005 Ξ£ janiel

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ship ; janiel (daniel & jack)
warnings ; none

t h i r d p e r s o n

dear jack,

you'll probably never receive this letter, as i'm too scared to contact you in any way. what you did to me was wrong, and i know that, but i can't help it. it may of been six months since i last saw you, and probably the best six months of my life. but, you always find a way to run through my mind again.

that night i found you in bed with another boy, one of our best friends to be exact, i was completely heart broken. it felt like my heart had shattered into a million pieces. i was numb; not even able to cry.

i just ran. i ran as far as i could, ignoring your desperate pleads for me to stop. but i didn't listen, i kept on running until i knew you wouldn't find me. i was homeless for three weeks, until a boy named corbyn found me.

he took me in, and he's treated me with the upmost respect. he has treated me so much better than you did, jack. so much better. i can't believe i didn't realise it, but you were cheating on me for five months. five fucking months, jack!

do you know how painful that is? to say that you were cheated on by the one that you thought that you were going to marry, start a family with, grow old with; the one that you thought was the love of your life. do you know how heartbreaking that is?

i tried distracting myself, so i tried dating. i was dating this guy named jonah for about a month, but he called it quits. he said word for word that 'i wasn't giving him enough attention,' and that 'i'm too scared to try anything new'. it's all true, and it's all because of you. you're the one that has broken me; made me scared to do things with the people that care for me and want to love me.

now, me and corbyn are giving it a shot. whenever i'm sad, he cuddles me and tells me everything is going to be alright. and what did you do? you just told me to man up and then left, probably to go and fuck our best friend. and when i'm mad, he gives me the space i need, and when i'm ready to talk he calms me down by giving me sweet kisses. did you ever do that, jack? no, no you didn't.

i was too blind to see that you didn't actually love me, and all you were using me for was sex. but obviously i wasn't good enough, so you went off with zach and used him instead. but only this time, you actually loved him. our relationship was toxic and i didn't realise it, because i was so in love with you.

i loved you, jack. and i thought that you loved me too. the key word there is loved. i'm completely over you now, i'm in love with corbyn and i couldn't be happier.

when you were younger you said that you would never use anyone and that you wouldn't cheat on anybody. well guess what, you did both. you're foul and to think that i ever dated you makes me shiver.

the only reason you cross my mind now is because of how broken you left me. you didn't care though. you didn't even run after me you just stood in the doorway shouting at me to get back, but when zach came along you just went back inside and forgot about me.

i'm scarred for life. i have nightmares that corbyn is going to do what you did to me, and only because you were the one to break me in the first place.

you broke me, jack robert avery. expect the worst when you rot down in hell, you evil human.

-daniel seavey


dani boy snapped

𝐰𝐑𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐱𝐛 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐑𝐨𝐭𝐬.

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