03. ๐˜๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ฏ๐—น๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป๐˜€๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฝ๐˜€

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"๐•ฌuradon Prep," started Ben, gesturing to the school behind him.

The royal friends smiled once more before turning around and directing the villain kids toward the middle of the grounds, a giant statue of King Beast standing proudly in front of the castle. Rilynn felt a light tug on her arm, and she automatically curled her arm around Chad's, letting him lead them after Ben and Audrey.

"Originally built over three hundred years ago and converted into high school by my father when he became King."

The group rounded the side of the statue as the royals stared expectantly at the figure, and the villain kids raised their brows in confusion and heavy judgment. Still, then, when Ben clapped his hands, the magical statue groaned as the bronze statue morphed into something different. What was once the King had transformed into a beast just as he once became the night a witch stumbled across his castle, bewitching him with a curse that left him lonely and hideous.

Now, the statue symbolizes something other than becoming the monster you are, but the character builds up after humbling your ego--the King can agree.

Carlos screamed in fright with a terrified cry, caught off-guard when the statue morphed right before his eyes, but the beast terrified the boy; he was so scared that he nearly jumped out of his shoes, landing in Jay's arms and holding the thief close. Unfortunately for Jay, he was the only one closest to Carlos, forcing him to deal with a scared Carlos. Now, Jay cradled a frightened Carlos in front of everyone, making the thief feel like a joke in front of all these royals. However, Jay wasn't the only one who was embarrassed by Carlos' reaction; Mal's eyes widened in disgust at the younger boy's behavior, the way he was whimpering like a scared dog, all because he was terrified of an inanimate object.

I can't believe what I'm seeing; Mal hissed in her thoughts, so much for being rotten.

However, Rilynn looked to be the only one concerned for Carlos. The princess frowned to herself as she watched Carlos with an apologetic smile. Rilynn couldn't imagine how deprived they were of a bit of magic, including a statue that could morph from beast to man; however, Rilynn was certain the Isle hadn't been good to them either. She didn't want to judge who they were and where they came from, but Rilynn thought Carlos' mother had something to do with his jumpiness.

Ben looks over. "Carlos, it's okay," assured the prince. "My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible."

Mal stared at the statue. "Does he shed much?"

"Yeah. Mom won't let him on the couch," joked Ben.

Ben and Mal share another moment that they unknowingly knew about, and neither is trying to smile too obviously. Ben shared his smile with the other villain kids to avert the attention between him and Mal, constantly feeling his brain turn to mush whenever she laughed at his jokes or played along. Ben couldn't explain why he was feeling this way; he blamed the dreams he'd had about the girl with purple hair and green eyes, but it possibly couldn't be, could it?

Rilynn glanced at Carlos and Jay, who didn't look too happy with the younger boy, and managed to contact the older boy; his eyes nearly widened when he remembered he was carrying Carlos in his arms, but Rilynn laughed softly like it was some kind of joke. Chad tried not to look bothered while standing next to Rilynn, not bothering to include himself in the welcoming wagon, not appreciating how his girlfriend acted around Jay. It was weird. Rilynn hasn't stopped giggling or sparing glances at the villain kid since he arrived, and it was beginning to irritate Chad.

Although there wasn't an ounce of jealousy cooking in his veins, Chad didn't like the idea of a villainous kid taking something up from him; Rilynn was his, and seeing that Jay was attracted to the princess, he felt like he got the higher up. Unlike Jay, Chad got himself the princess first.

While Rilynn and Chad followed Ben and Audrey, Mal and Evie trailing behind, Jay threw Carlos out of his arms. Jay pushed Carlos away from him, creating distance; the thief left the white-haired boy alone with the statue. Carlos stared at the statue nervously, wondering if it would change so suddenly. Carlos trembled in his boots like a scared cat, shoes glued to the sidewalk, unable to move. The villain boy raised his hands and clapped to the same beat as Ben, but the statue remained unchanged as the Beast. Carlos furrowed his brows in befuddlement, wondering how Ben had changed the figure with a simple clap of his hands. He wanted to see it move again, maybe getting rid of the beast figure but failed.

