โซ I'm not your friend or anything, damn โซ
You entered a recognizable building. It was where you woke up. You heard that someone wanted to find the president of their agency or they would blow up the entire place. You were honestly pissed off by the fact that he also held a girl on hostage.
But the moment you entered and hid somewhere to discuss a plan, you took a look at the guy who was doing this and literally just wanted to laugh.
โซ You think that you're the man โซ
You were sure that he was acting. But then you were curious why the agency members were doing this? Was this just a prank? You tried to ignore that and soon came up with an idea. You were more of a person who did solo but you had to use someone's help. You saw a guy with dirty blonde hair, green-grey hair and specs. Looking at him, you knew that he was strong enough to get a hold of someone.
"Oyi, four-eyes. Mind helping me with my plan?"
At first, he gave you an irritated look but then nodded his head.
"Well, at first I just need you to distract him. After I am done with my part, just get a hold of him and.. don't get distracted." You said, giving him a stern look.
He was going to argue with you because you hadn't told him the full plan but then Dazai interrupted him and replied with, "Just to listen to her, she knows what she's doing".
You gave him a smile, finally someone who gets me.
Kunikida first goes in and so, the guy with orange hair and hazel eyes noticed him and told him to kneel on a table.
You asked Dazai where the president actually was and so, it was your turn. You confidently came in and looked into his eyes.
โซ I think, therefore, I am โซ
"Hey, listen. I know where the president is so how about we make a deal? I tell you where he is, you don't blow the place and give us that girl."
Everyone there was shocked by your words, even the orange-haired guy. But Dazai, he just smirked at your words. He knew what you were going to do and didn't object.
โซ Stop, what the hell are you talking about? โซ
The orange-haired boy soon maintains his posture and continues, "How am I so sure I can trust you?". You giggle at this, "You don't have a choice now, do you?" you reply to his question.
He soon lets the black-haired girl leave and looks at you for you to tell him.
You tell him the half-truth. He soon runs to leave, "satisfied" with the answer but-
"Too bad you won't get there." You Kendo-Chop him and then kick him to the ground. Soon Kunikida gets over him and you take the remote away. You break the remote so he won't be able to use it to control the bomb anymore.
"Nice acting but you can improve." You say while staring at him. You couldn't tell if people were impressed by you or didn't like it at all. I mean, everything went way too quickly. I guess you can say that your speed was something that helped you.
After learning the basics with your dad, it sure did help you.
Soon, a tall man with long silver hair and metallic blue eyes entered the room. He was wearing a green yukata under a black haori. Supposing he was the president. You looked at him and back at the orange-haired guy, you helped him up and apologised for what you did.
"I see you're really talented and smart as Dazai said. I hope you don't tell the truth to everyone, just in case. Welcome to the agency."
โซ Get my pretty name outta your mouth โซ
Wait, what? This was an.. entrance exam? Wait did I just get a job-
You gave a confused look to Dazai while he just grinned and mouthed "Your welcome". I mean you did know the agency saved people so.. guess that's great for you? That's what you wanted before right?
โซ We are not the same with or without โซ
You thank the president and then he leaves. You walk towards Dazai to ask him questions.
Dazai's POV
I see Y/N walking towards me, she seemed a little ticked off but curious at the same time. I couldn't help but actually be interested, I had never seen her so.. alive. Her emotions didn't seem fake and she was genuinely feeling them. I wonder how though, was it someone that effected her or was it because of the accident?
โซ Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel โซ
My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in my ears. I saw Y/N pulling them hard. I found it cute how she wanted me to come at her height (I am sorry if you're taller than him).
"Listen mister, you better have an explanation!" She exclaimed.
"You wanted a job, didn't you?" I replied.
"I- But-"
"Your welcome."
โซ Top of the world, but your world isn't real โซ
She stared at me while giving me a dirty look but soon enough, she thanked me for helping. She had a bit of guilty look in her face, "I will pay you back for the food" she quietly said.
Was that what she was worried about? I laughed at her and patted her head.
"Don't worry, you don't need to"
She was going to argue back but till then Kunikida-Kun came in. "Welcome to the agency, I hope you do a good job. Just try not to call my four-eyes again, I have a name you know. Doppo Kunikida."
โซ Your world's an ideal โซ
She smiled and answered back with, "Thank you! I will try my best, and- I am sorry for that, I didn't mean to call you that. I got a weird boost of confidence and well, yeah"
Maybe she was going back to her older self? Ah, I remember how she used to always work solo and confidently, never failing a task. I am still surprised at how quick she used to be and still is. I chuckled and came into the conversation, "Guess you're back to your old self."
Kunikida-Kun and Y/N-Chan both gave me a confused look. I couldn't blame them honestly.
Author Note
Holy cow, 1073 words. I mainly try to write 800-900 words lmao
I chose this song because it kinda reminded me of the emotionless Y/N, she didn't care much about people and as insecure she was about herself, she was confident with the plans she had after so many people at the port mafia respected her, you can't blame her since she never failed, just 3 times.
I will make a chapter about her past soon so you'll know!
If you have any questions, you can ask ^^
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