1. Note Taking
is an important study skill. It also helps us at work. We need to draw the main points of the material
1. Underline important points
2. Question yourself on the bases of the info & answer it
3. Simplify the same into points
[TIP!] Turn similar things into One point
Use: colons, short forms, Abbreviations, etc for simple understanding
4. Number the points
Short Note, NO Sentence, Phrases
Divide into sub-points
1, (i), (a) OR 1, 1.2, 1.2.1 [Decimal system]
6. Abbreviations and symbols are freely used. Articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are omitted
7. Notes must make sense when they are read again otherwise they will be of no use.
2. Sum marising
This follows note-making. Normal notes are for personal use, while summaries are not. The main points in the notes are reported to form a summary.
Summarising is the selection and paraphrasing of all important information from the source. For this we analyze the given info, process it, give it a connection, and reorder into a simpler format.
1. underlining important ideas
2. writing them down, abridging the verbs
3. avoiding examples, explanations, and repetition.
EXAMPLE: Her genius was marked by excellence in the various arts, languages, and science.
CHANGED INTO: She was a versatile genius.
3. Sub-titling
The purpose of sub-titling is to convey the main idea or theme of each section of a long piece of writing. It helps the reader know at a glance the sub-topics that are being addressed. Giving suitable sub-titles helps break the monotony of reading long passages
4. Essay-Writing
The essay should deal with the main subject, and all parts of it should be linked to that subject
There should be a logical sequence of thought. This requires a logical relationship between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.
Unimportant information should not be included.
Giving more space to the important ideas
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