𝐒𝐒. agatha

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"She acts like summer
And walks like rain.

Reminds me there's a time
For a change."

THE RIDE ON THE BACK OF JJ'S MOTORCYCLE was more comfortable than expected . The roads were bumpy and JJ undoubtedly wasn't going the speed limit, but nobody was around, therefore he wasn't a threat.

Red couldn't help but notice JJ looking back, making sure she was okay every so often. But she didn't mind.

Arriving at what apparently John B called, 'The Chateau', Red was nervous to walk in uninvited.

Her main concern would have been Kiara Carrera, but she had befriended the girl after they shared their interest in keeping water clean, so she didn't think much of the fact that she was there.

John B, who owned the Chateau alongside his dad was said to be a pretty nice guy. His dad had gone missing at sea nine months earlier, so Red felt uneasy about stepping in on that ground.

"You sure I can just... intrude?" Red asked, now reaching the porch. "I don't know John B that well."

"Not to worry, I always bring chicks here." JJ slips out of his mouth, instantly regretting it. "Sometimes."

Red smiled, unoffended. "Here and Bennie's house."

JJ's jaw almost dropped to the floor, "How did you know about that?" He asked.

"Relax, I'm cool. Bennie told me." Red replied. "Now come on, it's getting dangerous to be out here."

Just then, Red noticed a boy, lying down on the patio, asleep.

JJ shook the boy awake abruptly, "Pope! Pope, this is-"

"Red?" Pope interrupted. "What are you doing here?"

Red's lips curled up into a smile, pleased to see her friend. "I was invited!"

"Wait until Shoupe finds out," JJ said, cutting their conversation short. "C'mon, Kiara probably wants to see you."

Just walking through the doorway into the house, a dark-haired girl appeared in the doorway from what looked to be a bathroom, "Well I'll be damned!"

Red turned her head with a smile, "Hey Kie, How are you?"

Kie walked over to her and side-hugged her, eyeing JJ. "Fine... JJ, I told you no macking on my friends... C'mon, your smart enough not to mess with the Deputy's daughter,"

JJ looked at her, defensively. "I'll have you know, Red isn't here to sleep with me."

"That's new." Kie gave Red a look, causing her to giggle. "Nice to see you Red." With that, she walked over to the couch and out of their sight.

Red chuckled and looked back at JJ, "Quite a show."

"Exclamation mark." JJ added, making his way down the hall and into a smaller bedroom, "Since Kiara's on the couch, we'll sleep here."

"We?" Red asked, crossing her arms with a smile.

"I don't mind sharing the bed." JJ joked.

Red scoffed, "What happened to ladies first? Β Chivalry is dead apparently. "

JJ shrugged, "I'm kidding! But you'll have to fight me for that bed."

"No need." Red threw herself onto the covers, lying in a starfish position. "I'm perfectly happy sharing it. If that's okay with you." Red batted her eyes and sat up.

JJ side-smiled, "The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Shoupe."

"Miss.." Red corrected, laying back down, JJ climbing into the bed beside her awkwardly. "Π΄ΠΎΠ±Ρ€ΠΎΠΉ Π½ΠΎΡ‡ΠΈ, JJ." (Goodnight, JJ.) (dobroy nochi)

"Night," JJ responded short and tired.

Red slept soundly, it seemed as though time stopped just for her rest, which was well deserved. To be completely honest, Red hadn't slept like that in a long time.

It was all good until she woke up abruptly, shivering.

It was weird. Earlier in the night, the harsh breeze and loud rain had been warm, but it seemed as though as the night grew older, the breeze got cooler.

This was the type of breeze that had Red shivering quickly for no particular reason, but she was just cold, and that was it.

Red stacked blankets on top of her, trying to leave some to JJ, who she could tell was awakening from her movements and the noise of the springs on the bed, motioning up and down.

JJ turned to her, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinted shut, it was easy to tell he was also getting some beauty rest, "What are you doing?"

Red turned her head to him fast, regretting her harsh movements against the bed, "Oh... Uhm... I was just cold."

"So you decided to roll around on the bed?"

Red rolled her eyes, "I wasn't rolling around, I was gathering blankets."

JJ looked to his side, "That explains it."

"Shut up! I gave you tons of blankets." Red lightly smacked JJ with the back of her hand, over and over.

JJ grabbed her hand, stopping her from hitting him again, "Your hand's still warm."

"No, it's not, that's just yours," Red explained.

JJ put his hand all over his face teasingly, part by part. "Oh yeah? If it's so warm does that help?" He joked.

"Yes actually," Red said. JJ reached over to the pendant on her chest, which was now slightly off-center, so he moved it back in place. "Gee, Thanks." Red gripped her pendant.

