Chapter 11

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"You don't have to play and you can sit in the room for the rest of the day." Dabi says shrugging.

"Ok fine, but it had to be whatever the winner says." I say putting emphasis on 'whatever'.

"Okay, deal."

"Deal." I say as we shake hands.


As Dabi goes to get some token I look at the preview of the game.

It's just a basic shooting game so it won't be that hard, but I never really had much experience since my childhood was a little different.

The main point of the game were to kill the zombies, the bigger the zombie the more points.

The regular zombies are worth 5 points, the bigger zombies are worth 10 and there is only one boss zombie that is worth 50.

I see a big white board near the front of the arcade, so I walked over there to write Dabi and I's name to keep tally.

Dabi: 0 Y/N: 0

I put the marker down and head back towards the game as I see Dabi making his way back to the game as well.

"You ready to be completely destroyed?" Dabi says as we pick up the toy guns.

"In your dreams." I say putting the token in. Dabi does the same as we pick our characters. Of course I pick a girl and shockingly Dabi picks a girl too.

"Ready? Set.. GO!"

Suddenly zombies begin to walk towards us causing Dabi and I to start shooting.

Towards the middle of the game I check the scores to see I have a score of 45 and Dabi is at 80.

Soon enough Dabi kills another zombie that's worth 5 leaving him at 85 points. I kill a couple more zombies worth 5's and 10's leaving me at 65 points.

Suddenly, a big explosion comes that knocks Dabi down the 15 health. The explosion didn't impact me as much leaving me at 67 health.

"Shit." I hear Dabi mumbles looking at the big health gap.

The explosion brings in the boss who has 500 health leaving us at a huge disadvantage.

Dabi, not thinking runs towards the boss with guns blazing.

I'm not letting him win. So I run after him toward the boss.

We both begin shooting each shot taking off 10 health.

Unfortunately, we only get the boss down to 150 health before Dabi dies.

"Damn it!" I hear Dabi yell as he player falls on the floor.

Not paying him mind, I keep shooting at the boss as he makes his way toward me.

Needing only 15 more hits, the monsters makes his way towards me.


The monster hits me back, my health now at 43.


The monsters charges full speed at me keeping me from hitting it. My health now at 7.


"Game Over"

"Fuck yeah!" I yell as Dabi rolls his eyes. I do a little victory dance, when I see Dabi smirking at me.

"Why you smirking dumbass? You like my dance?" I say doing a pretend bow.

"Look at the score dumbass." Dabi says as a grin comes on his face.

As I turn to the board I see a Loser sign on my side and a Winner in Dabi's.

"What the hell? That doesn't make any sense. I killed the fucking boss." I say in disbelief.

I infact did kill the boss, but not all by myself.

The game screen had a summary on why Dabi was the winner.

Before the boss wave Dabi had 85 points and I had 65. Since Dabi did indeed get to the boss a couple seconds before I did he got one hit more than me before he died. Dabi and I were both shooting with the same accuracy and timing.

Before Dabi died he had shot the monster a total of 18 times, causing him to take 180 health off the monster. I shot the monster 17 times before Dabi's death. Including the 15 shots, which killed the monster I shot the monster 32 times. Which means I took off 320 health.

Obviously, both of our damage together equaled up to 500 health which ended the monsters' life.

Unfortunately, the game did not forget about the other points like Dabi and I did. With Dabi having 18 hits on the monster his points were 18, with an addition of his previous 85 points he ended the game with 103 points.

I, on the other hand only had 65 points before the boss level so my additional 32 points from killing the boss only got me to 97 points. Where it showed my defeat.

Shocked at the outcome Dabi pats my back. "It's okay, snowflake. We can play more games if you aren't satisfied and whoever wins the most games, wins the bet." Dabi says with an outstretched hand.

Swallowing my pride, I shake Dabi's hand. "Bet."

I walk toward the whiteboard writing a tally under Dabi's name. Walking back towards Dabi we land on doing a driving game.

Dabi: 1 Y/N: 0

We make our way towards the game and I start to give myself a pep talk. I will win, because I will not let Dabi do whatever he wants to me, I think to myself.

I sit on the left side as Dabi takes the right.

We insert our tokens and pick our characters.

"Ready? Set.. GO!"

I stomp on the accelerator as Dabi does the same.

We keep up with each other as we switch between 1st and 2nd place.

