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chap 7

ever since that kiss, xiao has been avoiding me, i knew he pushed people away when they got 'too close' but id never thought he would do it to me. ive cried about it alot, since xiao was the only person i was able to talk to about everything, my friends noticed something was wrong but didnt wanna say anything, because they knew about xiao. when we were inclass , hu tao and xiao were talking. to take my mind feel better about xiao , i asked why they both got out at the same place yesterday. "did you pet hutaos cat? hes so cute isnt he?" i said , hutao giggled and said "well cats were definitely getting pet" i litterally looked at her in disgust .. yanfei really DID make her like white boys.

xiao walked in but sat very far away from me. ajax said "hutao get your cousin" zhongli turned around .. "not all chinese people are cousins" hutao sighed "no , he actually is my cousin.." she almost teared up. i never understood why she was so embarrassed of him , it was funny though. my friends were doing everything they could to cheer me up. even though it wasnt helping, i was so grateful for them.


they tried everything , buying my favorite food, favorite drinks, taking me to all of my favorite places. gardens, restaurants, malls, nothing worked. because i didnt care for any of that.  i just wanted xiao back. xiao was all i could think about, im every place i went, i thought of him. every store i went to, i saw something and thought 'he would like that'. every song i heard reminded me of him. i love him. i just wished hed stop ignoring me. but hey , fuck a man! its almost summer and im ready to be out and about, ive been inlove with that boy for too long.


i was expressing my concerns to hutao , she spoke "wow.. did he hit or something" i almost choked on my water. "no hutao.. wtf." she giggled and apologized , she knew xiao wouldnt be up for that. but all i could think about was him. i had dreams about him , he was stuck in my head everyday he wouldnt talk to me. i was in the shower and almost threw up due to his absence. my love for him ran deep. no one will understand the way our souls connected. i love you xiao , come back to me, please.


end of chap.

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