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โ ๐ ๐ฌ๐๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ ๐ ๐๐จ๐จ ๐ฎ๐ค๐ช๐ง ๐ก๐๐ฅ๐จ !! ๐
I highly recommend you to play this song :)
You woke up pretty early than usual, you can say that it was exactly 5 am. The reason was that.. It was November 6 today. Was it special? Yes, it was Asami's birthday after all.
Not wanting to make Dazai suspicious or disturbing him, you quietly got ready and headed out of your room. That's basically when you saw Dazai, he had the same secretive pose as you. As if he was going somewhere without telling you.
You gave each other a doubtful look as you both relaxed.
"Dazai, where are you going?"
He chuckled nervously, "I could ask the same for you"
Turning the tables, huh? You had no choice but to answer him, he was able to understand your lies after all.
"Well, you can say that I am going to wish someone a happy birthday?"
"Who is that?" He asked curiously.
You frowned slightly while giggling nervously, "Asami.. Um, she was my childhood friend"
"Was..?" He inquired before realising what you meant, "I am sorry about that, I shouldn't have asked"
"Nah it's alright! Where were you going?"
Your eyes widened for a few seconds, but then you nodded.
Since you both were going to the cemetery, why not go together?
You bought Asami's favourite flowers - Dandelions, Myosotis and Carnations.
"Hey Y/N.." Asami spoke up as you both admired the flowers blooming in the garden.
"Yes?" You asked with a bland voice.
"I have seen you.. kill those people"
Your e/c eyes looked into her green ones as she smiled. Your lips curved into a fake smile as you tried to copy her.
"Then why don't you leave me?"
"Because I understand, it's your dad, right? He forces you to do those things..? I understand you really won't be called normal but.. Shouldn't we escape? I don't like to be here either.."
She chuckled at your dumbfounded face as you blinked and blushed at how cute she was.
"You know I love these flowers especially.. The blue sky perfectly goes with it, I would just love it to be like this, I hope we never grow up"
You hummed in agreement, you never wanted things to change. Just you and her.. Nothing to worry about.
"Y/N?" Dazai asked as you flinched from the noise.
"Sorry, I zoned out.." You smiled. He held your hand as you went inside, you decided to meet Odasaku first. You missed the person who helped you realise your mistakes. The one who actually forgave you for making mistakes. Someone with a good heart.
Your heartbeat became faster as you felt Dazai's warmth with yours.
You both sat down and looked at the grave, silence.
"What happened..?" You asked, trying not to offend him or make him sad.
"He um.. Met someone with the same ability.. Problems and uhm, yeah"
You realised how he was feeling right away, he wasn't really good at explaining what happened, nor was he good at expressing his own emotions.
You wrapped your arms around his waist as you hugged him, he blushed heavily and panicked at first but then smiled.
"I am sorry.."
"Don't be.. Thank you"
You were confused about why he thanked us. But the truth was, he was thankful about you not judging him, for being there for him and letting him open up. Oda was wrong about one thing.. That there was finally something.. No, someone in this world who could fill the hole which was his loneliness. He didn't have to wander the darkness for eternity. He had you. As afraid he was for finding a reason to live.. He was grateful that it was.. You.
You were just as lonely as him, you could relate to him.
"Thank you for being my friend Y/N" He smiles.
It had been some time and you wanted to go give the flowers to Asami, you excused yourself and got up as he followed you.
You kneeled as you put the flowers beside the grave, "Hey Asami.. Happy birthday, thank you for believing in me when I couldn't do that myself, I got you your favourite flowers.. Sorry for everything.."
You gave her a sad smile. You had always blamed yourself for her death.. After all, it was your fault.
You heard footsteps come your way, you turned around to see someone really similar. He had the same green eyes and black hair as Asami. He put a few dandelions next to Asami's grave before looking at you.
Your eyes widened as you realised who he is.
"Hello, do I know-", he took a bit of time in realising who you were, he gave you a soft smile.
