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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 π“π–π„ππ“π˜-𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍. . . Smooth Moves
❝ Things aren't going to get weird now, are they? ❞

Β  "SO, YOU BROUGHT food?"

Β  "I can't believe you're thinking about food at a time like this."

Β  "Don't act so surprised," Charlie grinned, "I'm hungry."

Β  "You're always hungry."

Β  "Exactly, so what'd you bring?"

Β  Jess groaned, dramatically flopping onto Charlie's twin bed. The girl kicked her feet for a moment before walking over to him. He peeked a single eye open, watching Charlie bump his knees with hers.

Β  "Charlie?"

Β  "Yeah?"

Β  "Whatcha' doing?"

Β  "Waiting for you to get up so we can eat."

Β  Jess rolled his eyes, leaning up and grabbing her hands. Charlie had no time to balance as the boy tugged her down, and suddenly they were a pile of laughter all over again.

Β  "Food's getting cold," Rory popped her head in, and in the second the sisters made eye contact it seemed the world had stopped spinning.

Β  Charlie was quick to her feet, eyes never leaving Rory's. Jess had no regret, though he did feel a bubble of worry for Charlie.

Β  "Uh, yeah, we're coming."Β 

Β  The three were awkwardly still for a moment, but Charlie rushed into the kitchen, confused but not upset to see Paris sitting down.

Β  "Hey, uh," Jess called Rory before she could fully leave, "Don't. . . give Charlie too much crap."

Β  Rory simply nodded, the teens joining their other halves in the kitchen.

Β  While Jess, Rory, and Paris had delved into a conversation about literature, Charlie's sole focus was on her burger.

Β  "Typical guy response. Worship Kerouac and Bukowski. God forbid you pick up anything by Jane Austen."

Β  "He's read Jan Austen," Charlie noted absent-mindedly. She looked up when the table fell silent, Paris and Rory were blatantly staring while Jess wore a smirk, "What?"

Β  "Nothing," Jess waved the girl off, stealing a fry much to her annoyance, "I think Jane Austen would've liked Bukowski."

Β  "What are you doing?"

Β  "Salt and peppered it, only way to eat a fry."

Β  "Really?"

Β  "It's fast-food gospel."

Β  The phone rang, Rory picked it up while Charlie finally came out of her food trance. The Gilmore girl found it entirely too amusing that Paris and Jess were getting along, they were polar opposites; plain and simple.

Β  The girl tugged her leg up, resting her chin on her knee as she admired Jess. He was laughing, a little too loudly, at how Paris had reacted to hot sauce.

Β  And Charlie loved it.

Β  "Angel." The girl's eyebrows rose as Jess whispered to her, "You're staring."

Β  "No, I'm not."

Β  "You kinda were."

Β  "I was not," Charlie defended.

Β  "You were staring."

Β  "Shut up, Paris."

Β  "Wow, you know I just noticed the time, and it's getting really late," Rory announced, rushing back into the kitchen/

Β  "It's 7:00."

Β  "But Paris and I still have a lot more studying to do."

Β  "Great, then Jess and I can hang out," Charlie furrowed her brows as Rory grabbed Jess' jacket.

Β  "Jess, please thank Luke for us, it was really nice of him."

Β  "Rory, what is your problem?"

Β  "Hm, I know," Jess raised a finger, finishing his fry before speaking, "Who was on the phone?"

Β  "No one."

Β  "No one wouldn't happen to be heading over here right now, would he?"

Β  "What's going on?"

Β  "Dean's on his way," Jess explained to Paris. "And Rory doesn't want him to find me here."

Β  "Why?"

Β  "Yeah, why?" Rory shot a glare at her sister, but Charlie simply settled back in her seat with an expectant look.

Β  "You know why."

Β  "Rory, I hate to be the one to break this to you," Charlie spoke slowly, "But the entire world revolves around the sun. Not you. This isn't your house, it's ours. Jess can be here because I want him here; Dean can't be mad about it and neither can you."

Β  "We both know Dean won't care who he's here for," Rory sighed.

Β  "Then we'll both leave."

Β  "Charlieβ€”"

Β  "You don't have to do that."

