๐ทeaving the Isle used to sound like a luxury once upon a time.
If you'd asked Quinn a year or two ago, she wouldn't have hesitated to leave this horrible island for something as trivial and freeing as Auradon. But not all villains get their happy endings.
Quinn often stares at the rolled-up paper she was given from the Auradon Guards; the word VK DAY was printed in gold, nearly taking up the entire top of the page. The middle was the same paragraph everyone else was given, and Ben and Evie signed the signature on the bottom.
You'd think Quinn would be just as excited as the other kids on the island, but for some reason, Quinn wasn't. She didn't know why, but it felt wrong to go to Auradon when neither of her friends was invited over the great pond. Why should Quinn go to Auradon just because Evie felt terrible about how things ended? Quinn has her own friends.
However, Quinn left her mother's castle today after shoving the roll back in her drawers, pretending it didn't exist.
A smile naturally pulls at Quinn's lips in recognition. There's only one person I allow to call me by that horrendous nickname.
"Guppy," she flutters her fingers in a wave, scrunching her nose at her clueless friend. She snagged her broken cup and took a swig, washing her dry mouth with the dirty water they were served. She slams it on the table, sliding it across the bar and falling off. "How's my dashing pirate?"
Gil's cheeks flared a rosy red, beaming excitedly as if no one had asked him about his day. How ridiculously adorable this hunk of muscles is.
"Better now that you're here. I had sour milk with moldy toast," Gil hums as if he could still taste it. As he settled, he frowned at his friend. "Say, where've you been? You haven't been around since . . . you know."
Quinn grimaced at the recollection.
She didn't want to think about any of that right now.
"Just needed to clear my head," Quinn sat on the stool beside Gil, picking up one of the menus and burying her nose into it. She knows the menu from back to front; Quinn was trying to avoid looking at Gil. "Mm, I'll have a moldy croissant and old black coffee."
The goblin behind the counter grumbled something in his language, but Quinn didn't care. It wasn't like she could understand him anyway. Wait, was that a guy or a girl? Yikes.
Gil watched her quietly, which was unlike him; however, he always knew how to step over the glass Quinn leaves around her. Gil has always been quite patient with Quinn. He never pushes her to talk, and that's one of the best things about Gil that Quinn loves.
"You wanna talk about it?" Gil shrugs. His eyes quickly danced around the room as if he feared Quinn's rejection.
Well, it's more like he knew she wouldn't talk.
"No," Quinn said after a brief pause. She blinked--once, twice, then three times. "As much as I love your company, big guy, why are you here?"
"You won't believe it," Gil's eyes sparkle under the depressing light above them. "There's word that they're back on the Isle." Quinn narrows her eyes at the mention. "Harry says he could use all hands on deck."
Quinn scoffs. "Since when does he suggest?"
"I dunno, but that's what he said."
She hums curiously. "Sure. I'll bite."
"Yes!" Gil cheered with a fist in the air, grinning as if he stole candy from a baby. "I was hoping you'd tag along. Harry didn't think you'd come back ever since you stopped showing up at the restaurant." The too-bubbly of a pirate bounced on his toes. "You are coming back, right?"
Quinn sat back in her stool, kicking her boots on the chair beside her. "I don't know," her lips pulled in a slight smile like she was hiding the indifference behind her eyes, but it looked more like she was in pain. "Harry wasn't too thrilled when he saw me let Evie answer the others go. I'm sure he's planning to kick me out of the club."
"He wouldn't. Besides, he shouldn't blame you for that," Gil touched Quinn's knee, which she appreciated. She hadn't noticed that she was bouncing her leg on the already broken stool, making it squeak. "Evie was your best friend before she decided to hang out with Mal. Not to mention, she was your first--"
She smacked her hand over Gil's mouth, silencing him before he could finish that sentence. Quinn stared at him hard, her eyes glaring at him threateningly.
"Don't say it," she hissed harshly; it frightened Gil. Quinn closed her eyes and willed herself to keep cool as a cucumber. Don't lose it, Red. "I'm over it. Now, tell me everything."
"Didn't think we'd see yer face around here again," Harry snickers from where he stood, arms crossed against his chest. "I figured you were hiding away in that ole castle of yours, hiding yer face."
Quinn merely rolled her eyes. "Oh, you'd miss my pretty little face, Harold."
"Hardly," he grins. He really did miss their banters. "Ready to redeem yerself, Red?"
"What's the plan, hook boy?"
