ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Where'd All The Time Go? - Dr. Dog
1:37 ───ㅇ───── 3:54
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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OWEN LEADS US OUT OF THE MAIN PARK AREA, to the area blocked off by a gate. We were looking for a car to drive out of here. Claire was on the phone with some man in the control room.
"Lowery, I'm on my way back to you." She speaks to the man behind the phone. He says something lengthy before she responds again.
"What do you mean 'use the Raptors'?" Claire asks confused. Me and Owen get visibly annoyed knowing exactly who and what she means by that.
"God damn it." I put my palm on my face. Hoskins did it. That son of a bitch is doing it without telling us.
"Son of a bitch!" Owen curses looking at the passing helicopters.
"You shouldn't say 'bitch.'" Gray tells him and Zach and I look at him funny.
"Take the kids. Get them someplace safe." Owen's jaw tenses but his focus isnt on the copters anymore. Its on the banging metal gate behind us, that is going to flood with guests. We run to a nearby car and hop in as the guests flow in. I take the middle while the two brothers are on either side of me with Owens driving. Owen immediately starts reversing into a spot to hide from all of the traffic of people.
"You got this!" Zach hits the seats in front of him.
"Go faster!" Gray yells.
"Damn it, drive Owen!" I bite my nail out of anxious and anticipation.
"This does not feel safe." Zach shakes his head staring around the crowd in front of us.
"Can we stay with you?" Gray begs.
"I am never leaving you as long as you live." Claire thinks the message is directed at her.
"No, him." Zach disagrees with her.
"Owen." I peep.
"Yeah, definitely him." Gray looks at Owen and nods his head.
After a long while of waiting, we finally find an opening to get out and so we take it, racing to the velociraptor cage. I get a nervous feeling coming back but I ignore it and wait out the car ride. It didnt take very long to get there, seeming its already a short drive and Owen was pissed. We pull up to the cage and theres cars and squad's everywhere. Owen steps out of the car and Claire tells us to stay but I unbuckle my seat belt and slide over Zach to get out. I take care of these animals too.
"The mother hen has finally arrived." Hoskins gloats. Owen doesnt say anything and instead punches him square in the mouth. Impressive swing by Owen. 1 Owen 0 Hoskins.
"Get the hell out of here and stay away from my animals." Owen warns sternly.
"Hoskins, you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch!" Claire spits in his face.
"Jesus! How many more people have to die
"This is an InGen situation now. Okay, there are
gonna be cruise ships that show up here at first light. Everybody's gonna get off this island. You're gonna watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives. No, better yet, how your animals saved lives!" Hoskins gets up in Owens face.
"They've never been out of containment. It's crazy." Barry worries. He has every right to be worried, those animals almost killed Owen, who is their alpha. Whats going to happen when they are let loose?
"Let's move it out! This is happening! With or without you." Hoskins looks into Owens face. Owen unfortunately agrees since he has no other choice. He goes to the control center with all the soldiers and explains a plan. Once hes done, heads to the raptors to see if they are ready and to check on them. I beg him to let me see them again and he reluctantly agrees and lets only me inside.
I first inspect Charlie, seeing how shes doing. She snaps at me a little but lets me work on her. Then I move to Echo and shes the same way. I then walk over to Delta and inspect her, making sure she is okay. She growls at first but then looks me in the eyes and realizes its me and calms down a little. Shes stressed out so shes more on edge than usual but she stills accepts me touching her. I make sure the camera is in order and once I do I pet her and get some of the dirt off her. Owen is working with Blue when Gray calls him over. I can feel Zachs eyes on the back of my head as I pet Delta but I dont turn around.
"Owen. Are they safe?" Gray asks Owen.
"No, they're not." Owen isn't wrong about that. Anything could happen to these animals out there. Its worry some.
"What are their names?" Zach asks him.
"Well, you got Charlie. There's Echo. Here is Delta, she's Alex's favorite. This one's called Blue. She's the beta." Owen explains to them. I can feel Zach's eyes again when he mentions me.
"Who's the alpha?" Gray asks.
"You're looking at him, kid." Owen confidently speaks. Owen looks at me telling me its time to go. I give Delta a few pets and a good luck kiss on the forehead, and Owen lets me out of the cage. But not before we can do our handshake.
"Be safe." I smile.
"You know I will." He reassures me and closes the cage. I walk up to the two and Zach grabs my hand as Claire leads us to the van.
971 words! delta and alex bonding moment 🥹
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