Chapter 14

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The rest of the day happens with me dragging Dabi to more and more stores and making him carry everything. It got to the point where the bank even called Dabi to make sure he wasn't getting robbed or if he credit card was stolen.


As we finally enter the house, I hear Dabi drop all the bags near the front of the door and walk towards the couch.

As I roll my eyes, I hear him muttering about me making him do all the hard work. Shrugging, I pick up as many bags as I can and make my way towards the room.

While I walk up the stairs, I see Dabi laying on the couch like he's been overworked. Laughing to myself, I walk into the room and drop the bags on the floor.

"More trips to go." I say sighing.

After about 3 more trips, I finally brought up all the bags. I definitely underestimated how much it was and should be grateful towards Dabi, since he did carry all of the bags at once.

Dabi comes into the room with a bottle of water making his way towards the bed. Was it for me? I don't know. Do I need it? Yes.

Grabbing the water bottle I open it drinking about half of it. Dabi plopping on the bed does what I think was the most exaggerated sigh I've heard in my entire life.

"You know, the house is all empty. Where did all your minions go?" I asked as I pull the bottle from my mouth.

"They don't live here you know." Dabi says looking at me like I was dumb.

"You didn't make that very apparent." I say rolling my eyes. "So, when do they come?"

"Whenever I call them." Dabi says with a shrug.

"That sounds annoying, I would hate to have to work for you." I say leaning against a nearby wall.

"You basically do dumbass and speaking of work that bottle was for me, because I did most of the work."

"What? I did a lot of hard work." I say putting a hand on my chest as if I was hurt. I hand him the water bottle and he takes it with a snatch. "You know it is rude to snatch."

Dabi rolling his eyes he opens the water bottle.

"What work did you do?" Dabi says as he drinks the rest of the water.

"I walked up and down the stairs, and it's a lot of stairs you know." I say plopping down on the bed next to Dabi.

"Yeah sure," Dabi says throwing the empty water bottle at my head. "At least you didn't have to carry all of the bags throughout an entire mall and to the house."

"You got to take a rest when we put them in the car." I say holding my hands up in defense.

"We?" Dabi says as he lays on the bed putting his legs on my stomach.

"Okay, okay you." I say as I try to move his legs.

Dabi starts to laugh as he sees me struggling. He knows he putting more force than needed other wise I would have gotten his legs off in a swift motion.

"Bruh, I'm suffocating here." I say as I exaggeratedly suffocate. "If you have a asphyxiating kink you could just say that."

And with that I pretend to pass out.

"Dumbass get up." Dabi says removing his legs from my stomach.

Laying on the bed I pretend to still be passed out. I nee some sort of entertainment.

"So, you're really passed out?" Dabi says sarcastically.

Giving him a thumbs up, Dabi chuckles.

"Hmm, what ever shall I do?" Dabi says. Still with no response, Dabi walks farther away from me possibly near the door.

"Okay, I will be right back." Dabi's feet begin to retreat as he leaves the room.

Squinting my eyes open to check if he is really gone, I see he actually left the room. Well I won't let down my guard, I think to myself.

Soon enough, I hear Dabi's footsteps coming back to the room.

"You're still at this, huh?" Dabi says. "Okay."

Suddenly, I feel a cold liquid fall onto my body.

Jumping up I gasp for air, after it felt like I was drowning.

"Dabi, what the fuck?" I say as I fall to the floor trying to get as much air as I possibly could.

"I thought you were dead, how could you lie to me?" Dabi says pretending to cry.

"I almost did right now." I say looking up towards Dabi.

Dabi doesn't look like he has the slightest amount of regret on his face. Matter of fact, he's laughing.

I take the same bucket that Dabi filled with water and threw it at him, darting out the door.

Laughing, as I hear Dabi groan and the bucket clatter on the floor.

"You piece of shit!" I hear Dabi yells as footsteps make their way towards me.

I laugh loudly, as I run down the steps into the living room.

Suddenly, I hear my name come from the TV.

"Y/N spotted at shopping plaza."

I hear soft footsteps coming behind me as my focus stays on the TV.