"Y/N-Chan, it's great to see you after such a long time"
That's right, Asayama was Asami's older brother. He was exactly 24 right now.
Dazai was still a bit confused since he had no idea who he was nor how Asami looked so he could figure it out.
"How do you two-"
"He's Asami's older brother" You exclaimed while laughing slightly at this random meeting.
"Is he your boyfriend" Asayama inquired.
You and Dazai blushed heavily before shaking your heads.
"I see.. What have you been up to? Do you have a job now?"
"Well I will go to work soon, you can say we both are detectives. I am assuming your job is something related to basketball?"
He chuckled while nodding and patting your head, "you can say that"
While you both were having a conversation, Dazai felt hella ignored. Not only that, jealous too. He wasn't sure why but he wanted to get you away from him as soon as possible. The way you both had conversations, the way you touched each other made him slightly insecure.
"You got a partner~?" You asked in a teasing manner while wiggling your eyebrows.
He blushed before shaking his head, "Not really, I am single"
Somehow that got Dazai to get ticked off. Why was he blushing?
"You like someone..?" Dazai asked with a really deep voice, giving an obvious hint that he didn't like Asayama one bit which you really weren't clear about.
"You can say that" He answered Dazai while blushing even harder, "What about you two?"
"I think so.." You stated while trying to maintain your posture and blushing harder. Actually, you were panicking inside.
While Dazai.. Was in fact a really tranquil person, but this caused his blood to boil and he didn't know why, why did he feel his heart clench? It wasn't a big deal if Y/N liked anyone.. It wasn't a big deal if she liked.. Asayama? But it was a big deal to him. You were the first person he couldn't properly read, and that scared him, what if you hated him?
Dazai dug his nails inside his palm in order to calm himself down, you gave him a concerned look while he took a deep breath.
"No, no I don't" He answered smiling.
Instant regret was what he felt just right now. He wasn't sure why but it seemed like he was lying. Lying, when he didn't mean to.
You three soon walked to the Agency as you and Asayama kept talking about your childhood memories, Asami and many other things. Dazai decided to stay quiet since he really knew nothing and didn't want to feel like a burden.
"Remember when you fell off a tree Yama-San? Hah, and then you doubted me"
"Eh? Well you can't blame me, you guys were younger than me so I did doubt you [Nickname]-Chan"
There it was again.. The nicknames.
You soon reached the Agency.
"Hey, you have my number, right?"
You and Dazai, both went inside the elevator. You felt a sudden guilt wash over you.
"I.. Um.. Want to apologise for ignoring you"
He turned his head to look at you and chuckled, "You really weren't, I understand!"
There was silence as you both arrived on the top floor.
"Hey, where did you both go? You arrived late" Kunikida inquires while giving you two a suspicious look.
"I met someone in the way, sorry, it won't happen again"
Usually, Dazai would tease Kunkida right now but he didn't, his chocolate brown orbs darkened as he felt that jealousy comes over him again.
Anger makes us do things.
He grabbed Y/N's hand firmly as he dragged her to a room where nobody was there. He pinned her against the wall and got closer, his leg between your thighs.
A dark red blush crept up your face as you stared deeply into his eyes.
"O-Osamu..", you gave him a concerned yet curious look at why he was doing this.
He got closer to your face as you could feel his breath fanning across your face and his lips brushing against yours. You both had started breathing heavily because of the close proximity you had.
It was just the two of you, two hearts racing manically as Dazai stared at your lips. A sudden urge to kiss your lips had taken over him. You whimpered, you weren't sure what he was feeling, his intentions weren't clear at all.
"H-Hm?" You stuttered before mentally face-palming. You weren't able to think properly. Not like this.
There were moments of silence before he softly sighed.
That's all it was, he just went right back to work, while you were a blushing mess - still confused at what just happened.
Sorry for the late update- I feel really tireddd
Yes, you're welcome ๐ฅด
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