Looking away from the statue and to where the group once stood, Carlos' eyes widened anxiously when they weren't there anymore, scanning the area and searching for his friends, only to find them making their way into the castle. Carlos whimpered, a little scared to get lost in such a big school; the boy rushed for the group. Okay, Carlos didn't want to be left alone with the Beast statue, but it's probably not something he should admit.

"So, you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?" asked Mal. "Like wands and things like that?"

Rilynn and Chad turned around opposite where Ben and Audrey stood, though the blond prince was dreading the time spent with the villains; he wanted to leave and talk to Rilynn, but the princess was too distracted by the villain boy, who kept trying to send her ridiculous flirtatious looks. It was infuriating. Chad had missed the last few glances between Rilynn and Jay--though the princess would merely look at the villain kids and find Jay already staring at her, she'd blush and stare at the ground until her cheeks no longer burned.

It wasn't like Rilynn was outwardly flirting with Jay, but he made her feel a little flushed by all the looks he was giving her; the princess didn't mean to react in such a way; in fact, Rilynn didn't mean to be giving Jay the wrong messages by acting the way she was and being a little schoolgirl, giddy over a boy who can make her blush by his words. No, Rilynn wouldn't fall for a guy who flashed his smile; Jay looked too cool for school, and Rilynn was all about education.

"Yeah, it exists, of course, but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just . . . ordinary mortals."

"Who happens to have magic hair that heals the wounded," started Mal, looking at Rilynn sideways, who shied from her gaze and stepped closer to Chad, playing with her hair. "And who happens to be kings and queens."

"That's true," chirped Audrey. Her forced smile started to hurt her cheeks because of how hard she was grinning, but Audrey was trained for moments like these. Trying to prove a point without blatantly outing herself, Audrey lifted Ben's arm and wrapped it over her shoulders. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years ago."

Ben was uncomfortable. He didn't want to hold or touch Audrey without her thinking he was ignoring her, mainly because he felt he would lead her on. Since the strange dream of the purple-haired girl, Ben hadn't been able to look Audrey in the eyes and pretend he was in love with her. Ben liked Audrey, but love?

His whole life was practically planned out just as much as their relationship, and as much as it pained him to push Audrey aside, Ben couldn't keep up with the lying anymore. There was something so captivating about Mal that reeled in his attention, and all he could focus on was her; he didn't know why because he couldn't explain it, but his dream felt so personal.

As if his knight and shining armor had rescued him from the uncomfortable situation he found himself in, Doug was walking down the grand stairs with his marching band attire still on, Knights embedded across the suit.

"Doug!" called Ben in almost relief.

Rilynn looks up to find her other best friend walking down the stairs with a clipboard, looking over a few things and making sure to add a few notes here and there.

"Doug, come down here," said Ben, running away from Audrey, leaving her to smile awkwardly at Mal. Doug smiles at Ben and meets him at the bottom of the steps; Ben throws an arm over his shoulder. "This is Doug. He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of your dorms." Ben leaves his side and returns to Audrey, seemingly directing her to Mal as if she were the only person in the room. "I'll see you around, okay? And if there's anything you need, feel free to--"

"Ask Doug," interrupted Audrey, earning looks from Mal and Evie. "Or Lynnie. Either one's willing to help, I'm sure."

Mal and Audrey laughed forcefully and ended with a tense sigh. Ben chuckles nervously, seeming to be staring at the evil fairy before looking over to Rilynn with a bit of worry in his eyes, but the princess only looks at him with a confused expression. Ben didn't want to explain to his friend in front of everyone, though he was sure he would soon. He'd never told Rilynn about his dream with a purple-haired girl who resembled Mal, and he was sure his best friend wouldn't be too happy that he had kept this from her for so long.

"Doug," called Rilynn softly, walking toward her other best friend. "I can help you with finding their dorms. I can take Mal and Evie--"

Jay might've grumbled defeatedly when the princess only wanted to be around the girls rather than him, but he shouldn't get so hung over it. The whole point of his flirty behavior was for the girl to run after him, not the other way around.