Β  "So what, I get to sit here while your boyfriend and friend are over?" Charlie rolled her eyes, "I'd rather just go work at Luke's."

Β  As usual, things went south rather quickly. Charlie and Jess had gathered themselves and made it all the way to the front porch, exactly where Dean stood angrily.

Β  "We're out," Charlie mumbled, not wanting to stick around for the inevitable fight.

Β  Jess allowed the girl to tug him away, the lingering thoughts of arguments and jealousy fading away as the teens melted into a comfortable silence. Jess had silently tugged the girl under his arm, neither saying a word as it seemed the feeling of being together was enough.

Β  "Things aren't going to get weird now, are they?"

Β  Charlie was the first to break the silence, they had just barely arrived at the bridge when the worst tumbled from her lips. Jess couldn't hold back a smirk as Charlie plopped down beside him.

Β  "Only if we let them."

Β  "And we won't."

Β  "You seem very determined."

Β  "I am," Charlie shrugged, keeping her eyes on her sneakers, "You matter too much."

Β  It was terribly obvious that Charlie Gilmore didn't do well with true affection. Jess couldn't deny that it was amusing, the girl who seemed so open couldn't even look him in the eye, but he had no problems letting down every single guard around her.

Β  "I feel special."

Β  "Don't get used to it."


Β  "Are you sure you're okay?"

Β  "You're exploiting this to get out of work," Jess noted, rushing behind the girl, "It's pretty messed up."

Β  "I am not!" Charlie panicked, turning back to Luke, "Luke-"

Β  "I know you aren't, Pea," Luke reassured her, "I'm alright."

Β  "If you aren'tβ€”"

Β  "You'll be the first one I talk to."

Β  Charlie seemed satisfied with Luke's answer and slid off the stool to continue her work. The diner was pure chaos, Luke had been dealing with funeral arrangements for his Uncle Louie and since Jess had been disappearing every half hour, it was just him and Charlie.

Β  Needless to say, they were both beginning to get fed up.

Β  "I got it, just focus on the call," Charlie waved Luke off, attempting to balance four plates on her arms whilst holding a coffee pot.

Β  "Can I get a refill over here?"

Β  "Yeah, in a minute!"

Β  Lorelai and Rory entered, just as Luke rushed from behind the counter and caught a plate.

Β  "Sorry."

Β  "Don't worry about it, you have small arms."

Β  "Hey, watch the cord!"

Β  Charlie had to curl her lips inwards to keep the laughter at bay, Luke had accidentally wound the phone cord around an unsuspecting man.

Β  "Try ducking!"

Β  The Gilmores were quick to assist, Rory and Charlie taking no time at all to get the meals unharmed to their rightful recipients.

Β  "Hey." Charlie's attention was grasped by Jess, who poked his head from behind the curtain, "Busy?"

Β  "Uh, kind of."

Β  "Alright, are you willing to clear your schedule?"

Β  "I dunno, what's in it for me?"

Β  "Come up here and find out."

Β  Charlie scoffed but followed Jess upstairs nonetheless. She was hesitant to, of course, being alone with Jess was now uncharted territory, not to mention Luke could use all the help he could get.

Β  "We really should be helping Luke," Charlie mumbled, faltering in the doorway as if a line had been drawn. Jess turned, eyeing the girl as she began twisting her rings.

Β  "You wanna do that or you wanna stay up here?" Charlie looked up, Jess was standing patiently in the middle of the room, "It's up to you, Angel."

Β  "We should help Luke," Charlie reiterated. It was obvious Jess was upset about it, he'd only wanted to spend time with her like they normally did, but he started for the stairs anyway.

Β  Charlie frowned as Jess passed her, she had a burst of confidence and grabbed his hand, pulling the boy back towards her. Jess barely had time to think before Charlie had pressed a kiss to his lips, but it took him nearly no time to melt into it.

Β  The girl couldn't help but smile into his kiss, pulling away she saw Jess was in a rare state of blissful happiness.

Β  "Better now?"

Β  "I dunno. . ." Jess grinned, "Might want to try that again."

Β  "Real smooth, Mariano."

Β  "I try."

How do y'all feel about the
new cover!! Honestly wasn'tΒ 
sure about it, but it's growing on

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