TW: Brief mentions of depressive thoughts [AKA Depressive Chapter :3)
"Yes, mom?"
"...I'm sorry."
[End of Recap]
'She...Miss Bloomie...Mom...she said...sorry...?'
You stood in silence. A unreadable expression on your face. Meanwhile, Miss Bloomie stood to the side uncomfortably. Was her apology not enough? No, no. It was enough. But why weren't you responding? Was it something she did? Was a while ago too much? Why-
Miss Yuyan suddenly interrupted, (Miss Yuyan jumpscare heheh) putting a hand on her shoulder and nodding to ease Miss Bloomie before her thoughts spiraled out of control. (Why the heck am I listening to my vent playlist bro [it's private])
"...uh...thank you, I guess..." You looked at her, noticing the tense atmosphere. Miss Bloomie visibly breathed a sigh of relief and hugged you. (Listening to mother tongue by Liana Flores on rn)
You hugged her back. It was quite heartwarming to be honest. Honestly the best moment in your messed up life. Tears streamed down your face as you repeatedly said 'I'm sorry' to her.
Miss Yuyan had slipped away quietly during this moment, possibly to give the two some privacy.
"Hey, hey, now. It's okay, Y/N. Don't worry about it. It's not like you'll be dying anytime soon, dear." (Hehe foreshadowing for my devious plans)
You sniffled, and you both stood there in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was pretty much needed currently.
Maybe...just maybe...the Paper School wasn't all that bad.
WOAHHHH! Extra short chapter! I just thought it would be nice for a really short chapter after that argument!
A little side note: When I was working on this, it was morning and I was listening to my vent playlist and 'mother tongue' by Liana Flores on repeat. Right now I'm listening to a different vent playlist but it's like- 12:24 AM PST rn bro I need to sleep. Anyways, hope ya'll liked this.
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