Adding Lemon into the story after some debate and opinions. Still working on the full design of the other teachers.
You frowned, bringing your plate to the trashcan. You'd proceed to think about it for the majority of the day before shrugging it off.
The day was just the same, like the other days. Wake up, get ready, go to school, go home, study, and then sleep. The same routine EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Not that you're complaining though. And then there was...Engel. Engel was...basically just Engel but depressed. Yeah he doesn't talk to you a lot. It's understandable because of how he's feeling right now.
One day he'd have to move on. It'd be a shame if he didn't move on for the rest of his life. Actually, he probably wouldn't have life then. (If you know what I mean.)
You unconsciously glanced at your painting.
"Nice painting Y/N. You've...really put your heart into this drawing, haven't you?"
Miss Palette approached. You smiled bashfully, though it was a weak smile. What were you painting you might ask? A a painting of a gold heart locket fallen on the ground with a white background.
(Don't ask me why I put this here. If any of ya'll know what Undertale/Underverse is you should know what the golden heart locket is and who owns it. This actually wasn't meant to be an Underverse reference, but oh well.)
"Y-yeah. Thank you Miss Palette. It's not a lot anyways."
Looking at you, she chuckled. "I like your modesty, kid. You're gonna do great in the future, for sure." She smiled and walked away to check on another student, leaving you with your thoughts again. It was really loud, but quiet at the same time. Silence is loud, after all when you're left to your own thoughts.
A voice spoke up behind you, and you slowly turned around to see a nervous looking student.
"Do you know where the Principal's Office is? Sorry, I'm new to this school and I don't really know the layout all too well."
You smiled weakly at her. "Yep. It's just down to your left. Make a right turn and stop when you see a pale green door." You replied while not bothering to look at her and continued to finish the locket and the shadows.
"Oh! Thank you! Might I ask, what's your name?"
She questioned. You sighed and answered with a bored tone. "Y/N. Y/N L/N. What's yours?" You decided to be at least polite and ask for her name in return. "Oh! It's Lemon! Lemon Citri!" She grinned, walking to the door. "Thanks again!" She said, closing the door behind her. You sighed and went back to your painting.
(Just so you know, they were whispering the whole time.)
~Timeskip Brought to You By Lemon~
"Hey, do people become ghosts when they die?"
You asked out of the blue. You were currently at the entrance, of the school and finished with your classes. Not a lot of students remained. Skell and Ruby were the only ones of their friend group left, so they decided to walk with you and Engel. Bubble had politely declined because she had to run an errand on the way to her house. Lemon was currently also with your group, having become friends with Ruby and bonding over common interests.
"What kind of question is that?"
Lemon deadpanned while Engel gave an unimpressed look, despite being tired as heck.
"H-hey! No harm meant Engel."
You put your hands up in a surrendering motion. Skell looked on in amusement while Ruby tried to calm the tension.
Ruby, Skell, and Lemon eventually had to say their goodbye's due to them being on different routes to their homes. This left you with Engel. Your homes were fairly close to each other so you often found yourself walking to school with him.
"...Engel? Uh...this my apartment. Are you gonna be okay be yourself?" You asked once again, as per usual, just like yesterday and the day before that.
"Y/N, I've already told you that I'd fine." He waved his hand in a weak waving motion and walk off. You stayed quiet and walked inside the building, slipping your headphones on and ignoring the ringing of your phone.
~Timeskip Brought to You By An Extremely Oblivious Y/N~
You were heavily breathing as you ran to Engel's house. Let's recap this, shall we?
You walked to your apartment humming softly to the tune of "dear parents by Sundial" as it played on your playlist. You didn't understand the growing pit in your stomach as you approached the corridor turn to your apartment. You soon found out why.
"Where the [REDACTED] is he..." she mumbled. You paled. 'I-it's just an illusion, right? My fear is so bad that I've started seeing and hearing things!' You panicked. Nope. Not seeing things, OR hearing people. She's definitely there.
"Y/N~ would you open the door for your mum?"