Although we aren't the only ones in the match it feels like it because we're only keeping our attention on each other.

We hit a sharp turn making Dabi and I both spin out. We regain control with us still being in the top two.

We basically left everyone in the dust with us far ahead. Or so we thought.

As we near the finish line, Dabi gets the lead during our back and forth. Suddenly a car from one of the other players crash into the side of Dabi's car hitting him away from the finish line.

I pass the finish line in first place and take the gold metal.

"You see that? You see that? I fucking won!" I yell getting out the chair. I do a little happy dance ignoring the fact Dabi is throwing a tantrum and yelling at the screen as if the guy who hit him out of the track could hear him.

I skip towards the white board and put a tally under my name.

Dabi: 1 Y/N: 1

Walking back to Dabi who looks pissed off, I say "It's okay Bi, We can play more games if you aren't satisfied and whoever wins the most games, wins the bet."

Yep, I threw his words right back into his face.

This is how we ended up spending the entire day as we tie off playing all the games. Causing us to make the bet more intense. Instead of making the loser only do one thing they now have to do two things.

Dabi looking fed up after I won, I repeat the same phrase causing us to look at the last game in the arcade that we desperately tried to avoid.

Right now, Dabi has 19 wins and I have the same.

The last game unfortunately, puts us both at a disadvantage.

Dance, Dance, Revolution.

We walk toward the game and you can basically hear us cursing ourselves.

"Hey, we can call quits now and end it with a tie." Dabi says.

"Never." My competitive side showing.

"Ok, whatever suits you." Dabi says as he runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

We insert our last chips and step on the dance pads as the music starts.

We chose an easy leveled game since we both suck. Little did I know Dabi sucked much more than he lead on.

He literally was the definition of two left feet. It was honestly so bad that I didn't even need to try because he got only about 4 steps right out of 150 in the end.

I, though not a good dancer, but much better than Dabi, got 56 steps right out of 150.

Smiling victoriously, I run toward the whiteboard crossing the tally making it 20 points.

"Fuck yeah!" I yell as Dabi sits down on the dance pad out of breath.

I laugh as I reach Dabi. "Guess who won?" I yell in his ear, making him jump not from being scared, but from the loudness.

"You don't have to yell about it damn." Dabi mutters rubbing his ear.

"Okay, okay get up." I say pulling Dabi's arm.

Dabi stands up looking upset at the fact he lost.

"Fine, your royal highness what shall you want?" Dabi says bowing down to me.

"Hmm." I exaggerate a thinking face.

Suddenly, I hear my stomach rumble as well as Dabi's. I look at him with widen eyes and a smile as Dabi already knew what I would want to ask.

"No." Dabi says with a straight face.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask!" I say as Dabi begins to walk out the room.

"I know what you want though." Dabi says pointing at my stomach.

"How did you know I wanted kids?" I say pretending to tear up.

"If you want to make kids you could just ask." Dabi says.

I roll my eyes continuing with what I actually wanted. "Dabi as one of my wishes I would like if you could make us dinner." I say with a straight smile.

Scoffing, Dabi continues to object. "No."

"Dabi! It's apart of the rules!" I say following behind him.

Making our way downstairs, Dabi starts to simply ignore me. "Dabi!" I shout after him as he picks up pace.

Now, Dabi is speed walking and I am jogging. "Dabi! I know you're hungry too! And I know you would like to be a man of your word!" I yell after him.

As we get close to the kitchen, I use my powers putting a wall up in front of archway.

"Dabi! Come on!" I groan out.

"Fine." Dabi says exaggerating a sigh as he crosses his arms.

"Finally!" I exhale after I finally catching my breath. "Well, um you're gonna have to melt the ice." I say looking at him scratching the back of my head.

Rolling his eyes, he melts the ice walking into the kitchen.

I sit in the island, watching as he goes into the fridge. "So, what are you going to make." I question.

"You'll see." Dabi says. I look at him dumbfounded as I sit back and watch him cook.

I see him pull out the ingredients as I try to figure out what he'll cook.

Soon enough, I give up and put my head down as I wait for him to finish.


Suddenly I feel something not heavy, but not light hit the top of my head.

"What the fuck?" I say as I raise my head to see a spoon clatter on the floor.

"Food's ready." Dabi says, still not even looking in the direction of me.

"You know you could be a decent human and just shake me awake." I roll my eyes.

