๐‚๐ก. 8

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The blonde let out a fustrated sigh as he walked through the school hallways onto class.


"Ouuuch! Watch where you're going!" a brunette female scowled at the male as she rubbed her forehead. "S-Sorry! Are you okay?" Takemichi asked picking up the doriyaki packages off the floor and handing them to her.

She sighs and accepts his help, giving him a playful smirk "You sure are clumsy. What's your name?" The brunette inquired.

"Hanagaki Takemitchi.." before the blonde could even ask for her name the bell had rung interrupting their conversation. "Well Hanagaki, I'll see ya later!" The female chuckled rushing off to class.

"Who was that? She sure does look like Hina-chan." Takemichi spoke to himself as he entered his classroom spotting the similar brunette sitting at her desk with an albino male.

"MmmMM! These doriyakis are amazing~! Want one Kryce?" She offered.

Shaking his head he placed a hand on top of her head smiling softly "No thanks babe." He chuckled. "W-Wait did you just call him Kryce?" Takemichi asked rushing to their desks.

Catching the couple off guard Kryce narrowed his eyes, pulling his girlfriend's desk closer to his "Yeah? So what?" He inquired raising an eyebrow.

"Ohh, Kryce this is the kid I was telling you about! The one who bumped into me." The brunette said chuckling.

"Y-Yes! I was sent to look for a Nakamura and Kryce.." Takemichi explained in hopes his search had finally been completed. "By who? Are you part of some gang? Cause we're not interested." Kryce retorted.

"By Mikey." The blonde replied.

When the two heard of the short blondes name their eyes had widened in disbelief. They didn't think he'd want to speak to them after Kopas disappearance "Mikey as in Sano Manjiro?" Nakamura inquired.

"Yes! Yes that's him-" Takemitchi couldn't even finish his sentence before he was interrupted by Kryce. "We're not interested." the albino says dismissively as he faces the front while class starts.

The younger blonde didn't know why the mention of Mikey had angered Kryce but whatever it was it didn't seem to faze the female as much. "Psst.." Nakamura whispered catching takemitchis attention as she handed him a tiny paper note, opening the small note his eyes widened.

"Meet me after class."

The pair nodded signaling that they knew exactly where this was going. Shortly after class had ended and everyone was just leaving Nakamura had told Kryce that she was going to visit her locker and that she'd meet him at the cafeteria.

Nodding the albino left without any suspicion of what she was really going to be doing. "C'mon Hanagaki we don't have much time so I'm gonna sumarize it." the brunette said as they walked through the crowded halls.

"Kryce and I are Kopas childhood best friends, we're the only ones that know about her whereabouts and who she's been hanging out with recently due to our duties as also being her personal guards from afar." Nakamura explains the news catching the male off guard.

"Personal guards? She hired you two or something?" the blonde inquires.

"No, her parents had assigned us when we were younger to protect her at all costs. But after the fire Kopa doesn't recognize us at all so instead of pestering her or triggering trauma we protect her
from afar." she clarifies as they reach her locker.

"I see, but why did it make Kryce angry when I mentioned Mikey?" Takemitchi asks in hopes to figure why the male was acting so strangely to the mention of him. "They never really liked each other.." Nakamura confesses, her brows furrowed together in distress.

"Let's go outside for a bit." the brunette suggests tugging the blonde by his wrist.

The wind had blown through her hair as they reach the top of the school only to be met with familiar short male "Mikey.." she breathes out as he snaps his head to see her his eyes widening. Acknowledging her presence Mikey dusts himself off and approaches her with a stotic expression "Nakamura." he greets.

"You can leave us be Takemitchi, the three of us have some stuff to discuss." Mikey ordered allowing the confused blonde to leave.

"I heard you were looking for us." The brunette retorted crossing her arms. Silence filled the air till Draken had intervened in the conversation "It's true." he said.

"Why? You refused to speak to us ever since her disappearance." Nakamura interrogated.

The shorter blondes brows furrowed together, it was true that ever since his girlfriends disappearance he didn't treat her friends properly. He acted as if they didn't exist when they would approached him which only made the tension between Kryce and him worse.

Finally having the courage to explain his behavior "I know I wasn't the best friend after what had happened, I know it wasn't just hard on me but on the both of you two as well because you grew up with her...but I'm begging you to please help get her to remember not just me but the rest of us so that she can come back home." he pleaded nearly to the point he got on his knees in front of the female.

Examining his expression it was clear to her that Mikey was remorseful of how he treated them but one thing still needed to be cleared up, she knew Kopa prioritized her relationship with God above anyone else.

"Will you love God more than you love her Sano Manjiro?" the brunette asked.

Drakens eye brow rose to her question "What does God got to do with Kopa?" he asked as the females eyes narrowed at him whilst waiting for a response from the shorter male. "It means everything, Kopa loves God more than anything in this entire world and deserves a man of God. So Mikey, what's your answer? Because depending on your answer is if we will help you." Nakamura said sternly.

"Yes. I will love him more than I love her, I'll prioritize him above anyone else." Mikey said wanting not just his lover back but to have a personal relationship with God gave him a sense of hope to keep him in peace.

Satisfied with his answer, Nakamura nods before leaving as they hear the school bell ring dismissing all the students to go home.

As she approached her boyfriend he glanced at her with a look of suspicion as she anticipated since she was gone for so long.

"Where have you been?" he asked.

"Just bumped into a old friend that's gonna need our help later." the brunette smiled softly holding the albinos hand. "With?" Kryce asked curiosity lacing his tone as their fingers interlocked

"We're going to make Kopa remember her past." she declared.

Kryces breath hitched as he stared at his girlfriends proposal in shock, the idea of getting his best friend back made him happy but he also knew that it was risky that triggering her memory may change the fellow albino to change mentally.

"Wait a minute..this is for Mikey isn't it?" Kryce retorted glaring at Nakamura as he yanked his hand away from her. "It is." she said without hesitation.

The two fought about the short blonde being back in Kopas life only for Nakamura to finally stand up to her boyfriends stubbornness and shut down his defiance "You know that if Kopa had her memory back and knew Mikey is willing to love God more than her then she'd give him a chance. You have no place to judge him neither do I." she barked as they stared each other down.

"Fine." was all the male had said before walking off.

Relief filled Nakamura as she glanced up to the sky in hopes she was doing what was right.

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