward tension which now sat in the room.
"What? Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah." Riley nodded his head, his eyes staying on the floor.
Eddie got up and walked out of the room, as soon as his footsteps faded away, Riley's face got covered by a grin.
His fingers went up to his lips as the grin stayed. He began jumping up and down excitedly, silently cheering himself on.
"Let's go, Riley! Let's fucking go!" The boy hyped himself up just loud enough for only himself to hear.
The boy did one last silent clap for himself until he sighed happily. Riley didn't actually know whether the Munson boy even liked guys, but he is so thankful and happy that he does.
His happiness got quickly cut off when his surroundings turned dark, again.
Riley did one last groan as he turned around and threw his arms up in the air. "Again? Are you fucking kidding me?"
alex speaks
since i haven't update in two days due to the heatwave rn i decided to give you all a kiss scene
you're welcome xoxo
still need a ship name though
please vote and comment!!
word count: 1159
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