Before I could get up, Dabi brings the food toward me and places it in front of me.

"Bone apple tea." Dabi says as he puts a glass of water next to the plate.

I laugh at his choice of words "You know it's bon appΓ©tit, right?"

"Yeah, whatever." Dabi says walking back to grab his serving. He places his food next to me as I feel eyes on me.

"What?" I say looking at Dabi.

"Nothing," says scratching his neck. "I just wanted to see if you liked it or not." he mumbles under his breath.

Me being the asshole I am, I take this as the time to do ruin someone's confidence.

I take a bite into the food that was prepared and surprisingly it's really good, but obviously I can't show that.

Pretending to not like it, I chew slowly and look over at Dabi who's still looking at me.

"This is a joke right?" I say softly laughing.

"What?" Dabi says as he keeping from making eye contact.

I can basically feel the embarrassment that I just caused and I honestly felt top tier.

"The food.." I pretend to throw up making a dramatic long ass pause.

"Is amazing." I say sighing, keeping up my act. I have to pretend like I didn't know why he would feel embarrassed, but deep down I am dying from laughter.

Smacking my forehead Dabi says, "Duh dipshit. I know I can cook."

Rubbing my forehead, Dabi dines in eating the food he created.

I continue to eat as well since the food was again, amazing.


Taking our plates I wash the dishes, since it was the least I could do since Dabi made the whole meal.

As I washed the dishes Dabi wipes down the table and cleans the kitchen.

We finish around the same time as we make our way upstairs.

As we enter the room, I make my way towards the bathroom.

Dabi follows me towards the bathroom as we both go to do our nightly routine.

I've actually never seen what Dabi does at night so it sparked my interest. Watching him, I see he does indeed brush his teeth at night.

For some reason, I just assumed he did nothing, but I guess it makes sense.

For me, I brush my teeth first and then wash my face so I can keep up my skin care.

Dabi finishes before me which leads to him leaving the room to do whatever he needed to do.

Me needing to take a shower, gets some clothes from the wardrobe and walk back towards the bathroom.

Locking it I start my shower. About 20 minutes later I finish and get out wrapping myself up in a towel and drying myself off.

I soon after, I get dressed and exit the bathroom to a Dabi sprawled out all over the bed.

He obviously took a shower, due to him having a new set of clothes and damp hair.

"Dabi move." I say as I reach the bed.

"Why?" Dabi whines.

"Because I'm sleeping here." I say.

"Well at least let me sleep here too." Dabi says.

"Why would I?" I question.

"Why not?" Dabi retorts back.


"Why not?"

"Why though?"

"Why not?"

"Dabi, get the fuck off the bed."

Dabi groans as he rolls to the side. "You should let me stay here because technically, if I didn't ask you to play another game I would've won and you would've had to do what I wanted." Dabi starts. "So let me sleep here for winning the first round." Dabi says as he sits up.

Rolling my eyes, he's not wrong and I would feel back letting him sleep on the floor.

I groan as I plop down next to him on the bed.

"Fine, but I get three quarters of the bed." I say stretching my legs and arms out.

"But I'm taller and buffer." Dabi objects.

I look at him with a glare making him roll his eyes. "Fine, but if I fall off the bed it's your fault." Dabi says laying down.

"Oh, speaking of the game, do you want to know what we'll be doing for my last request?" I say looking at him with expecting eyes.

"What will that be your majesty?" Dabi says looking over toward me.

"A shopping spree with Touya." I say with a huge smile on my face.

Dabi deadpans. I can tell he wasn't expecting that.

"I'm letting you sleep in the same bed as me." I point out.

Exaggerating a groan Dabi puts his face in the pillow. "Fine." Dabi mumbles.

"Thank you~" I say happily.

"Whatever." Dabi mutters.

I get up and turn off the light walking back towards the bed.

I plop down on the bed. Dabi wraps his arm over my waist pulling me closer towards him.

"You know the point of me having three fourths of the bed was so I could have three fourths of the bed to myself." I say.

Dabi shrugs his shoulders ignoring my response.

"Fine, ignore me, but tomorrow we'll spend all day out and have a blast." I say moving my arms in a circle motion showing my excitement.

"Sure." Dabi says as he sounds likes about to go to sleep.

"Goodnight Dabi." I say getting comfortable on the verge of falling asleep.

"Goodnight snowflake." Dabi says.

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