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You, Freddy and Gregory made your way to the main stage. Freddy still had a hand on his stomach, and his head was still twitching.

"The sound booth is on the third floor" you stated. "You guys stay here. I'll be back in a flash" you told them, and they didn't even have chance to reply as you hurried off. You narrowly avoided the security bots scattered everywhere, and eventually made it to the third floor. As you were ascending up the stairs, something sounded through the intercom.

"Are you having fun yet?" Vanny repeated from earlier. "See you soon" And you physically felt your heart drop to your stomach. She could be anywhere right now. You needed to be extra careful.

As you made it to the third floor, you scanned your surroundings. It was all clear, so you cautiously made your way to the sound booth. You suddenly stopped in your tracks as your ears started ringing, and the same blurry vision came back, this time more violently.

Vanny was near.

Trying to shake off the uneasy feeling, you powered through your state, and swiftly walked to the sound booth. You got the disk out of your pocket, until something pounced on you.

The disc flew from your hand and landed somewhere nearby, but you were too focussed on the white rabbit hovering over you. Your eyes widened, as her large red ones pierced through yours.

Before you had the chance to react, both of her hands latched around your neck, as she squeezed slowly but hard. You wheezed as her grip on your windpipe was tightening. You tried to frantically unclasp her hands from your neck, but were unsuccessful. She was stronger then you thought.

You were slowly losing your breath, and you were starting to think you were gonna die staring into her freaky red eyes. No. You weren't.

You kneed her in the stomach, and she yelped, then fell beside you. You took this as your chance, as you scrambled for the disk, still trying to catch your breath. She suddenly grabbed your ankle and yanked it back, making you fall flat on your face. You had your arm outstretched for the disk that was literally an inch out of your grasp.

You looked over your shoulder, and Vanny was stood, slowly dragging you backwards. Before she could do anything else, you kicked her in the face with your other foot, and you heard a loud crack. That definitely left a broken nose.

She yelped again, and let go of your ankle, reaching her hands up to her nose without taking off her mask. "You bitch" she seethed.

"You're the one trying to kill me, bitch!" you spat, then clutched the disk and got to your feet. Before you managed to slot the disk in the booth, she pushed you with great force, making you fall over again.

Your vision went blurry again, you had hit your head on something hard and you thought you had a concussion. You squinted and saw Vanny hovering over you again. Before you could do anything, she punched you square in the face. A red liquid instantly leaked out of your nose.

You yelped, then she grabbed ahold of your neck again. She squeezed, and started chuckling. "He's gonna be over the fucking moon when I bring you to him" she laughed manically.

That made you think. Who is he?

You could worry about that later, your main focus was getting this psycho off you. You caught her by surprise as you latched your hands around her neck, and you squeezed hard on her windpipe. She immediately wheezed, and let go of you. You jabbed your first into her face quickly, making her stumble back.

You scrambled to your feet again, and quickly slotted the disk into the booth. Lively music started playing through the Plex, and you looked down at the main stage, and saw humongous holograms of the 4 main stars on stage. Now all you had to do was get down there before Vanny kills you.

Speaking of Vanny, you looked to the place where she fell back, and she was no longer there. You looked around frantically some more, and she was nowhere in sight.

Who even was she?

Why was she trying to kill you?

You didn't have time to think about that now. You needed to get Freddy to Parts and Service. You lifted a hand to your nose, and wiped it with the back of your hand. You looked back to see blood. You could deal with that later, it'll hopefully dry up.

You descended down the stairs, and made it back to the ground floor. You made your way past the security bots and back to Freddy and Gregory. Your nose started running with blood again, and you tried to frantically wipe it away before they saw and got worried.

"Okay, let's get going" you rushed, as you hopped onto the stage with them. You raised a hand to press the button that will send the lift down, but Gregory gasped, making you stop.

"What did you do to your hand?" he pointed, referring to the blood on your hand. Freddy's ears perked up. You quickly hid it behind your back. "Nothing. I'm fine"

You were about to press the button again, before Freddy grabbed it gently and inspected it, making you sigh. "There is blood on your hand, Y/N" he said with suspicion. "Please tell us what happened"

Freddy let go of you, as you exhaled deeply. "I just had a run in with Vanny" you felt a small bead of blood fall out of your nostril. "Yeah, she punched me, but i'm fine, I swear" you pressed, wiping the blood away again.

Both of their eyes widened. "You had a fight with Vanny?" Gregory gasped. You blinked, then nodded slowly. "Did you win?" he looked almost excited. You leaned down to his height and smirked. "I broke her nose" He then gave you a high five, before Freddy butted in. "This isn't the time to be celebrating, this is serious, Y/N" he said seriously.

"Yeah, your right, this isn't the time to be celebrating" you stood up straight and looked at him. "We need to get you to Parts and Service, ASAP" you pressed the button, and the lift slowly started descending. Freddy sighed as you ignored his concerns.

The ride was silent, until you realised something. "Shit, what time is it?" you asked yourself as you checked your watch. It was the beginning of a new hour. "What the hell is that?" Gregory screeched, and pointed at something on the wall. That something was Moon. He stared at you menacingly and cackled.

The lift came to a stop. "Quick! Get to a recharge station!" Freddy rushed you all through some double doors. You saw a charging station to your left, and you instantly opened the door. "Get in!" you told Gregory, and he did immediately. You followed behind him, but when you turned around, Freddy was knocked down to the floor by Moon.

Before you could do anything, the door slid shut, locking you and the boy inside. You pressed your hands up against the window.

"Freddy!" you exclaimed, as you watched him get dragged away by the nighttime attendant.


i wrote this while i was high as a kite. hoping it isn't too bad LMFAO.

only proofread this once, so if there's any mistakes, lmk!

that's all for now

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