~Chapter 6~

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Authors POV:

Jisoo gasped hearing him as she raised her tone a little "Yah!"

"YAH? YAH?! How dare you use that with me- Do you want a beating?" Taehyung asked as she pouted looking down.

"You're mean! I'm hurt and you're mocking me." Jisoo spoke.

"Remind me again how you got hurt." He spoke as jisoo sighed.

"It was your fault though... you told me to fetch those files. You should've known a feeble... and fragile... and... ladylike person like me cannot.... do those." Jisoo spoke.

Taehyung eyed her for a while before saying, "You don't look like a lady to me though. Not at all. You're worse than my dog at home."

"How dare you-" jisoo was staring at him in disbelief as he got up leaving the room while.

But stopped as he spoke "Be fast and fetch the files from before." He went out of the room living her there alone.

"What a jerk!" Jisoo scoffed rolling her eyes while cursing him.


"You did so bad today- god, I felt like puking! Even worse you hurted yourself." He spoke as she sighed.

"I thought he was giving me a vacation for a week." Jisoo thought to herself before smiling fakely thanking him in a fake sweet tone and leaving for home.

On her way out, she touched her forehead sighing.

"I can't believe I almost killed myself because of a file! Darn that file and the owner of that file! I should quickly go home and call Lisa over." Jisoo spoke.

Taehyung, who was walking out of the company stared at her walking outside the company gate.

"She's unbelievable!" He spoke sighing before getting his car which was parked outside.


Taehyung's POV:

After reaching home, I freshened up and got ready for dinner since dad was taking us out today.

Kia Hyung was also coming, but Who cares? He would be all over his girlfriend.

Seems like that relationship means more to him than our brotherhood!

Though I'm glad he makes mandu happy, after all that all matters!

"Let's go," Dad spoke as I smiled walking towards them.

"How do I Look, son?" Mom asked as I chuckled saying, "Beautiful as always~"

"Our son is so good with women~ You must have been so nice to your secretary. I heard she's a female. Is she pretty??"

"Appa!! She is so pretty , I saw her the other day, and she looks like the perfect match for oppa!" Jennie said as she walked towards us.

Dad asked as I sighed thinking about jisoo.

"Pretty, my ass. She looks like a monkey hanging on a banana tree. I don't understand her at personality, she's just so weird." I said as I remember the incident that happened today.

"Shut it oppa!! You don't know what beauty is." Jennie said as I looked at with an unbelievable expression.is she seriously choosing her over me?!

"You sound very bothered by her."

"Of course, I will be! Who wouldn't be bothered if someone is such a nuisance?Only if the other interviewees looked capable, she would've NEVER been hired!" I spoke.

"Okay okay! You seem so engrossed in talking about her, we might end up missing our dinner." Suddenly we heard the car horn and got out seeing kia Hyung in his car waving at us.

"Ahhh my baby is finally here!!" Jennie said as she ran outside with excitement making mom and dad chuckle.

Everyone sat in the car, he chuckled saying, "Yo brother~" I looked at him thinking of giving an attitude but sighed laughing.

"Hello!" I spoke as he smiled. We got off at a french restaurant and ordered food.

"Thanks to Kia , we are finally eating here. You did a good job by reserving this room." Mom spoke as kia Hyung chuckled.

"Since mom and dad are in the States, it's good to have you all here. Especially my baby" Hyung spoke as he looked at jennie as everyone chuckled at there moment.

"Are you seeing anyone?? Even your little sister has a love life." Kia spoke looking over at me. How Dare he?

" shut it, if it wasn't for me you two wouldn't be together in here." I said pointing towards the two.

"Oppa stop scolding my baby!" Jennie spoke defending Kia. Unbelievable?!

"Okay kids let's eat now stop with your little arguments." Dad spoke.

we started eating while making some random jokes and chatting. Jennie and Kia rubbing their love.

I was about to take a bite of my favourite dish when my phone binged with a notification.

I frowned before checking. It was a message from my Secretary.

"What is she messaging me for?" I looked at the message as my eyes widened.


Jisoo's POV:

I sighed entering home to see lisa sitting on the couch with a smug look.

I frowned seeing her.

"What are you doing?" I asked putting my staff away.

