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Only four more days till his boy came back and it didn't seem as awful of a wait while he had his other boy with him. Brendan had Clyde propped on his bed, letting him watch while he was getting ready.

In the last weeks that had kind of become a habit, he put Clyde somewhere to sit, on tables, the laundry bin, countertops or whatever, while he was busy scurrying around like some spooked chicken running from one end of his cage to another, making the gritty ground underneath it rattle.

Brendan picked up one of his more lavish clothes, a loose shirt in maroon-red with the word REBEL printed on it, put it on and threw a dark jacket over it. He was just kinda flexing today, also ever since his haircut ( If you can even call it that. It's more of a hairfuckup ) he put in extra effort on looking sharp.

To top it all off he put on the bucket hat and adjusted a black supreme shoulder bag around his torso which was small enough to carry some weed around in it, so he did.

FLEXING, boys!

In the background he was blasting some of his rap music and Clyde didn't seem to mind. The opposite actually, he wagged his lil feet around and gazed around the room with his mouth hanging open as if he was seeing LSD creatures. His baby boy definitely had the right vibes going.

After checking himself in the mirror for an exaggerated amount of time where he made sure he looked good in all poses, he strolled over to Clyde who was sitting in the seat carrier on the bed and crouched before him. He took his feet into his hands and squeezed them firmly.

"You ready to meet those monkey's? Wanna be part of the crew? I know you do! Yeah, yeah, you do!"

Clyde giggled softly and Brendan kissed his little toes as they tried to wiggle out of his hold. He already told the other guys about him because he thought, fuck it it's better to just tell them instead of letting them dwell in their own opinion and give them time to act out any sketchy plans. ( No shade towards Aaron who did the same thing by being sneaky of his sexuality and playing with other dudes. )

And yeah since their reaction were rather dismissive and dodgy he didn't bother bringing Clyde around because what good would that be? But today he wanted to just sit down on the bench with him outside and watch the guys playing if they're out and maybe that'd spark some interst in them, who knew.

Once he reached the bench he already spotted his friends a few yards away, throwing a handball around like maniacs in a pool. Brendan put Clyde next to him and propped a cigarette between his lips like the good example he was for his boy.

But then when he held the flame at the other end of the cigarette he glanced at Clyde and stopped in the act. That was kinda shitty, he definitely didn't want his baby turning into a vegetable, or whatever smoke would do to a baby. Probably nothing good. Whatever.

He heard that the smacking noises of handball colliding with bod had stopped and looked back at his friends. They were watching him, then shouting.

"Pull out game weak, Brendan?"

"I swear no!" Brendan shouted back as they trudged over to him. "I pulled out just fine. Clyde Smart here is just a trooper. None you can do about that."

"Like Chuck Norris? They always be talking about that Chuck Norris was aborted but then Chuck Norris was born anyway, or something." Skinny-Dave said then stared into a void as if he was trying to think through what he'd just said.

"Nah, man. Totally like John Cena." Brendan said. "My girl was like I ain't preggers and Clyde comes from her womb walls like You sure bout that?"

"Fun story." Deon said, staring at Clyde like a hawk figuring out his pray on a tree branch. "Let's see him then. Can I hold...?"

"Sure, don't you dare drop him tho."

Wow, that's way more than Brendan had expected they'd do. Holding him! They'd probably kiss him next and pay all the expenses that go out on diapers.

Deon snorted. "After your story I doubt that'd faze him any."

"Whatever. Be careful with ma boy, you punk bitch."

Deon reached into the seat carrier, bringing his hands under Clyde's armpits. Clyde looked pretty frightened to be picked up by him, his eyebrows furrowed over his eyes which were looking opposite direction like he was looking for a way out. It was kinda funny but also made Brendan's heart cramp into itself. He wanted to take him back, but allowed Deon to adjust him in his arms, and smiled forcedly.

Okay, this was kinda worse than he expected it to be.

When Deon started smiling at Clyde it got Brendan blood boiling silently, the sight of someone else enjoying his boy was kinda maddening.

Nobody seemed to notice his inner tumult tho because they all crowded around Deon to get a sight in. Well Skinny-Dave and Fat-Dave anyway, Baby Freddie just stood around, visibly squirming, but made a big show of caring anyway, his smile almost topping Brendan's on the fake-scale.

His discomfort played out good on Brendan's suffering though; it turned his anger into amusement. At least one thing was going right.

"Yo, he's so cute." Deon said, rocking him slightly. Brendan couldn't watch this, he looked back at Baby Freddie instead who was also looking for a way out like the big baby he was. They chose his nickname so well. Brendan didn't even remember who came up with it, but they probably all came up with it the first time they've seen Freddie enter through those gates, walking behind his mom while holding her hands.

Skinny-Dave frowned at Deon, "You be calling Bren cute too with that, you know. He looks exactly like him."

"No homo." Deon added, "Your kids cute, Bren. If you were fifteen years younger you might've been cute too."

Brendan rolled his eyes and reclined against the picknick table, crossing his arms. "No shit. Good genes run in my family."

"And away from your mumsy." Nolan countered swiftly.

Brendan's mouth hung open at this but then he noticed Baby Freddie coming over and sitting down next to him. He looked like he had something really important to say.

"So," Baby Freddie began. "You want to hear the rest of the story now? You said maybe later, and it's kinda later now."


"Baby Freddie nobody gives a shit about your big love story," Nolan called, getting some of the guys sniggering. "Brendan's punishment of his hookup is here, we got better things to keep us busy."

"Look, he's tryna touch his brows with his lashes!" Skinny-Dave called which made Nolan raise his brows at Freddie as if he'd just gotten proven his point.

Skinny-Dave turned to Brendan. "Where ish your girlsy then?" He asked. "Will she come and breast feed him in front of us? Bet his mom is a big hooker, or no no no! Even better: That manwo Nate."

"What's a manwo?" Baby Freddie asked, genuinely confused.

"A woman who acts like a man. Where ishe, Bren?"

"Told ya: dead. And Simone is his mom, not one of my clients."

" 'n you're not blowing tissues non stop? How come?"

"Why should I? All we had was sex. Would you shed a tear for some slut?"

Deon's face came up with a shocked expression. "You call your kids mom a slut? Sick!" Deon was cracking up laughing by now.

"I didn't call her one. I'm just saying you wouldn't cry for someone you slept with just for sex, would you?"

"Nah. Guess not."

"Well there you got your point then." After a while Brendan asked them if they could watch Clyde for a little while in turn for some freebies. Skinny-Dave perked up at this first.

"How much you talking about?"

"I don't know. Three?"

"Dude, you're going all in."

Brendan shrugged and crammed in his shoulder bag. "Babysitting sure pays out. So you down?"

"Hell yeah!"

Brendan frowned at the others. Nolan and Deon nodded, Baby Freddie didn't look so sure, his face was all bricked up.

"Sure, we can take care of lil Kyle for a while." Deon said.

"Dude! Why is everyone mistaking his name for Kyle? His name's Clyde." Brendan looked pretty flustered but then he stood up and got into Deon's pockets, sneaking in a joint and did the same with Nolan and Skinny-Dave. That was just his way of doing it without other people noticing he was dealing in public.

"You know the drill; If anything happens to Clyde you better watch yourself once Me-Crazy is out."

. . .

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