Seconds after, a picture of Dabi and I walking through the shopping plaza talking and joking around.

"You know, since Y/N has gotten with Mr.Mystery Man, she hasn't been seen doing anything for the well being of us civilians."

"I know right, and they just came up out of the blue."

"I want to know more about them. It's so weird how we've never seen him before."

"Right! I was thinking the same thing, someone should honestly dig up some stuff about them or about the guy himse-"

And with that, Dabi turned off the TV.

"Ignore them." Dabi says as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on top of mine.

"I was suppose to do hero work today, you know." I say raising my head to somewhat look at him through this position. "But I chose to go shopping instead."

"That's okay, they'll get to see you in action tomorrow." Dabi says, as he softly rubs circles with his thumb on my waist.

"The thing is, I don't even feel bad." I say sighing deeply, as I lean more into Dabi. "What's wrong with me." I say smacking my forehead.

Dabi doesn't say anything, but just keeps rubbing circles on my waist.

Sighing, I don't like how the mood changed and it was honestly annoying that dumb shit like this had to happen on a good day like this. And how the hell was the news so fast.

"Anyways, speaking of hero work. Did you guys get the costume?" I says pulling away to face Dabi automatically feeling cold.

"Yeah, you want to see it." Dabi says turning in the direction of a room.

I nod as I follow Dabi.

We making our way into a room, Dabi goes towards a tube-ish looking thing.

Pulling out the costume, it quenched my heart as the memories of the old lady came back to me.

I never really mourned her death because I didn't know her for long, but it still was painful thinking about her.

Dabi seeing my emotion shift comes towards me.

"You want to know a secret?" Dabi says crouching down to make eye contact with me.

I look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

"You know the lady from the cottage?" Dabi says looking at me. I nod my head slowly. "Well, you see.." Dabi trails off.

"What? Hurry up and say it." I say as he tries to draw it out.

Sighing, Dabi runs his hands through is hair as he continues. "Well, we didn't really kill her." Dabi says averting his eyes from mine.

"What?" I say my tone of voice uncertain.

I wasn't mad, I wasn't sad, I wasn't happy, I was confused.

"We didn't really kill her, we used one of Twice's clones instead, the lady was tied around back so you couldn't find her. Also, you didn't kill those minions. They were also minions." Dabi says looking down.

All I can is stare at him. I don't know if I should feel relieved that I didn't kill anyone or cause anyone's death or if I should feel sad or happy or upset that he lied. All I can do is stare at him watching his subtle movements.


Dabi looks up at me confusion and shock written all over his face.

"Okay?" Dabi says.

"Okay." I say.

"Okay.." Dabi say watching to see my expression was hiding anything. He slowly hands me the costume as I grab it looking it over.

My expression was still blank as I didn't know how to feel so it looked like I was dead inside.

"How about I go get the other things you would use for tomorrow?" Dabi says cautiously.

"Okay." I say still looking over the costume.

Dabi slowly takes his gaze off me after a while and leaves the room.

Laying the costume on a rack I sit on the floor crossing my legs as I wait for him.

A couple minutes after, Dabi comes in with a couple of electronics and gadgets.

He was still wary as I didn't show any emotion after he revealed something big.

"You okay?" Dabi asks me.

I nod.

"Well, so tomorrow you would use this earpiece so I and Electrus, you haven't met her yet, can communicate with you." Dabi says holding up an earpiece. I was small and it was designed to look like I was wearing an earring.


Dabi than holds up a cellphone that looked like a regular degular cellphone.

"This is the phone you would be using, it will have me, Electrus, Mes, and Ms.GuΓ©rir." Dabi scrolls through the contact list allowing me to see what the contact names would be.

For Dabi his contact name was Toya, incase someone was to see him call. For Mes, is was Mes since he isn't wanted or a villain of any sorts. For Electrus it was El since I would assume she was a boss or someone of high status even though I haven't heard of her before. For Ms.GuΓ©rir, her name was Doc Lady. It was silly, but it made sense since it was easy for me to know who it was.


Dabi than goes and pulls out the last gadget which was small and cute. It was a ring that looked like was for accessory. It was regularly plain and silver with not many other designs on it.

