"You have charmed me with your amazing hot choco." The man that had complimented you and had a Sherlock Holmes hat stood up and gave your shoulders a light squeeze. Staring straight into your eyes... shock was definitely the main emotion coursing through your body at his actions. You looked over his shoulders to find that the woman that was accompanying this man down the stairs was doubled over with laughter while 2 of the other men looked disturbed although one hadn't even reacted to this guy's strange attitude.
"You're... strange." The words just escaped your mouth you quickly slapped your hands to your mouth to hide your laughter. The man before you looked slightly insulted but the woman that was laughing and surprised before was now laughing harder and slamming her hand down on her knee.
Lucy approached the group you were in and interrupted the laughter with " they aren't wrong..." Lucy was giggling while she watched the whole situation. "Ouch, I'll forgive you for that only because I like your face. " the man before you finally took his hands off your shoulders with a pout before sitting back down in his original seat. One of the men that had looked disappointed at this display said, " I apologize for my college's strange behavior, I am Kunikida Doppo it is a pleasure to meet you." He was seated across from the strange man in the aisle of the seat therefore, he held out a hand for you to shake.
The strange man jumped up out of his seat once again to stand in front of you. This time you took a step back to combat the sudden closeness. He seemed not to notice your discomfort and instead chose to introduce himself, "Hello! I'm Ranpo Edogawa, the greatest detective in the world!" He stood with his hands on his hips and his chin high. You did smile a little due to his adorably childish attitude.
He clearly brightened more after seeing your small grin. The moment was interrupted when one of the other male's rights to Kunikida loudly proclaimed, " Ranpoooo stop stealing the belladonna's attention!" Ranpo huffed in annoyance before sitting back down in his seat and resting his cheek on his hand.
After a long conversation with the loud group you now know a good majority of the detective Agency from upstairs. Ranpo made the biggest impression and Dazai was far behind second. Following the dragged-out conversation with some of the agencies Kunikida dragged Dazai out for a job and Atsushi followed behind, surprisingly both Yosano and Ranpo stayed.
Yosano had called Lucy over signaling she wanted to ask something. "Can Y/N take a break? doesn't seem like there are many customers." Lucy scoffed at the idea at first but she took one look around and gave up. She nodded before vanishing into the employee room.
"(Reader) can you make me hot chocolate every day, pleeeaaaasseee?" Ranpo was sitting across from you and he suddenly began begging and whining. "Ranpo, how much sugar did you have today?" Yosano was just rambling on about how Ranpo is way to hyper.
"As much as I would love to make your hot chocolate daily, I'm off on Sundays and Wednesdays..." Ranpo's whining automatically ceased at your words. "I don't know if I'll be able to survive.. just drop it off by my apartment or even at the office please!" Ranpo slapped his hands together and gave you the sweetest puppy eyes he could muster. Yosano let out a long exhale not exactly a sigh. "(Reader) now that you've offered he'll never shut his trap... you can deal with this own, sorry." Yosano quickly dismissed herself but not before giving you a sly smile.
Ranpo didn't even blink when Yosano just continued staring straight into your eyes with a pleading look in his own eyes. "I guess I could? You still have to pay." Ranpo finally blinked and switched topics with a big childish grin on his face. Ranpo had been asking all these questions about your personal life, family, love life, and favorite color. The conversation was actually pretty calm Ranpo told you to ask him questions as well but, you avoided prying into his private life too much.
You two actually got along quite well while his eyes and mature attitude is incredibly annoying at many times he's actually a decent person. He constantly complimented you whether it was looks or your taste in whatever you were talking about. The conversation was calm up until lunch break began. Right before Ranpo took his leave you were reminded of something, " Ranpo shouldn't you be at work right now?" The mentioned man let out a dramatic gasp. saying a quick "farewell! Don't forget my hot choco tomorrow!" He sprinted up the stairs.
The rest of your shift was normal, with customers every once in a while and occasional noise from upstairs. Lucy and you were both quite tired after such a long day of socializing and making orders you made the decision to close about 5 minutes early. It was enough time where no customers were coming in so there was no point in staying open. After the closing process, you were just about to walk out of the café until you heard a sudden shout, "(READER)!"
To be continued...
words: 888
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