๐ฎotillion was finally here, and Rilynn worried about the desserts she created for the party. She stayed hidden in the kitchen while she watched everyone packing and loading them into their service van.
Rilynn was standing in her beautiful lilac dress; it draped to the floor with a corset on top, hugging her waist before it flowed into a wispy skirt. A soft mesh material draped over her shoulders like a cape, touching the floor with the same lilac flowers decorating it. Rilynn was practically covered in flowers; it sprinkled from the corset sparsely, but it was mainly toward the end of her gown.
She didn't worry too much about her dress touching the floor because Rilynn was too busy worrying about her dessert choices. Rilynn anxiously played with her hair while watching everyone working, ensuring everything was secure before being placed into the van. Rilynn was proud of everything they made, but she couldn't help but worry that everyone wouldn't like it.
"Hiding in the kitchen, again?" Jay teased as he walked toward the princess, admiring her in her gown. "You look beautiful, Blondie."
Rilynn pulled out of her thoughts at the subtle compliment, flushing red. "Sorry. I wanted to make sure everything was okay to take to the boat," Rilynn's eyes strayed toward the cooks and the boxed treats.
Jay noticed. "Your desserts will be fine, Riles. Call it a day because everyone in Auradon will finally try one of your desserts."
"That's what I'm worried about," Rilynn furrowed her brows as she watched the last batch leave the kitchen.
Jay gently grabs Rilynn's chin, making her look at him. "They're perfect, babe," he reaches down and kisses her lips, which Rilynn reciprocates. "I can vouch that they'll love your desserts."
"You're my boyfriend," Rilynn felt her cheeks heat, which is ridiculous; they'd been dating for over a year, and she still gets flustered. "You have to say they're good."
He pulls her away from the kitchen when she's distracted, and luckily, she lets him. Jay intertwines his fingers with Rilynn's; they fold into the waffle-style.
"I don't have to say they're good because they are good. They're literally the best thing I've ever had, which isn't a lot," Jay rambles on. Rilynn smiled at him adoringly. "Just watch. Everyone's gonna love them just as much. Now, don't worry about them anymore. Tonight is the night to party, and that's exactly what we're gonna do."
Rilynn and Jay were walking to the limo they were sharing with their friends, which should be parked out front of Auradon Prep. Ben and Mal were supposed to be there beforehand, but Jay told Rilynn that Mal planned on going with them instead. Rilynn was excited to see Ben's accomplishments happening before her eyes.
"I should probably hand out the snacks," but as soon as Rilynn said it, Jay interjected just as quickly.
"Sandra's got it all figured out, babe. You're going to do nothing but dance with me and friends all night, is that clear?"
Rilynn accidentally laughed so hard her head fell back. Jay merely admired her as she giggled loudly, attempting to cover her face in embarrassment. She finally decided not to worry about it and let Sandra handle the rest.
"Okay, okay," Rilynn turned toward Jay, and he was captivated by her eyes. "But if she needs me--"
"Hey, guys!" Jay interrupts when they finally reach their friends. "Can you guys tell Rilynn not to worry about her dessert table tonight?"
Evie grinned as she stepped before Rilynn, grabbing her hands. "Don't you worry your pretty head about them. If there's one thing I know, your desserts are to die for, and anyone would be lucky to eat them."
Doug nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Riley. Besides, you said Chef Sandra didn't mind operating the dessert booth."
"Well, yeah, but--"
"Then, it's settled," Evie pulled Rilynn with her toward the limo before the princess could muster another excuse. "In the car. Yup. There you go. Now, put the pout away, smile, and have fun."
Jay sent them a thankful glance before crawling inside the car, finding his spot next to Rilynn. The princess doesn't fight them anymore because she knows they're right, but she's just a little paranoid. Rilynn needs to know how everyone will react to her desserts--what if they hate it? That would be Rilynn's worst nightmare because she spent so much time and effort on these desserts.
Eventually, the group flooded the limo with their dates, and the car was filled with chatter and laughter. The conversations carried over one another, and the volume grew louder. Rilynn held Jay's hand the entire time while she chatted with Doug and Carlos. The drive didn't take long before they were dropped off at the red carpet, which was right before you boarded the boat.