"This is the tracker. It won't come off being it is a made with your finger size in mind." Dabi says showing it towards me.


Dabi just looks at me with a worried and confused expression. "The only thing you've said since I told you was okay." Dabi says walking towards me crouching down.

"Are you really okay?" Dabi says scanning over my face.

"I don't know Dabi. Weren't you the one who was trying to rub it into my face how I killed a bunch of people? You're such a piece of shit. You don't do anything unless it benefits you." Dabi looked a little taken aback since it was the first thing I said since he's gotten back.

"It's not like that." Dabi says raising his hand towards my face.

Smacking his hand down, I say "You know damn well it is. You didn't tell me about it unless you wanted me to do something for you. You know I also heard that fucking phone call from when I was supposedly sleeping."

Dabi looks at me with a confused expression. His eyes widen at the realization of what I was talking about.

"It's not like that." Dabi says looking down.

"Yes it is!" I say fed up. "What else have you done, huh? Is there anything else that you want to get off you chest?"

Dabi stays quiet. The atmosphere was tense, but I wanted to know what else he could possibly be hiding.

"Well, the shot that I said could kill you," Dabi trailed on. "It was actually nothing but an antibiotic."

"Well that's the fucking cherry on top." I say looking at him in disbelief. "So there is nothing stopping me from leaving, right?" I watch Dabi checking for an emotion shift, but there wasn't one.

Dabi fully stands up facing away from me, "No."

Laughing in disbelief, I stand up leaving the room. Who gave him the right to do as he pleased?

I make my way to the room, when I see the amount of bags in the room. Today's activities come rushing back as I realize I am still soaked in water.

I can't just leave.

Actually, I could. I could simply get a bag and take all my belongings and leave, but for some reason I didn't want to.

I was hard and I couldn't make up my mind on leaving or staying.

The old Y/N would have packed her bags the second she got the chance, but this Y/N, she couldn't figure out her emotions and it definitely confused the life out of her.

Sitting on the bed, I wipe tears that I didn't know had fallen.

Should I really leave?

I wouldn't get any backlash and people wouldn't get hurt. I would be able to get back to number one on the hero list, but is that something I really want?

I see a figure in the doorway and the atmosphere is now just plain awkward.

"If you want to leave that's okay." Dabi says keeping his distance.

"What and all this be for nothing?" I say looking at my hands. "Everyone already knows we're dating, so I might as well not screw everything up for everyone."

"So we're dating now?" Dabi says lightening the odd atmosphere.

It was a small thing he picked up from my dragged out sentence, but it made all the difference.

"Our alter personalities are dating." I say playfully rolling my eyes.

Dabi walks towards me sitting next to me on the bed, not too close as it was just tense less than thirty seconds ago.

"You know, it's around dinner time, how about you go take a shower since you're still wet." Dabi points out, "and I can put the clothes away for you, and make some dinner."

I look at him, as if I was thinking over my answer. "Now that's husband material." I say patting his head as I stand up making my way towards the bathroom.

"Husband?" Dabi says as I near the bathroom.

"I said what I said." I say closing the bathroom door.


After my much needed shower, I exit the bathroom to see an empty room, Dabi had already put everything away and it smelt like he was making dinner.

I go towards the closet to see my clothes neatly hung up and some folded.

I don't know why, but I found it cute how he made sure to keep everything clean, as a matter of fact the entire house itself was never really dirty. Just a few books here and there. Usually, they ended up getting picked up by the end of the day,

Back to getting ready, I pick something cozy as in a oversized hoodie, was it mine? I don't probably not. With that I pick some sweat pants and call it a day.

Making my way downstair, I am engulfed in a wif of whatever Dabi was cooking. I hate to say it, but he definitely was a better cook than I was.

Entering the kitchen, I see Dabi in a cute apron humming to himself as he was cooking.

At this point his scars were already back and they honestly make me just stare.

Stealthy walking behind him, I wrap my arms around his torso.

"Shit!" Dabi jumps from the sudden contact, he obviously didn't hear me and I felt victorious on that. "Y/N you almost made me drop everything." Dabi says in an annoyed tone.