However, Chad had interrupted Rilynn. "Sorry, Doug, she actually can't today," rejected Chad, reaching for her hand. She looked at him with raised brows, wondering why he stopped her. "We still have to talk, don't we?"

But Rilynn didn't smile or react. Instead, she immediately dreaded the idea. There was no point telling Chad of her plans, considering he knows, but Rilynn realized the look she was receiving from her boyfriend--he wasn't looking too happy. Chad was fuming silently beside her, shaking his head and narrowing his eyes at Rilynn. No doubt, Chad wasn't too keen on the fact that her new task this year would be mingling with a bunch of villainous kids, and he was furious that she hadn't consulted him in this decision.

"Oh," said Rilynn. She avoided everyone's eyes and stared at Chad, not wanting anyone to see how she felt if she were to look at anyone; however, Mal, the only one interested in their drama, was listening with a raised brow, lips quirking upward. "Right. That. Uh . . ." She finally looks at the villain kids, putting on a smile. "It was really nice meeting you guys. Bye, Doug."

Doug watched his friend, frowning slightly as he barely met Rilynn's gaze. He knows. "Bye, Riley."

And with that, Chad and Rilynn exited the dorm and left them all behind.

He will have to find Rilynn later and ask her what that was all about, but for now, Doug has to help the villain kids with their dorms and classes.

"Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and . . ." listed Doug with his fingers, but as soon as his eyes landed on a beautiful evil princess in front of him, he lost track of all seven of his uncles. His brain turned into sludge, and his hands were suddenly shaky with a nervous feeling and a swelling feeling growing in his chest. "Heigh-ho."

Evie locked eyes with the dwarf's son, grinning devilishly as she slowly walked up and kept eye contact with him. She loved it when boys found her attractive, falling for the hook she left out for the fish to catch. Evie enjoys the attention she receives. It boosted Evie's ego, knowing any guy would fall head over heels for her, and she could easily have a boyfriend with a bat of her lashes.

In the back, Mal chuckled knowingly.

"Evie. Evil Queen's daughter," said Evie with pride.

Doug shook his head, falling away from Evie's trance. "Okay. So, about your classes. I, uh, put in the requirements already," said Doug as Mal walked beside him, peering over his shoulder. "History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and--uh . . ." Doug glanced over his shoulder, clearing his throat. "Remedial Goodness one-oh-one."

Mal snorts, popping a piece of candy in her mouth. "Let me guess . . . new class?" Doug nodded, looking between Mal and Evie, who was busy twisting her hair. Then, Mal drops her candy wrapper on the floor like nothing. "Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms."

Practically hypnotized by Evie's beauty, Doug nearly missed that they were going up the wrong stairs.

"Oh, uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys," redirected Doug.

Halfway up the stairs, the four villain kids trampled down the steps and rounded around Doug, leaving the boy stranded alone in the grand room, seemingly concentrated on something else. No one bothered to talk to Doug, instead finding their rooms. Still trying to name all six of his uncles, Doug couldn't seem to remember one of them; it was on the tip of his tongue, but for some reason, the boy couldn't remember one of his uncles.

He wasn't going to tell his uncles that he constantly forgot their names or that he could barely keep up with his uncles. Doug was learning, but there were so many of them.

"Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and . . ."

Carlos rounded behind the boy, stopping briefly. "Sneezy," he said before following his friends.

Doug should've known.


After Rilynn and Chad dispersed from the villains, they wandered around the school, quiet as neither of them could bother to start a conversation. Rilynn could practically feel her boyfriend's irritation as he practically scowled to himself, always looking everywhere but at the princess. She wasn't sure how she was going to tell him now, knowing how he was acting, but Rilynn wasn't sure if she owed Chad anything; it was her choice, and she wanted to help everyone, but Rilynn couldn't help but feel guilty for keeping this from Chad.

All she had to do was text him regarding the situation she would face this year, but Rilynn never did. Was it wrong for Rilynn to keep something like this from Chad? Maybe it was just a little bit, but Rilynn knew how Chad felt about the villains, and Rilynn was hoping to avoid this conversation.

