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Racetrack and Zoey arrived back home acting as if nothing had happened.The boy had completely forgotten about the so called 'date' and had even been in the mood to let Zoey win a game of cards.This good mood lasted as the pair left the lodging house along with the other Newsies the next morning.

"They jacked up the price!"Kid Blink exclaimed,letting out a huff of anger as he took his place beside the Kelly girl.

The girl frowned as she looked at the boys.She knew she had some money saved but it had only been enough to buy one full meal.Both Zoey and Jack knew they could be right back on the streets if prices kept rising.

"Ya hear that Jack?Ten cents a hundred"Blink exclaimed.Zoey spotted Oscar mocking Blink behind the pair,causing her to push him back and jump off the ledge she'd been sitting on."Y'know,it's bad enough that we gotta eat what we don't sell.Now they jacked up the price..can you believe that?!"

Skittery shook his head,"This will bust me,i'm barely making a living right now."he sighed,throwing his cigarette on the ground.

"I'll be back sleeping on the streets."Boots shrugged nonchalantly.

Zoey stood beside Crutchie with a frown."It dont make no sense,I mean all the money Pulitzers making..Why would he gouge us?"Mush asked the pair,who both shrugged sadly.

"Cause' he's a tight wad,that's why."Race spat,stepping closer to the three and resting his arm around the girls shoulder.Zoey nodded in agreement.

"Hey,come on.Pipe down,it's just a gag."

Jack strolled towards the barred window,leaning against it,"So,why the jack-up,Weasel?"

"Why not?"Weasel stuck a finger in his mouth and held it up,"it's a nice day."

Zoey's brother shook his head in frustration,walking away from the man.The Delanceys laughed at the boy from inside the building.

"They cant do this to me Jack."Kid Blink sighed.

"They can do whatever they want.It's their stinkin' paper."Race spat.

Jack threw himself down beside Boots,an unreadable expression on his face.Zoey took notice of his expression,letting out a sigh.When Jack didn't know what to do,there was no hope for they rest of them.

The brunette began playing with her hands and cracking her knuckles,a habit she picked up when she's anxious.

"It ain't fair."Boots complained,"We got no rights at all."he told Jack,who huffed in response,his eyebrows pinching together.

Racetrack rolled his eyes,the boy clearly frustrated,"Come on,it's a rigged deck.They got all the marbles,okay?"he spat,annoyance lacing his voice.

"Jack,we got no choice,let's get our lousy papes why'll we still can."the girl spoke,her big concerned eyes staring at jack.

The elder Kelly sibling gently pushed his sister back as she attempted to walk up the stairs,causing her to fall into Racetrack's open arms.The newise caught her by the waist and quickly let go,sensing her brothers glare.

"Nobody's going anywhere!"Jack yelled.

"We gotta eat,Jack!"Mush yelled back.

The group of newsies began bickering and fighting over buying papes.Les pushed people out of the way as he made his way to sit beside Jack.The elder boy looked at the kid.

"Let him think!"Les advised,looking up at Kid Blink,who just looked away in response.

Blink handed Jack his cigarette,the boy taking it with a long drag.Zoey cracked her knuckles once again biting nervously on her lip.

A callous hand tugged at her own,causing her to look down.Racetrack had taken one of her hands in his own,giving her a small head shake to tell her to stop.She smiled weakly toward him,keeping her hand in his.

"Hey!hey!"Weasel yelled,catching the attention of every newsie."World employees only on this side of the gate."he yelled,snickering at the teenagers.

The newsies started yelling at him to shut up and he quickly closed the window,slow enough for the group to catch his nephews smiling through the glass mockingly.

"Well listen,one thing for sureβ€”if we don't sell papes,then no body sells papes.Nobody comes through those gates till they put the price back where it was."

"What do you mean?Like a strike?"

"Yeah..like a strike."Jack agreed,catching Davey off guard.

"Really Jack,a strike?"Zoey raised an eyebrow toward her brother.

"Are you out of your mind?"Race questioned.

"It's a good idea!"Jack defended.

Davey jumped down beside the boy,"I was just joking,we cant strike,we don't have a union."

There was a beat of silence between the circle.

"But if we go on strike,then we're a union,right?"Zoey questioned Davey,looking between him and Jack.The latter nodded,agreeing with his sisters question.

"No,we're just a bunch of angry kids with no money."Davey explained to Zoey,who frowned."Maybe if we got every newsie in New York,but-"

"Well,we organise!"Jack stood up,slapping his hands together,"Crutchie,you take up a collection."

"Swell!"Crutchie smiled,walking towards Zoey and Race,"Cmon guys,we're a union!"

