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When we arrived Hulk was in his bath, hidden in the shadows while some girls were holding warm, wet cloths to his wounds.

He soon jolted awake as the girls ran off. "Wow." I gasp quietly, "He is fit." Loki turned to look at me and shook his head. "When an guy is topless I'm gonna look." I laugh before remembering the reason I was here.

"Loki." Thor growls as Hulk rises from the bath.

"Wow, strong boy, I'm here." I say bringing my hands to my eyes but the image was still in my head.

"Ha, you saw his bits." Loki whispered with a small chuckle remembering that was what I called it a few weeks back.

"Gross don't call it that." I laugh before punching him in the arm harshly.

"You two are friends?" Thor asks confused and Hulk growls from the corner.

"Hey! Play nice!" I shout towards Hulk as he sinks into the bath leaving only his ears, eyes and the top of his head above the water.

"And no we are not friends." Loki answers seriously.

"Who said you get to decide? prisoner." I shout, frowning up at him.

"I'm joking, calm down little one." he chuckles messing up my hair slightly.

Thor then put his armor back on and Loki said he was about to go and find the Grand Master.

"Good fight by the way". I smile before taking a look at Thor's arms looking at the cuts. Then heading over to the Hulk but staying at least a couple of feet from the bath, just to be sure I don't get scared even more. "Just came to check how you both were. Anyway I'm gonna head off now." I smile before running off,

"Wait." I hear Thor call. I return to the room confused.


"What's going on between you and my brother?" Thor asks, raising a brow as Hulk hums in agreement with the question.

"He is you're brother?" I ask shocked, seen as Loki hadn't told me but he might have reasons of not saying anything.

"Adopted brother."

"Ah, and nothing is going on." I smile before running off yet again.

Quickly, I ran to Valkyrie's room to return Thor's taser then I headed back to my room and changed into my pyjamas. I fell onto my bed as drank a bottle of Blu, which i brought to my lips, drinking it all in one.

Soon after I felt myself begin to drift off so I allow my eyes to shut slowly and peacefully go to sleep.


The next day Valkyrie showed up at my room. "I need to talk to you." she stated, sitting on the bed.

"Go on then."

"Thor is planning a team, he wanted you, himself, Hulk and 1. He wants to escape. Plus, he got the taser off. Hulk refused, as did I for the two of us. Then he threw a ball at the window and said something like 'that's what heroes do' and then the ball bounced back and hit him, then he jumped towards the window and it smashed allowing him to escape. And now the Grand Master's champion is missing and I need your help."

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