The group boarded the boat together, admiring the scenery behind it. There was a DJ toward the end of the dock, headphones on his head and music pumping loudly from the speakers. The lights over their heads twinkled like the stars in the dark sky, and party lights flashed around them. The students on board were already enjoying the party; they danced and sang along to the music, snaking on food or eating the desserts. The royal guards stood at each point of the boat, their eyes trained on the sea as ordered.
"Oh, my gosh! I love this song!" Rilynn squealed excitedly, pulling Jay with her toward the middle of the dance floor.
Jay adored Rilynn's excitement, and her eyes shone brightly back at him. He never grinned so wide; Jay swears his cheeks were burning. Jay grabbed Rilynn and twirled the princess, then pulled her back into his arms. They danced together until Rilynn beckoned the other couples to follow along, to which they did.
Carlos and Jane, Doug and Evie joined Rilynn and Jay; they bopped to the music and created their own little dance circle. Rilynn and Doug moved toward the middle, doing a silly dance that earned laughter from everyone. Doug was doing the sprinkler while Rilynn was doing the disco. Then, Carlos and Jay jumped in the middle, breaking into a dance much better than the two best friends did.
It didn't take long before the music lowered and the DJ made the announcement they'd been waiting for. Everyone began clapping when the spotlight flicked on, pointing at Lumiรจre from atop the stairs.
"The future Lady Mal," he announces, stepping aside.
Lumiรจre beams joyfully, and everyone cheered loudly when Mal stepped out from behind the wall. She walked with heavy feet, muscles tense with anxiety, and eyes wide in terror. Rilynn had never seen Mal so shaken since she met her, and she hoped their encouragement eased her anxiety.
Rilynn cheered happily for Mal, showing her support and letting her know they were there for her. She clapped just as loud as her friends. They were the loudest; they made sure Mal could hear and feel their love.
"You outdid yourself, Evie," Rilynn grins wide, admiring Mal's gown.
"I know," Evie grinned proudly.
She wore a yellow ball gown with intricate blue designs lined all over the dress, representing Auradon proudly. It wasn't exactly weird for most to see Mal in her traditional leather; however, the group could see how different Mal looked. Since Mal let her walls down and confessed to her friends, seeing Mal in these colors was unlike her. It didn't feel like Mal anymore.
Rilynn couldn't imagine what Mal must be feeling right now, but she wished Mal knew how much Ben loved her as she was.
Mal pinched the front of her gown and carefully descended the stairs. Adam met her halfway when he offered his hand, which Mal took eagerly. She looked like she was close to passing out and was grateful for Adam helping her because her legs felt like jello.
Evie approaches them, offering Belle and Adam a slight nod before she and Mal pull away. The two girls met back with the group.
"How are you feeling, Mal?" Rilynn softly asks.
Mal glances at the golden-haired princess, mustering a shaky smile. "Uh," she let out a nervous laugh. "I sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up."
"Yeah. Okay, that's okay," Evie reassures, gripping Mal's hands for comfort. "Look. We're right here with you, okay?"
She nods forcefully. "Okay."
The trumpets sang again just as Lumiรจre announced again. "King Benjamin."
Ben stepped out into the light, and his eyes scanned the room, searching for someone when they landed straight ahead. Ben met Mal's eyes like magnets; they always found each other in a crowded room. Everyone clapped for Ben as he walked down the stairs, and his focus stayed glued to Mal along the way.
Mal met him at the bottom of the stairs, suddenly feeling the world's weight off her shoulders whenever he was around.
"Mal, I wish I had time to explain," Ben randomly said.
Rilynn wasn't sure if they were supposed to hear him, but she frowned in confusion. She wasn't expecting that to come from Ben at all times like now. But then Rilynn was proven wrong when the spotlight flicked on a third time, but she didn't see this coming.
Uma stepped into the light awkwardly, her nervous gaze shifting around the ship under the watchful eyes of Auradonians. She looked uncomfortable from the stares but didn't shy away when she glanced down. Rilynn couldn't believe her eyes. Now, this was unexpected.
"Uh," Rilynn accidentally slipped out, staring at Uma. She shifted closer to Jay when she felt his arm tighten protectively around her. "How did she get here?"