"Where'd you get that?" JJ asked, still playing with the shark tooth necklace.

"Found it," Red replied. "On the beach."

JJ moved his hand towards the hook, keeping it on her neck, "May I?"

Red nodded and let him take it off. JJ searched all around the necklace before smiling. "What?"

"It's mine." He replied shortly.

Red grabbed it from him, "What? That's impossible! I found it on the beach. Right here on the-"

"Cut?" JJ finished, earning a nod from Red. "Yeah. It must have fallen off when I was surfing. Washed up on shore."

"Well, how'd you know it's yours?" She asked, leaning closer to examine the necklace.

JJ rotated the necklace in her hand, revealing a worn-out J Maybank initial messily written on it, which was fading away.

"Well, you can have it back." She handed it to him, but he didn't take it.

"No need. I didn't notice it was missing till now, so clearly it's not important enough to take." He smiled. "Hey, You're not cold anymore."

Red looked down, her goosebumps had disappeared, "How'd you do that?"

"I didn't, you just got distracted." He smiled. "Only downside is... Now I'm cold."

He looked at her, then back down at his arm. As Red tried settling back in his bed he continued hesitating to put his arm around the girl.

"Knock yourself out, JJ." Red gave him the green light without even looking at him, which he happily accepted and scooted closer.

There, now whatever breeze the night had to bring, Red was not only warm but safer than she felt in her own gated neighborhood.

The next morning, Red had woken up to JJ already awake, messing with the light switch, messing with the power.

"Morning." She yawned. "What time is it?"

"No way to tell, powers out," JJ said, sitting back on the bed. "How'd you sleep last night?"

Red tilted her head, "Really good actually. Maybe because of the OH So strong arms surrounding me!" She joked, hugging herself.

"Maybe it was," JJ said, seductively. "I slept well too."

"Honestly, I didn't have you pegged as a little spoon."

JJ's jaw dropped, dramatically offended, "You liar! You were a little spoon."

Red clicked her tongue, "Were we spooning though?"

"Yes. Definitely." JJ said, bluntly.

Red blushed, "Once in a lifetime opportunity."

JJ leaned closer to her, brushing the side of her cheek with his hand. "I doubt that."

Red's cheeks turned bright red and butterflies went insane in her stomach. She knew JJ wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, and she didn't want to say no.

Just as both of them embraced a light kiss, John B stormed through the door, checking the light switch.

"C'mon man!" JJ complained.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" John B apologized, closing the door, but opening it back to see if he saw it right, "Red?"

"Hey John B." She replied with a laugh. "How's it going?"

"G-good. Pretty well." He pulled JJ to the side quickly, pretending Red didn't hear him, "You're walking a thin rope here JJ. Shoupe's daughter is off-limits. He's already got it out for me, what do you think he'll do to me if he knows she is over?"

"He'll kill both of you." Red yawned from behind shortly. "And he'd get away with it."

John B looked over at Red and shook his head with a smile, "Alright."

With that, John B left the room, sending JJ flying back to his previous position on the bed.

"Kind of a letdown. I'm not gonna lie." JJ smiled, "You'll get a second chance though."

"Maybe John B and Kie are right... you're smart enough not to screw around with the Deputy's daughter," Red replied, uncertain of her words.

"Right... Strictly professional." Said JJ, also sounding bummed out.

"Who knows? It's only been a day," Red smiled, challengingly.

"Only a day," JJ repeated.

JJ seemed to be both excited and let down. Excited that it had only been a day, and maybe in three days he could get farther.

"In that case, If we seem to be moving pretty fast, Later I'll reach first base?" JJ asked.

"Unlikely. But I'll be sure to put in a good word for you, John J." Red smiled, using his whole name.

JJ's mouth flew open, "How do you know my whole name?" Red didn't answer. "Fine. Reding Lucille Shoupe."

Red's eyes widened, "How'd you know!?"

"Maybe the fact that your license said that, or maybe just an educated guess."

"Wow. Unbelievable." Red smiled, slightly.

"How'd you know mine?"

"Educated guess," Red said, repeating the boy's words from before, causing him to grin.

"But honestly, who in the world names their daughter after a city in California?" He asked, half joking.

"It's not Redding, bonehead. It's Reding." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not hearing a difference." Said JJ.

"It's pronounced the same way, but there's two D's in Redding and-" Red stopped once she saw JJ containing his laughter. "What?"

"You said, 'there's two D's in Redding.' Two D's as in-"

Before he could finish, Red hit him in the face with a body pillow on the bed. "I know what you mean." She smiled. A real smile as she watched his reaction.

"Doesn't make it any less funny." He continued to wheeze.

no. I simply cant.
they are too cute for this
entire world and I
am not ready for this.

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