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The boys appeared in Bobby's house. Luke looked around angrily.
"Dude, you were so bad with y/n" Said Reggie
He snorted.
"I'm sorry ok? Later I will apologize with her"
"You can't hurt her and apologize everytime. You are the worst boyfriend ever" Added Alex
"Listen guys, we aren't dating, I'm not her boyfriend, we just hang out and we are close. Can we leave the lessons on how to be a good boyfriend for later?"
Reggie smiled.
"So you admit you like her"
"She is pretty, amazing, funny and nice, I like her company but..."
Alex looked at him.
"Is not too early? We have known each other for just over a week"
"But you and y/n felt a connection, you two understand each other so well, maybe it's destiny"
"I don't want to rush too much, I want everything to be perfect"
"Uh, Lukey has a crush! After all this, we will help you with y/n"

The boys looked around.
"Bobby's house is ridiculous"
"Have you seen these platinum records?"
"He recorded 'My name is Luke'! MY name is Luke!"
The door opened and they all looked at the man.
"It's him!"

"Hey Carrie, I'm gonna meditate"
Reggie looked at Luke.
"He wears sunglasses indoors. I can't stand him"
"Time for his past to haunt him"
Bobby went upstairs and the boys followed him.
"Wait! Let's not rush this. You know, it's my... It's my first time haunting someone. I wanna make it special" Said Alex

Julie, Flynn and y/n went to Carrie's house.
"Wait, I will find the boys with Julie, Flynn distract Carrie. I will make myself invisible so it will be easier to find them"
The girls nodded and knocked at the door.
"Heeey!" Said together as Carrie opened the door.
"What are you two doing here? How'd you get over the security gate?"
"Teamwork! Do you have a band aid? The barbed wire's new"
"What do you want?"
"Uh... Just thought you should know that Julie's band is playing at the dance tonight"
"Now you know"
"You guys are acting weirder than usual"
"Can we come in for a glass of water?"
She sighed.
"Fine, don't break anything"

As the girls entered, y/n went upstairs to find the guys.
"Guys! For your sake, you better not be up here"

Bobby was in his room, ready to start his meditation, but was constantly interrupted by the boys who stopped the song or did other stuffs.
When he heard the noise of the water running, went in the bathroom and read "hello Bobby" on the mirror. He became pale and ran out, but Alex blocked the door making the boys laugh.
Y/n heard them laughing and went to them.
Trevor ran downstairs and went on m his helicopter.
The boys saw him leaving on the balcony.
"Quick! Let's moon him before he gets too far away" "He can't see us"
"Oh, it's not for him, bro. It's for us"
"Wow! Take that, Bobby!"

Y/n joined them and saw the boys with a smile on their face.
"Pull up your pants, you're ridiculous" Said the girl with her arms crossed.
Reggie was worried.
"I think she's mad at us"
Luke walked towards her but she stopped him.
"So, did you guys have fun in there?"
"Ok, you are mad at us, at me, and I was an idiot to treat you bad but you'd do the exact same if he stole all your songs"
"But you have new songs, with Julie. Don't ruin everything"
"I know, but..."
"Tell me, after all you guys did, something changed? You have your music back? Are you rich, famous as you wanted?"
They bit their lips as Alex and Reggie looked at the ground as babies.
"No... But maybe if we could make ourselves like you, it would be better"
"I can't make you visible, but my dad can"
They smiled.
"Can you take us to him"
"No, and don't you dare to ask Willie to help you, please stop haunting Trevor, tonight Julie needs you for the school dance at nine. Please don't be late. There is gonna be a lot of people there, she is nervous"
"We got it, all right? Don't worry. And after, you and I could dance together, as I promised, ok?" Asked with a smile, but y/n looked at the ground.
"We will see"
Luke bit is lips.
"Listen, sorry for before, I was mad..."
"Don't be late, see you tonight guys"

Luke sighed as his friends patted his shoulders.
"I did a bad thing, I am a disaster"
"Tonight she will be happy to see you, don't worry"
Luke nodded.
"Anyway, I don't care what y/n says. I'm glad we scared Bobby. Wish we'd done more, like... Like written 'thief' on his forehead" Said Reggie
"And Alex, how did you shut the door? You could barely open a garage door"
"Learned that from Willie, didn't you?"
"Yeah, well, he taught me sone things and we screamed in a museum" Said with a smile.
"You think he has a few more tricks up his sleeve?"
Alex sighed.
"Luke, you heard y/n. She said no... And you are already in trouble with her, don't make it worse"
"She won't know. We won't tell her"
"You want to lie to the girl you like? Man, it's not like that"
He sighed.
"I know but I don't want her to get hurt"
They looked at each other.

They appeared in the park where Willie was skating.
"Hey! What's up, man? You brought friends"
"Yeah. These are my bandmates, uh, Luke and Reggie"
"Cool, I'm Willie. So... You are y/n's friends"
Luke looked at him.
"And she finds out who is her soulmate?"
"Oh, she has a mark on her wrist, it shows her true love when is dark and became dark when she met you"
Everyone looked at Luke and he blushed.
"It can't be me, stop it"
They giggled.
"So... You guys are here to learn some "tricks"?"
He set off the sirens of the police cars.
"Do it again! Do it again!" Said Reggie enthusiastic
"Actually, we were thinking a little bigger. An old bandmate stole from us. We wanna confront him face to face"
"All right. Is this, uh, old friend of yours a lifer"
Reggie and Luke looked at Alex, confused.
"Oh, he means human"
"Ah, then yes, he us a lifer"
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Speaking to lifers is even out of my league... You know, but there is one ghost who might be able to help you guys. He's kind of a bid deal"
Luke looked at him.
"It's... Y/n's dad?"
"Yes, he isn't her real dad actually, but Caleb considers her like a daughter so... Yes"
"Can you take us to him?"
"Oh, all right. Well, um, I gotta go take care of sone things, but I'll meet you where Alex and I met, eight o'clock"
They nodded.
"Wait, one more thing... Y/n said to don't do this, so please don't tell her"
"You are crazy guys, see ya"

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