You didn't quite hear the last part. She made sure of that. It annoyed you, to say the least. Lemon just had to say that. Annoying citrus fruit...
Ya'll better prepare for some lore in this chapter. I promise, it does NOT get better from here on.
(What did I do to deserve 10K reads bro?- Like I did nothing π I feel like I don't deserve this- my writing isn't even that good π)
You opened your eyes to see a dark place. It seems you've fallen asleep, again. This place quickly changed to your old house. The house where everything happened.
Your eyes widened as you saw a young boy. A young 5 year old Y/N. He phased right through you as if you weren't real. (I don't believe ghosts exist ya'll)
"Mommy? Why do you have blood on your arm? What happened?"
'Crap...I forgot Y/N was still here. I forgot the bandages.'
"I-it's nothing, Y/N, honey! Mommy just had to fix something and scratched myself by accident!"
"What a liar."
You rolled your eyes at the memory. The younger version of you then walked closer to her.
"You...the thing scratched you?"
M/N chuckled lightly before shaking her head in reply. These were the nice times...nice times before she went crazy. Maybe she just couldn't accept that F/N died. It's a wonder how the police paid no mind to her.
"'re funny, Y/N. What did I do to get an amazing son like you, huh?"
She chuckled lightly while patting your head. Why couldn't she have stayed like this?
Then the scene quickly changed to a few years later with M/N crying. She was holding F/N. A red blotch in the spot where his heart should be. A song was playing...and it seemed really out of place.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Let's say goodbye with a smile dear, just for a while dear, we must part."
"Love? Dear? F/N? Wake up, please...don't leave me like this...PLEASE!"
"Don't let this parting upset you, I'll not forget you, sweetheart..."
You watched your younger self as he quietly gasped at the sight and fled to his room. This is where the problem began. You were only 8 when he died. You didn't even know why he died. M/N didn't seem to know either.
After this incident, you had to learn how to cook because M/N had shut herself into her room and wouldn't come out unless she had to go to work or to return plates. She wouldn't even talk to you. (At least she ate her food, right?)
It wasn't a good situation for M/N and you during this time. Sure, she was able to pay the bills, but her mental state wasn't any better. Every time she returned plates to the sink, a new scar was on her arm. She cried every night. You had to act like the adult now (was inspired by a line from First Love/Late Spring :3). This went on for a few years until you turned 13. It was an awful surprise that you were still mentally sane after all those years. It was torture. Mentally, and physically.
Along with going to school, you had to cook every, single. DARN. DAY. Like your mom would not even cook for a SINGLE day. You would beg, and beg, and beg for her to cook just one night. But every night you'd beg her, she'd slam the door in your face. You understood her grief for
F/N. You really did. You yourself grieved for a while. You did. Despite being a small child, you understood death quite well.
F/N was a good father. It was understandable for you to cry like that. But M/N took her grief way too far. You've had enough of her already at this point. You wanted her back. You wanted your mom. You needed her back. At thought you did.
"Mom...please stop this..."
"...why did I say that, again?"
You questioned your younger self. (Don't we all? TvT)
You looked at Y/Y/N (younger Y/N) with a blank face as he held his cheek with widened eyes.
"...I should've expected that M/N would do that. What did I expect? A 'I'm sorry I'll be your mom again' situation? I feel like younger me might've had his brain in a twist..."
You watched on until Y/Y/N tried to leave. You closed your eyes at the scene after that.
"...where're you going, Y/N?" couldn't watch this. Not again. Not ever.
"What...? You- I- wait. I thought you wanted me to, y'know, leave?"
"...why're you trying to leave? You can't leave me too...not again! Don't leave!"
She grabbed your arm. Not Y/Y/N's arm. Your arm. You were back at this scene. Nothing hurt, though. You just...couldn't control yourself. You were put in a position where you couldn't move. Just watch as she did what she did. You couldn't close your eyes. You just couldn't.
"Wha?- Please let go, M/N. I need to cook di-"
Your nose was bleeding. You didn't care. She yelled at you. You didn't care. Tears were streaming down your face (tears streaming, down your face~ and I~. Please tell me ya'll get which song I'm referencing-). You didn't care. You just didn't care anymore.
you didn't care. YOU JUST DIDN'T CARE. YOU DIDN'T-
"...I hate those types of dreams. What time is it again...WTF. OH DARN I MISSED CLASS- OH NO ENGEL'S GONNA KILL ME (metaphorically) HE'LL THINK I DIED- OH HELL!-"
You quickly stood up from the bench you were sleeping on and ran as fast as humanely possible to the next class.
AGHHHHHH- NEW CHAPTER! FINALLY! HELL YEAH- welp. Here's a longer chapter than the usual shorter ones as an apology for not posting recently! (Dang it's only been 6 days since I posted a chapter- it felt like a few weeks or a month tbh- π)
Also can ya'll tell me if you think the pace of the story is going fine? I feel like my writing's been deteriorating for a while until this chapter. Please be honest with me :')
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