Jay narrowed his eyes at Uma, scorning the girl as she gleefully walked toward Ben. "I don't know, but I like this."
No one can get in or out of the Isle without the bridge opening. The barrier wouldn't open without the remote, but how could Uma get out? They ensured they weren't being followed; they didn't see anyone around, so how did Uma?
It was unnerving how Uma smiled shyly as if she didn't just abduct Ben, momentarily sell her to Ginny, and attempt to hold her hostage. Uma did so much in such little time on the Isle, and to see the sea witch smiling like an innocent girl it left a bad taste in Rilynn's mouth. There was no way Ben would've gone back for Uma, would he? Rilynn didn't hear any of the conversations they shared, but this was just hard to comprehend.
Ben moved away from Mal and met Uma, holding her hands delicately with a glimmer in his eyes. He looked at her the same way he looked at Mal.
"Sorry," Ben blinked in surprise, almost as if he forgot Mal was staring at him brokenhearted. "It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma." Ben looked back at Uma, lost in her eyes. "A connection."
Rilynn met Evie's equally troubled gaze, but she shook her head; the princess didn't know what was happening either. She hadn't seen Ben since they all separated after they returned from the Isle.
Mal could feel her heart breaking. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying--"
"It was love!" Uma finished with a burst of energy. It was shocking for them. Who even is this person? Uma was giggling. "It was. I just . . . I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"
When Uma looked at Mal, Rilynn could've sworn she saw Mal's whole world shatter at her words. Rilynn had never seen Mal look so distraught, knowing she could do nothing.
"It was," Ben agrees instantly. He couldn't stop staring at Uma. It was as if he was under a spell.
Uma beamed giddily. "I know."
"Ben. Ben!" Mal called twice when he was too entranced. But when Ben did look at her, it made Mal's heart break even more, if that was possible. "Did you go back for her?"
Uma shook her head, answering for him. "He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer, so . . ."
"That you are," Ben compliments affectionately.
Rilynn was uncomfortable by it all.
"Listen, Mal," Uma took Mal off guard when she grabbed her hands as if they were friends, talking to her sweetly. "I just really want to thank you. I do. For everything."
This couldn't be happening. There's no way this is real life.
"Don't you see, Mal? You were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together," he stared at her knowingly. It was like he purposely tried to embarrass Mal in front of everyone. "That's why you never told me you loved me. Thank you."
Rilynn gasped in disbelief. "Ben," she scolded softly.
"It's okay, Riley," Ben smiled at her gobsmacked expression, seemingly unaware. "It just wasn't meant to be."
To confuse her some more, Ben pulled Uma into his arms, and the two waltzed into the midst of their despair. Ben and Uma ignored the stares of surprise as they swayed to the music softly playing, only interested in one another more than anyone else.
Carlos narrowed his eyes at Ben. "Not too thrilled that I risked my life for him," he made sure to raise his voice loud enough for Ben to hear.
"We're with you, Mal," Lonnie said.
Rilynn couldn't tear her eyes away from Ben and Uma when Jay grabbed her hand and pulled her along, following Mal and Evie. They needed to get as far away as possible, but all Rilynn could think about was how weird this was.
"I don't believe it," Rilynn stared at the strange couple. "There's no way Ben would do that to her."
Jay clenched his jaw, making sure Rilynn was close beside him. "Yeah, well, so much for trust."
But Rilynn frowned. "But I know Ben. He loves Mal. There has to be an explanation for this."
Suddenly, former king Adam caught Rilynn; she and Jay stopped and looked at the worried man.
"Rilynn, you two have been good friends since you attended Auradon Prep; has Ben mentioned this to you beforehand?" Adam was just as puzzled as they were. He didn't believe either. "What does he mean when he was on the Isle with Uma? Did you guys go to the Isle?"
That was a question Rilynn was hoping to avoid. She didn't think about what to do if someone were to find out about them traveling to the Isle. Honestly, Rilynn figured everything was okay.
Rilynn struggled to find the right thing to say without getting either of them in trouble, but as Adam and Belle stared at her expectantly, Rilynn was starting to crumble with panic.