"Do you not want me touching you?" I say letting go pretending as if I was sad.

"No, no you just scared me." Dabi says grabbing my hands, preventing them from letting go.

"So you do want me touching you." I say in a teasing voice.

"Of course. I'd want to do other things with you too, but you won't let me." Dabi says with an exaggerated sigh.

"See look you made is weird." I say rolling my eyes and letting go of him completely.

"Aww, come on what happened to me being husband material?" Dabi says as he pouts.

"You've been demoted to creepy cousin material." I say sitting down at the island.

"Damn, not even boyfriend?" Dabi says holding his hand to his heart.

"Nope, you ruined the vibe." I say laughing at his sudden change in emotion.

"What if I'm your third cousin four times remo-" and with that I throw a spoon at his head. "Okay, okay." Dabi says laughing and going back to making the dinner.

"Cousin, when is the food going to be ready." I say groaning.

"I don't know about your food cousin, but the food for my imaginary girlfriend is almost done," Dabi says as he tastes some of the food that was on the stove. "And it tastes great."

"Aww come on, don't be like that." I whined getting up to wrap my arms around him.

"Cousin, that's a little weird." Dabi says looking around as if he was making sure no one was watching us. "My girlfriend will be here any second."

"Dabi." I groan out. "We're not cousins. I was joking." I say hoping for him to let up since the food smelled amazing.

"Well, that's great and all, but I'm still waiting on my girlfriend." Dabi says turning away.

"She's not coming so let's pretend she isn't real." I say.

"You want me to give my ex-cousin the food I made for my girlfriend?" Dabi says with a fake shocked expression. "I don't think so, I'll just have to wait until I get a girlfriend then." Dabi shrugs as he brings out two plates.

He makes both the plates and take it to the island with me following behind.

He places it down, but when I go to reach for it he smacks my hand.

"Ow, Dabi just let me eat." I groan out as my stomach also makes noise.

"That food is only for my girlfriend." Dabi says as he begins to eat. He hums and expresses how well he made the food. "If only my girlfriend was here to eat the food with me."

Groaning I say, "I'll be your girlfriend, if I can eat."

"You'll be my girlfriend?" Dabi's says looking at me with happy eyes.

"Yes, now can I eat?" I say patting my stomach.

"Yes, girlfriend." Dabi says pushing the plate towards me.

"Thank you third cousin fo-" Dabi tries to drag the plate away from me, "Boyfriend! Thank you, boyfriend."

"Your welcome, snowflake." Dabi says patting my head.


We finish cleaning up the dishes and make our way up the stairs when Dabi stops in front of the door.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at him confused.

"Today was rough, I want you to take some time to yourself. I'll sleep in a guest room." Dabi says.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to do that." I say. I've grown accustomed to sleeping in the same bed as Dabi and it would actually be the first time that we weren't together.

"No, I think it's needed. I'm going to let you sleep on your own." Dabi says as he turns around to leave.

I couldn't even get a word out before he closed the door.

Sighing, I go towards the bathroom to do my routine.

After I've done that, I go to lay down on the empty bed. I don't know why, but it felt so weird. Dabi and I weren't going to stay together forever so it was weird that I even thought about it like that.

Laying there, I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning, but it just didn't work.

Should I go to Dabi or is that being clingy?

Sighing, I sit up on the bed.

I don't even know what room he's in.

Shaking my head, I get up.

It's now or never.

I exit the room and go towards the first door to left.

I open the door to an office, it looked unused but nonetheless and office.

I close the door as I go to the next door.

I open to see a somewhat library study.

"Wrong again." I mutter to myself.

I go to the next room to see the actual room that I escaped from, but no Dabi.

Closing the door I continue down.

About two more doors in I finally open the door to see a Dabi laying on the bed.

"Dabi?" I whisper.

I see him turn around looking half asleep.

"Y/N? Why are you here?" Dabi asks in a groggy voice.

Sighing, I let go of some of my ego. "I couldn't sleep." I say as I enter the room uninvited.

Dabi chuckles, "So, you came to

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