By now, the couple found themselves aimlessly heading for the courtyard where they occupied a colorful bench with no one else around them; a few students roamed around the yard here and there, but much to Rilynn's (and Chad's) relief, none of them were on ears reach. Rilynn took a seat on the bench while Chad chose to stand on the other side of the table, hands on his hips, as he stared out at the courtyard with a troubling look on his face.

It felt like Rilynn was a child about to be scolded.

"You're upset," said Rilynn with a tiny voice.

Chad scoffed almost too loudly. "Upset? Why would I be upset?" His face contorted. "I mean, it's not like my girlfriend went behind my back and agreed to something--something this stupid!"

Uncomfortable, Rilynn played with her hair. "I wouldn't say it's stupid," defended the princess, though her voice was weak and quiet. "And I wouldn't say I went behind your back. I tried to talk to you for a while now, but you've been distant . . ."

However, Chad couldn't bother to hear her. He was heated. Imagine how he must've looked mingling with the villains as if they were friends. Chad has a reputation he would like to keep, but he can't when Rilynn constantly does something that makes people's heads turn.

"How could you do this to me? To us! We're a couple, Rilynn, which means that sometimes, we have to make these kinds of decisions together," argued Chad. "Not only that, but the daughter of Maleficent? This is insane."

"Hey, don't judge them just by who their parents are," snapped Rilynn, a little peeved. "They're really nice."

"That's because you always think that everyone you meet is nice. Besides, they're only nice to you because you're pretty," retorted Chad grumpily. "They're villains, Rilynn. They're deceiving and know how to mess with someone's mind. And that Jay guy . . ."

Rilynn frowns. "What about him?"

Chad chuckles bitterly. "You were always oblivious to when a guy's hitting on you," muttered the prince to himself. "He was practically checking you out! The nerve of that guy, I'll tell you. If he even tries anything, I'll ruin his life. My dad would confront the King and have him kicked out of school."

"Okay, that's just crazy talk. Jay wasn't checking me out," denied Rilynn. "They just need some time to figure things out and get comfortable with school." The princess gets up from the bench and walks around the table, standing before Chad as she grabs his hands. "Just give them a chance, please?"

"I'm not giving anyone a chance, Rilynn. I think you forget who their parents are."

"Of course, I haven't. I didn't come up with the idea, Chad," she furrowed her brows, hurt. "Ben came to me and asked me for a favor; I wasn't going just to say no. He's my best friend."

Chad narrows his eyes. "He was my best friend before yours," argued Chad, then rolled his eyes. "He didn't ask me."

"Well, can you blame him? You've always talked . . . well, not great about villains and their kids," sighed Rilynn, brushing her hand through her hair. "Ben knew you wouldn't be interested in helping with the villain kids. He asked me the night before he told his parents and asked me out of the blue. I promise I wanted to tell you, but you've been avoiding me ever since. I thought you knew about it, and that was why you were ignoring me."

Chad frowned. "I didn't know about it, and I wasn't avoiding you, Riley," he responded with a soft voice. "I've been trying to get my grades up for some of my classes--you remember the ones you were bothering me about?"

"Yeah," nodded Rilyn. "You wouldn't let me help you because you were too embarrassed."

"Yeah, but that's beside the point, Rilynn. I don't think you should go through with this."

Rilynn smiles in confusion, furrowing her brows. "With what?"

"Hanging around those . . . villains! They're not good news, babe," cooed Chad. "I'm worried for you. I don't trust them. Who knows what they've got up their sleeves now that they're here in Auradon." He clasps Rilynn's hands, looking at her with a charming smile. "Besides, I need my girlfriend, too, you know."

"I think I can handle myself, Chad. But . . . I'll always be there for you! Don't worry about that. I won't always be with the villain kids, only helping them here and there."

Rilynn was lying right through her teeth. She wanted to be friends with the villain kids because she knew they wouldn't have many friends, and if Rilynn could help them with that, then so be it. She doesn't believe everyone is born evil--she can feel it. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are merely victims of society, forced to become someone that the world had made them out to be the second they were born. Rilynn doesn't think they are as evil as everyone says.

"Are you forgetting all the bad stuff their parents did to our parents?"

She scoffed lightly. "No, but . . ."

She tried to explain

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