"Jack,this isn't a joke!"Davey yelled after the boy as he walked away,the newsies eagerly following him."You saw what happened to those trolley workers."he continued,attempting to convince Jack.

"Yeah,well that's another good idea.Any newsie that don't join us,then we bust their heads like the trolley workers"

Jack punched his hand in the air,turning around and walking towards the gate with everyone behind him once again.

"Stop and think about this,Jack."


"You cant just rush everybody into this."

Zoey tilted her head.She agreed with Davey,beginning to nod along with what he was saying.

"All right,let me think about it.."Jack nodded,turning around,"Now listen,Daveys right."

"I mean,Pulitzer and Hearst and all them rich fellas,I mean,they own this city!"

The crowd agreed with the boy.

"So do we really think a bunch of street rats like us can make any difference?"he questioned.

The newsies stayed silent and looked between each other.Mush looked down at Zoey who shrugged,turning to make eye contact with Racetrack.

"And the choice has gotta be yours."Jack yelled,"Are we just gonna take what they give us or are we gonna go on strike?"

Once again the newsies remained silent.

"Strike!"Les yelled,pumping his fist up.The boys older brother quickly pulled him back and covered his mouth.

"Let's do it!"

"Keep talking Jack,tell us what to do!"Boots encouraged him.

"Yeah,tell us what we gotta do"Zoey told her brother.

"Well..you tell us what to do,Dave"Jack sheepishly replied,leaning onto the statue beside Davey.

A few newsies began muttering things about sticking together and some told Davey to advise them on what to do.

Zoey huffed and wrapped an arm around Race's shoulders as she waited for the boy to start talking.Racetrack wasn't much taller,so she was glad her arm didn't stretch up much.

The newsie kept his eyes on Jack and Davey,sliding a casual arm around Zoey's waist.

"Pulitzer and Hearst have to respect our rights"Davey began,glancing at Jack.

"Alright.."Jack agreed.The Kelly boy looked towards the newsies "Hey listen!Pulitzer and Hearst have to respect the rights of the working boys of New York!"he yelled.

The big group of newsies cheered and egged Cowboy to continue."That's right!"

Jack leaned in to Davey again,"Well that worked pretty good."he noted,"So,what else?"he asked.

"Tell em'..that they cant treat us like we don't exist."

The taller boy jumped up onto the statue and the newsies got closer to listen to his words.

"Pulitzer and Hearst,they think we're nothin,are we nothin?"he yelled from the statue.


Everyone watched Davey tell Jack what to say and waited excitedly.A newsie slapped their papes down at Jack's feet and he picked one up.

"Pulitzer and Hearst,they think they got us!"he ripped the paper,"Do they got us?"he sang.


"Even though we ain't got hats or badges,we're a union just by saying so!"

"And the world will know!"

"What stops someone from selling our papes?"Boots yelled,looking up at Jack.

"Well,we'll talk with em'"Jack nodded towards the boy.

"Some of em' don't hear so good."Race and Zoey spoke at the same time,earning a small smirk from the pair.Racetrack nudged her side gently.

"Well then we soak em'!"

"No,we cant beat up kids in the street.It'll give us a bad name."David yelled over the cheering.

"Can't get any worse!"Crutchie shrugged,smiling at the boy..

"What's it gonna take to stop the wagons?Are we ready?"


"What's it gonna take to stop the scabbersCan we do it?"


"We'll do what we gotta do until we break the will of mighty Bill and Joe...and the world will know!"

"And the journal, too!Mr.Hearst and Pulitzer,have we got news for you!Now the world will hear,what we got so say."

"We been hawkin' headlines but we're makin' em' today.And our ranks will grow,and we'll kick their rear!and the world will know that we've been here!"

"When the circulation bell starts ringin',will we hear it?"


"What if the Delancys come out swingin',will we hear it?!"


"When you got a hundred voices singin',who can hear a lousy whistle blow?and the world will know!that this ain't no game."

"That we got a ton of rotten fruit and perfect aim,so they gave their word?well it ain't worth beans!"

"Now they gonna see what 'Stop the presses' really means and the old will weep and go back to sleep"

The newsies continued to sing as their strike took action.

"Everyday we wait is a day we lose."

"And this ain't for fun and it ain't for show
and we'll fight 'em toe to toe and so
your world will feel the fire and finally,finally know!"

"Strike!strike!strike!"the newsies chanted,throwing their hats up into the air.

Jack climbed down the ladder he'd been on and walked to David,"We gotta get the word out to all the newsies in New York.I need some of those..uhm whatchu call them.."