"I'm not sure," Rilynn's face grew hot in embarrassment. "I had no idea."
"Sweetie, are you alright?" Belle furrowed her brows at Rilynn's stammering.
The princess glanced at Jay, silently begging him to help her escape this mess.
"It's sort of a long story," Jay offered little.
He didn't give them any more time to think too hard before Jay pulled Rilynn away, hoping to escape any more of their questions. Neither of them wanted to answer the questions that could potentially get them in trouble.
Jane rushed past the group, running as quick as she could for a girl in heels and running up the set of stairs. Jane moved faster than anyone, desperate to reach Lumiรจre, and when she did, she didn't waste a second.
"Lumiรจre, unveil the gift," Jane urged desperately. "They need to see it."
He understood immediately.
"And now, for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady."
The trumpets played, and everyone turned around curiously. They were left in awe; a beautiful stained glass window was crafted to resemble Ben's love for Mal. The dark colors emphasized how much Ben loved Mal for who she was--an Isle girl by heart. The girl they were staring at had striking green eyes, and her hair was the same purple color from the day Ben met Mal; her dress was the rich, deep purple that represented who Mal was when she walked off that island. That girl on the mural is the girl Ben fell in love with.
In the mural, Ben kneeled before Mal, admiring and worshiping her as his lover. You could practically feel the warmth presented through the art.
"Ben did that?" Mal gasped, honestly gobsmacked.
"Yeah, he did," Evie then turned to Rilynn. "Did you know anything about this?"
But Rilynn shook her head, just as amazed. "He never mentioned anything."
Mal couldn't look away from the mural. "Ben's known who I was all along," she was overwhelmed with emotions.
Rilynn smiles at the glass. "He loves the real you, Mal," she proudly says.
"A true love."
"Told you," Carlos subtly adds.
But when Uma saw it, there was a glint in her eyes and a look on her face that was hard to hide. Uma was furious. She couldn't let this happen. Not on her watch.
"Cover that back up!" She roared abruptly.
Her anger surprised many guests but not the friends who knew her too well. Uma was always a slippery, tiny squid, but eventually, her true colors showed themselves. They knew it was too good to be true when Uma walked in smiling like that and convincing everyone she loved Ben.
Lumiรจre's eyes widened in shock, but he narrowed his eyes. "I will certainly not!"
Uma started to grow nervous as she smiled uncomfortably, and her voice began to waver. "Why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?"
Ben stared long into Uma's eyes, enthralled before he yelled. "I have an announcement! Uma will be joining the court tonight as my Lady."
Now, things are looking a little fishy in the VK's eyes.
Adam frowned. "Son--"
"Not now, Dad!" Ben exploded with anger, and it surprised everyone. He's never shouted, nor has he ever raised his voice at his dad before. Ben cleared his throat, lowering his temper. "Uh, so, as my gift, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all."
For a moment, the world was silent. No one dared to speak after Ben's announcement because what? Nobody knew what Ben was talking about, nor did they understand where any of this was coming from. Ben knew the consequences of opening the barrier completely, especially with the most dangerous villains lurking in the shadows.
Rilynn couldn't believe what Ben was saying. There was no way they would complete his demand, would they? After their first experience on the Isle, Rilynn is a bit worried. However, Rilymn promised to help Ginny out of the Isle, but she's still weary of the girl not to avenge her mother against her family.
"Benny," Rilynn frowned worriedly. "Benny, you can't be serious."
Ben met Rilynn's eyes, and for a moment, she could've sworn she saw her best friend behind his glazed eyes.
"I am," he finally answers robotically. Ben turns to Fairy Godmother and fixes his suit. "Fairy Godmother, bring down the barrier."
Fairy Godmother stared at him, hugging the wand close to her chest. As much as she wanted to oblige to her King, Fairy Godmother knew she shouldn't. With the power bestowed upon her, the woman denied the King for the first time.
"I most certainly will not," Fairy Godmother denied.
"I am your King!" Ben roared threateningly.
Uma glared at Fairy Godmother. "Obey him."
"This is not Ben," Rilynn scoots closer to the group, not wanting Uma to hear her.
Mal thought about it, and she felt
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