Harry ignores the nickname and focuses on finding something to make both of their days. He started walking away without so much as a beckon, which was a bit new, but Quinn didn't say anything. Quinn silently followed the pirate from around the corner, and it took her a second to realize what he wanted to show her.
"Mateys, I think we found ourselves some new rides," Harry smirks.
"Is this . . ." Quinn's eyes shone with excitement.
"Yep!" Gil chirped with a skip in his step. "And look! You can have Evie's bike."
Quinn admired each bike and couldn't believe they managed to find their rides. She wonders if they've seen them yet, but it doesn't sound very likely. Quinn had never ridden a bike like this before but couldn't wait to try.
The evil princess jumped excitedly before running toward Evie's distinctive bike, grabbing the helmet, and putting it on. Quinn seated herself on the bike.
"How do I look? Amazing, right?"
"Like you squeezed your head in a fishbowl."
"It suits you, Quinnie."
Gil and Harry said simultaneously. Quinn glared at Harry as he snickered to himself. "Thank you, Gil. At least someone has some respect."
"Oh, I have respect, Quinnie, but you're just not one of them."
"And I'm not one of your little minions who listens to your orders, Hazza."
Harry's face hardens at the nickname, knowing fully who it started from. "Don't call me that!" He hissed at a laughing Quinn. Harry glared at Gil. "What did I say about calling me that?"
"Uh," Gil stammered, suddenly feeling warm and sweat building on his skin. "It's only between you and me?"
"Never! Never call me that again--both of you," Harry flicked a strand of hair out of his face, glaring at the two before stomping to Jay's bike.
Quinn turned on the bike and revved the gas; she spun around, loving the sound of the wheels squealing under her. Her grin indicated how thrilling this would be; Quinn had always wanted to ride a bike, so she couldn't wait to test drive it.
A door slammed open in the distance like someone was angry, managing to catch their attention. Quinn glanced over her shoulder when she spotted the VKs marching toward them, angry frowns etched on their faces. It managed to bring a toothy grin on Quinn's lips. They were coming out of Dr. Facilier's arcade; Quinn didn't know why they were back on the Isle so soon, but she didn't care because messing with them was the highlight of her day.
Carlos rolled his eyes. "Wow. Rookie mistake?"
But Harry smirks lopsidedly. "Long time nay see."
"Get off my bike, Hook," Jay threatened.
"Catch me if you can, Jay!"
The pirates (and Quinn) peeled out of the alleyway just as the VKs sprinted after them, barely meeting them by a hair. Quinn thrust the bike at full speed, testing how fast the bike can go. Just as Quinn flew by, Evie shouted for her, only for it to get lost in the wind.
The VKs knew all the right spots to get around, and it was when Quinn spotted Evie running along the rooftops, chasing her down. However, Evie could barely keep up; the girl in blue struggled with the stylish heels she opted to wear. Besides, Quinn was on a motorized bike. It wasn't exactly fair.
Quinn turned opposite of where Evie would've run, and this way, Evie wouldn't be able to catch up with her because she couldn't cross over without leaping across the alley.
"Quinn, stop!" Evie shouted.
She figured Evie had given up on the chase because when Quinn looked back, the girl in blue just watched her drive away. Quinn grinned triumphantly, swerving through another alleyway toward the mark Harry planned. Quinn squeezed the brakes and turned the wheel, her foot touching the ground as the bike spun.
Harry and the others rounded their bikes together. The boys laughed and mocked the VKs, but Quinn didn't join their celebration. Boys will be boys.
Quinn unclipped her helmet and tossed it on the floor. "It'll be a shame if the bikes just fell."
Harry grinned, loving where this was going. "They do look a tad dirty, don't they?"
Quinn turns to Harry, matching his grin. "Should we give them a wash?"
"You read my mind."
Harry kicked Jay's bike off the ledge of the island, watching it crash against the rock before plunging into the water. Everyone yelled and followed along. Each bike tumbled and rolled against the side of the Isle, then dipped in the water along with Jay's.
Quinn pushed Evie's bike to the ledge and swiftly kicked it over, watching it follow the pursuit of the other bikes. The bike splashed in the water, forever lost in the ocean.
"Well, it's definitely clean now," Quinn pressed her hands on her hips.
Gill furrowed his brows. "How will we give them back?" He looked so confused.
Quinn raised one brow, sparing a glance at Harry. "We don't," she said.
"That's the joke," Harry added.
Give him a second. One . . . Two . . .
"Oh!" Gil laughed once it finally clicked. "I got it."
It was nice while it lasted.
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