Davey stared at Jack with a confused look,"Ambassadors?"

"Yeah."Jack stood straight in front of everyone,"Right you guys,you gotta be ambastords"Zoey snorted at jacks pronunciation and he looked at her,"and go tell the others were on strike."

Some newsies started naming places they said they would got to and left.Zoey turned to Racetrack once he said he got Midtown and squeezed his hand as a goodbye.

Jack then started to give people places to go to,skipping Zoey subtly.

"Ok,what about Brooklyn?Who wants Brooklyn?"

The large group stayed silent.

"Come on,Spot Colons territory."

The newsies turned to each other and pretnded to not hear Jack.Zoey chuckled at them.

"Whats the matter you're scared of Brooklyn?"Jack asked the group.

"Hey we aint scared of Brooklyn!"Boots exclaimed."Spot Conlon..makes us a lil nervous.."

"Well he dont make me nervous,I'll go"Zoey told her brother.

"Yeah,alright.Me,you and Boots.We'll go to Brooklyn."he pointed between the three of them.

"And Dave can keep us company!"Jack grabbed David,smiling widely.

The group laughed and Davey smiled with his hands in his pockets,"Sure,just as soon as you take our demands to Pulitzer."

"Me to Pulitzer?"Jack repeated.

"Well,you're the leader,Jack."

Jack hesitantly walked towards the big golden door while the newsies encourged him.He quickly turned and grabbed les,"Well maybe the kid will soften him up a little.."

Everybody cheered as he opened the doors and brought Les through with him.As the doors closed people started chanting again.Davey smiled and walked to stand beside Zoey,who looked highly amused at what was going on.

Boots grabbed her hand to dance and she giggled ,not spotting the man in a suit walk up to Davey.He twirled Zoey and she chuckled.

"Ya ever been to Brooklyn,Ace?"

"A few times."she shrugged,"Never met Conlom before."

"Yeah,he aint so bad.Just tough is all."

"Ain't nobody called Spot is scary"she laughed.

Boots clicked his tongue,"You'll see"

The pair turned to see Jack and Les throwing insults at a guard who had threw them out of the building.


Cowboy had told Zoey to head back to the lodging house while he spoke to Denton,a reporter for The Sun newspaper.The girl obliged,too tired to listen to the boys talk about the strike anyway.

She had taken a quick nap before Jack woke her up and told her they were leaving for Brooklyn,she got up and placed her hat on,pulling her hair over her shoulders.

"I'll do the talking Zoey,I know you cant keep your trap shut."Jack told his sister as they walked down the stairs of the lodging house.

"Sure Jackson,anything else you'd like?"Zoey teased,pushing her brother down the last step.Jack grinned and stood up straight.

"Cmon stupid."Jack poked her.

The four teens strolled toward the Brooklyn bridge not long after Zoeys nap.Boots twirled the girl as they approached the bridge.

"I've never been to brooklyn have you?"

"Really?"Zoey questioned Davey.

"I spent a month there one night!"Boots told them.

"Watch this."Jack told David.Zoey,Boots and Jack each hung their heads over the bridge and screamed,causing their voices to echo.

"So,this Spot Conlon really dangerous?"

Jack and Boots started laughing at Davey's nervous voice and Zoey nudged him,giving him a reassuring grin.

Once the group got across the bridge they walked onto the dock,where the Brooklyn newsies lived.Zoey watched some boys jump into the water and felt some eyes on her.She ignored the feeling and followed the boys ahead of her.Before they could walk further,a boy who'd climbed out of the water moments before stood directly in front of Jack and Zoey.

"Going somewhere,Kelly?"

Jack ignored the boy and kept waking,Zoey right beside him.

"Well if it ain't Jack be nimble,Jack be quick."A voice called out.

The younger Kelly looked up to see a boy sitting on crates piled up.She recognised him as Conlon,from what she has heard about the boy.

The four moved closer to the crates,"So,you moved up in the world,Spot"Jack said,"Got a river view and everything."

The smaller boy jumped down from the crates and Zoey noticed a cane in his hand.She quickly bit her tongue so she could avoid laughing into his face.

Jack and Spot spit-shaked,smiling at each other.The latter then looked to Zoey,"Who's this,Jack?"he asked while looking her up and down.

"Ace Kelly"Zoey introduced herself.Spot raised an eyebrow,yet nodded.Zoey spit in her hand and held it out to him,which surprised him for a moment.He spit into his own hand and shook her open hand,holding eye contact until looking towards Boots.

"Hey Boots,how's it rolling?"he asked,sliding his cane into his belt.