"I'm sorry for yelling hunny. Please let mummy in!-"
She banged on the door, wearing a crazed smile. Your hands dropped to your sides and clenched to shaky fists asyou stopped humming, immediately bolting down the stairs and out the door, not even looking to see that a Security Guard had approached your mom to escort her outside as she was causing a ruckus.
You ran as fast as your legs could carry you and banged on his apartment door and yelled his name (the place where he lives is like a house but they're connected to each other like apartments). A panicked Engel quickly rushed outside and pulled you in, just as you collapsed.
[TW: Nightmare]
'It's dark.'
'So dark.'
'But quiet. Dark, but quiet.'
You felt a sense of peace wash over you as you sat in a white void that seemed to go on forever (THIS AIN'T THE ANTI-VOID YA'LL. ERROR AIN'T HERE.) A sudden scream erupted from somewhere, then another. And soon, more and more screams echoed across the void.
You spoke. Your voice sounded pretty echoey. The screams were scaring you, though. The scenery soon changed to the paper school. Lines of corpses lay on every corner. Your breathing became ragged as you continued to walk the corridors. Your teachers soon came in sight, but they were also dead. A tear escaped your eyes as you spotted Bloomie.
'What's happening?'
You shivered. The halls seemingly colder than they usually were. A sob escaped your lips. And then another sob. And soon, you broke into continuous crying as you ran through the corridors, looking for Bubble, Bloomie, Engel, or anyone you knew.
A room soon pulled into view and you quickly rushed inside, only to find all your friends scattered around the room. Your eyes widened and you collapsed to the floor, crying.
A voice was soon heard chuckling.
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. Why are you so sad? Come on, mommy's here."
It spoke in a singsong voice. You curled into a ball in one of the corners of the room. Your vision becoming blurry.
You yelled in between sobs, while swatting away the black, fog-like hand that reached out to you. It immediately disappeared.
"y/n! Y/N! y/n! Y/N! y/n..."
[End of Nightmare and Entering Third Person]
A force shook Y/N and he fell from somewhere.
He yelled in surprise and closed his eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came. Engel was holding him in bridal style. (YA'LL THIS AIN'T A SHIP BRO JUST FELL OFF THE COUCH THAT WAY.)
He quickly set the poor boy back down on the sofa, and he sat up.
"You alright?"
Engel asked.
Silence was all that came from Y/N.
"You were crying and yelling for someone to stop, and you swatted away my hand..."
He looked really concerned right now. Funny how he was the one being depressed at school.
More silence from Y/N. Engel grew more and more concerned by the second.
"Alright, then. I'll be in the kitchen..."
He trailed off, turning to the kitchen.
Y/N sat up and walked towards his bag. 'Right. Forgot I brought this with me while I was running.' He sighed, clanging noises could be heard from the kitchen.
A knock resounded from the door and Y/N froze. Engel peeked out from the kitchen and gestured Y/N to the guest bedroom if it was his mom. Y/N quickly scurried away to the bedroom. (Help I imagined a cockroach scurrying π)
"Hey, Engel!"
A cheerful voice greeted.
'It's just Bubble...'
Y/N breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Hey, Bubble. I'm cooking some dinner. What'd you visit for?" Engel likely smiled, due to his tone of voice. "Oh! Just wanted to visit! No reason in particular!" She chuckled. At this point, Y/N had tuned out their conversation. "Oh, hey. By the way, could you give this to Y/N? I heard Lavender can calm people." Bubble fished something out of her pocket/bag. "Oh, sure! I'll make sure to give it to him!" Engel cheered. Bubble soon said her goodbye's and Engel turned to your direction.
"Y/N, it's safe to come out? What exactly happened to make you so panicked?" He questioned with a concerned gaze. Y/N sighed and walked over to Engel and explained his situation.
"Hm...alright. So apparently, your biological mom knows your address and you need to crash at my place? No problem, Y/N. This is why I have a guest bedroom available." He nodded. Y/N sighed in relief. "Thanks for understanding, Engel." He smiled. Engel smiled in return walked back to the kitchen.
'What a surprising turn of events...'
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