"Uncle and aunt are out~ Again~ They're in Busan right now. Uh, they left in the morning without informing you- and told me to guard the house. So, as you know, it's time- TO GO CLUBBING!!!"

"They left me again?!?! Why can't they take their daughter to grandma's HOUSE?" I screamed as she sighed.

"Good for us though. Let's go clubbing!" She spoke as I scoffed.

"Clubbing, my ass. My kind and sweet boss gave me SO much work! I can't even explain." I spoke as she frowned coming near me.

"What's that on your forehead-oh my! That's a band-aid?! How did you hurt yourself?" She asked as I sighed.

"All thanks to my sweet and kind boss." I replied touching the bandage on my forehead.

"WHAT?! DID HE ABUSE YOU?! OMG, WHAT AN ANIMAL! HE DESERVES A PAINFUL DEATH- HE DESERVES FLOGGI-" She was screaming as I took a deep breath smacking her head.

"Shut up! Just shut up! If abusing me in animality, then YOU are the animal! He didn't do anything. He just gave me some hard work, lisa your making my head hurt again!" I spoke as she made an 'o' face.

"I see. That's weird but okay.
Let's go clubbing~" I shook my head.

"We can't! Calm your ass lisa for once."


"ONE MORE DRINK!" I spoke to the bartender who sighed.

"Ma'am, do you even have any acquaintance in here? You're too drunk." The guy spoke as i frowned at him.

"WhY dO yOu cArE! YoU JERK!" I screamed as he coughed awkwardly giving me another glass of beer.

I smiled at the glass. "Lisa alwAyS ConVinCeS mE And GetS mE in TroUbLE." I signed siping the beer.

Author's POV:

"Park TAEhYUng ThAT JeRk! wHaT 4'3?! No mAtTeR hOw BaD OnE IS, HoW cAn HE Be ThAt mEaN? I Am A WoMAn AftErAll." Jisoo spoke letting out a deep breath while staring at her glass.

"I Will DeStRoy yOU!!! PARK

FOrKing taeHyung !"


"What the actual- Is she seriously in the bar?!" Taehyung gasped before scoffing.

"Let her rot there. Who asked her to drink? Not me." Taehyung spoke and sighed trying to eat when Kia Hyung spoke.

"Aunty! You know, I saw the news yesterday. A woman was killed brutally. Turns out, she was drunk at night and walked into a dark alley accidentally. I feel so bad, you should be careful!"

"Ay! I am here to protect my lady, son!" Dad spoke as I looked at them and then at my phone. 9:00 pm.

It's pretty late right now. Why is that woman so careless? Even though she's careless, I can't leave her alone like that. She said she didn't have any guardians.

Sighing taehyung got up as everyone looked at him confused.

"Uh, I have something urgent to attend. I'lI leave now! Also Kia I trust you so make sure my parents and Jennie is all safe." Taehyung spoke as he grabbed he coat.


"Aww! What a poor girl. She's been sitting there for such a long time. Why come with people who would leave her out?" A girl spoke to her friends as she sighed sadly while drinking the last drop of drink.

"I'M So LAwnLEyy BrokAn
AngElLI ~ ~" jisoo sang scratching her neck as she got her glass again.

"GiVE mE ONE moRe GlAss PlEasE."
The bartender sighed while hesitating.

His job was to serve drinks but seeing jisoo so drunk, he was worried at this point.

He was about to pour another glass when a deep voice spoke, "If you serve her one more glass, I'll kick you out of the world along with her."

Jisoo, who was waiting for the glass frowned looking behind her along with the bartender.

Squinting her eyes, jisoo noticed a manly figure walking towards her.

"Troublemaker. Do you want a beating?!" Taehyung scolded as jisoo frowned trying to figure out who it Is .

"ОНННН!!! YOU! MR cEo what are you doing HeRe" Jisoo spoke gasping drunkenly as he sighed while looking at her.

"Yes me. You should check who you're texting. Only because I'm a gentleman,otherwise you would never be picked up by someone as noble as me. Oh! How lucky you ar-" He was speaking but stopped seeing her seat empty.

He looked at the bartender shocked who gulped scratching his neck awkwardly.

"WHERE DID SHE GO?!" He asked as the bartender coughed awkwardly while point towards the disco.

"This women!!" Taehyung sighed in frustration as he saw her dancing.

Thank you for reading this story!!!


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