"Here,I got a couple of real good shooters here."Boots held out his hand,offering Spot the stones and pebbles he had picked up on the way.

Conlon hummed and placed the stones in his pocket.

"So,Jack-ie boy,i've been hearing things from little birds."Spot said,putting a stone into his slingshot.


"Things from Harlem,"he spoke,aiming his slingshot.David flinched once he saw the slingshot."Queens."

The three boys moved as Spot shot the stone,but Zoey stayed put.She figured if he had a slingshot on him he'd have good aim and not hit one of them,by accident at least

"All over.They're chirping in my ear.."Spot took a few steps forward,getting closer to where Zoey stood,"Jack-ie boys newsies is playing like they're going on strike."

"Yeah,well we are."Jack said.

"But we ain't playin',we are going on strike"Zoey told him,causing him to turn his head towards her.Jack inwardly sighed,knowing Zoey wouldn't really keep her mouth shut.

"Oh yeah?Yeah?"Spot got close to zoeys face.She didn't move and just stared at him,narrowing her eyes at his mocking tone.

"What is this Jack-ie boy?Some kind of walking mouth?"he asked.

"I ain't the mouth here,Davey is.Ain't that right,Davey?"Zoey patted the boys shoulders.The Brooklyn newsie looked at Davey,then to Jack.

"Yeah,Daveys a mouth.But a mouth with a brain."Jack told him.

"And if you got half of one,you'll listen to what he gotta to say"Zoey added,looking up to Spot.

Spot narrowed his eyes,yet couldn't help the amused expression cover his face.The boy sat down on a lower crate and waited for Davey to talk.

"Go on,tell him."Jack told Davey.

"Well,we started the strike but we cant do it alone."Davey explained,"So we've been talking to other newsies all around the city."

"Yeah."Spot nodded,"So they told me,but what did they tell you?"

"They're waiting to see what Spot Conlon doesβ€”that you're the key.That Spot Conlon is the most respected and famous newsie in all New York."

Zoey smiled and looked down,looking back up to make eye contact with Boots who had the exact same smile on his face.

"And probably everywhere else."Davey continued,"and if Spot Conlon joins the strike,then they'll join and we'll be unstoppable.So,you gotta join us becauseβ€”well,you gotta!"

"Well you're right,Jack."the Brooklyn newsie nodded."Brains.But I got brains too,and more than just half of one"he narrowed his eyes towards Zoey,who squinted hers.

"How do I know you punks won't run the first time some goon comes at you with a club?"Spot interrogated,"How do I know you got what it takes to win?"

The Kelly siblings glanced at one another,"Because i'm telling you,Spot."Jack explained.

Conlon looked between Jack and Zoey before turning away and beginning to walk ,"That ain't good enough Jackie-boy."he turned once more,"You gotta show me."

"I'll show you"Zoey muttered,loud enough for Jack to hear.The boy rolled his eyes upon seeing his sisters clenched fists.

"Let's go."he nodded to Davey and Boots, dragging his sister away.

When the four left the dock,Spot watched them from his seat on the crates.He couldn't help but grin at the thought of Jacks brave sister.


Zoey walked towards the statue,where Racetrack was winning yet another bet,and leaned onto Davey for support.The newsie couldn't figure out why she was overly tired the last few days,but knew walking to Brooklyn and back sure didn't help.

Davey widened his eyes in surprise,yet let the girl rest on him.Jack glanced at the pair,his face deep in thought toward his tired sister.

"Hey,how you doing,Jack?"Racetrack jumped up,smiling at him.

Zoey swiftly walked past her brother to take her usual spot beside the her best friend.Now leaning on him,the gave each other a smile."So..where's Spot?"he asked the siblings.

"He was concerned about us being serious.Can you imagine that?"Jack tutted,shaking his head in dissatisfaction.

"Well,you know Jackβ€”maybe we ought to ease off a little,you know?"Race suggested,the newsies nodding in agreement.

Kid blink scratched the back of his head,"Without Spot and the others..there's not enough of us,Jack.You know?"he added.

"Jack,maybe we're moving too soon."Mush added.

"Think so?"the boy questioned,an annoyed expression covering his face.

"I definitely think we should forget about it for a little while."Skittery told Jack,standing behind Zoey.

"Oh,do you?"

"Yeah,I mean,we're not Brooklyn."Race shrugged.

"Hey,who are we kidding here!?"jack exclaimed,"Spot was right! Is it just a game to you guys?"

The group began to defend their statements,eventually backing down and becoming silent.Zoey let out a small sigh.

"Hey Crutchie."Jack nodded at the

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