หšโ™กโ”Š incorrect quotes #4

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chan: hey what does IDK, ILY & TTYL mean?
suzie: i don't know, i love you, talk to you later
chan: oh okay, i love you too. i'll ask someone else

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felix: i'm into dark humour
suzie, turning off the lights: wanna hear a joke

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suzie, coming into minho's room at midnight: oppa, there's someone outside my window
minho: and? you think i wanna see that shit? that sounds scary as hell

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hyunjin: ugh, my ears are ringing
suzie: are you gonna answer them?

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suzie, holding a python: guys i impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him?
chan: you did WHATโ€“
minho: william snakespeare

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suzie: truth or dare?
chan: truth
suzie: how many hours have you slept this week?
chan: dare
suzie: go to sleep
chan: i don't like this game

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jeongin: your existence is confusing
suzie: how so?
jeongin: your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me

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changbin: wine?
suzie: i don't drink
changbin: water?
jisung: she just said she doesn't drink

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jisung: we're a family, families talk about things!
suzie: no, families ignore things until they go away

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seungmin: we're legal adults and you're still giving us dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets
chan: but you love your dinosaur nuggets :(
seungmin: we are grown ass men now
felix, suzie and jisung, in the background playing with their nuggets: RAWR RAWR

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hyunjin: suzie looks spaced out, i wonder what she's thinking about
in suzie's head: salt is just angry sugar

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chan: ok guys let's hug it out come on
[skz group hugs]
changbin: ... who stole my wallet?
suzie: sorry

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suzie: i'm ambidextrous
jisung: that's awesome man! love who you love!

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suzie: sometimes, i don't realise an event was traumatic until i tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird

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chan: suzie sometimes talks in her sleep, it's adorable
suzie, sleeping: fight me... you motherfucker... square up... i think the fuck not...

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hyunjin: that's odd, all my clothes keep disappearing
suzie, wearing a hoodie 3 sizes too big for her: yeah, weird

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suzie, angrily: you wanna fight??? you wanna catch these hands???
felix: *holds suzie's little fists*
suzie: ok i'm calm now

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