C2: Is it love or is it arrogance?

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Earlier I thought After helping the little boy I learned that he was Naoto Tachibana. My girlfriend's little brother who's a 13-year-old. And ended up going back to the future after shaking hands with him.

Takemichi a 27 year old guy gone back to the future. Takemichi Hanagaki agrees to assist in rescuing Hinata Tachibana, with Naoto Tachibana revealing his time travel ability to jump back twelve years that he spends two sleepless days in Naoto's room, absorbing all the information about Tokyo Manji Gang, some of which was obtained by Naoto's predecessor before being killed. Naoto, who had been requesting transfers, finally took over his predecessor's position six months ago, and reveals the video recording of his predecessor's death found in his eye socket.

"How long does this take Naoto?" Takemichi whined. He's eyes already wants to back out until Naoto point at another article. Takemichi took a closer look feeling himself getting asleep in any moments before reading the article out loud again. "Remember this part too. This is an important thing." Naoto took a sip of his coffee while takemichi started reading it out loud.

"On August 15th on 2019, Another trespassing and murder scene takes place on shinjuku led by a notorious gang and end up killing one of the government representatives. " Takemichi looked at some images and looked at them with fear. The corpse was badly dismembered and some aren't even recognizable. "What is this things!" Takemichi yelp in disgust and fear.

Time past by As Takemichi can't go back on any date he wants, Naoto tells him that when he gets back 12 years ago, he needs to meet the Tokyo Manji Gang top two members: Manjiro Sano and Tetta Kisaki. Naoto states that if those two never met, the current Tokyo Manji Gang would never exist and his sister wouldn't have to die.

Takemichi wonders how he will go and Naoto mentions that Takemichi told him he went back in present after handshaking Naoto and he believes that's the trigger. Naoto informs Takemichi that Manjiro and Tetta met in August and he must stay close to one of them and prevent them from meeting. They shake hands and Takemichi time travels 12 years ago.


As I opened my eyes, I found myself surrounded by darkness, facing an empty mirror. I can't see anything, not even my own reflection. I attempted to breathe as the voice instructed me earlier. After calming down, I opened my eyes and saw my older self - a woman being exploited, drugged, and used for someone else's pleasure.

"You coward," I spat at her, feeling anger coursing through me, and the mirror suddenly cracked. A darker figure loomed behind the shattered glass, staring at me and commanding, "Wake up. Now."

Paralyzed in bed, sweating profusely, feeling like my heart could stop at any second. Struggling to move in my school uniform, I groaned in pain, rubbing my tired eyes and surveying the room.

"You forgot to change princess. " A voice chimed in, pointing out my forgotten change of clothes. It was dynamic, capable of being gentle and charming, yet also loud and hysterical in an instant. Glancing to my side, I noticed a pair of deep blue eyes, set in a face adorned with a gang outfit - a black ensemble complete with a buttoned jacket, loose-fitting pants, and white boots. The person also sported a black mask, which concealed some irritating scars, and had long, bleached blonde hair.

"Why are you here. " I stated. "Why are you in here." He replied back making me annoyed even more. "You slept in my bed like a bear ruling the whole land. You didn't even made a few space for me to sleep." He added and moved closer to me. His head resting in his hands while smiling innocently at me.

I let out a sigh and buried my face in the sheets before gesturing towards my bag lying next to me. He looked curious as he sat up and reached for the bag, finding a pack of black face masks inside.

He remained silent as I glanced at the alarm clock, which read 4:28 AM im the morning. Slowly, I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. 'At least she didn't forget,' he thought to himself. He then notice a few cans of alcohol in her bag. "You have been drinking?" He asked confused, by the female.

I shut the door as I entered the bathroom, gazing at my reflection in the mirror. Emotions flooded over me once more, but I knew I had to pass judgment on those who had destroyed my life - no, the devil who had stolen it from me. Turning on the faucet, I stared back at my reflection in the mirror.

I wondered if I should feel sorry for myself as I touched the back of my head, knowing the wound there would never fully heal mentally. Taking off my clothes, I saw my clean self in the mirror, free of scars except for the one hidden behind my upper head.

"Hey Grandpa! Do you know who that girl was that Big bro was chatting with earlier?" A young blonde girl pestered the elderly man with questions, curious about her brother's interaction with another girl. The blonde boy overheard and joined in, questioning the old man as well. "What's going on?" he asked.

Mikey, one of the siblings, expressed doubt, saying, "I doubt she's his girlfriend." This comment angered Emma, who retorted, "I saw them together with my own eyes. Don't talk nonsense."

"Alright, that's enough! Why don't you two ask your brother when he got home?" A disheveled man with short hair, the same color as his dull black eyes, entered the room. He was a slim, tall guy who took off his shoes before the two kids bombarded him with questions. "Hey big brother! Is that cute girl your girlfriend?" Emma asked eagerly, while her sibling Manjiro chimed in. "Pfft, does big brother even have a girlfriend? He got rejected last week," Shinichiro retorted, feeling offended. "I did ask someone out, just wait and see Mikey," he stated with a scoff. "YAYYYY, big brother has a girlfriend now! I'll have a sister to play with - but I bet you guys won't last a week," Mikey added, cutting off his sister. This caused Shinichiro to snap, while the old man at the dining table chuckled quietly.

The two young siblings grew tired of waiting and began incessantly pestering their older brother about his whereabouts. Despite his constant excuses of "I'll ask her next time," Mikey decided to follow his brother and catch him in the act of lying to their sister.

"What are you doing Mikey." Mikey was startled by a voice behind him while he was following his brother outside, and suddenly he realized who it was. "Emma, what are you doing here?" he exclaimed. "That's my line, dummy! Why are you spying on big bro- just be quiet," Mikey retorted as Emma sighed and decided to join him on his mischievous adventure.

The siblings trailed their brother, only to lose sight of him. "Mikey, you idiot!" Emma yelled, giving her brother a playful tap. Mikey rolled his eyes. Eventually, they found themselves at a middle school. "What now?" Emma wondered aloud.

The brother led the way, but the siblings soon lost track of him. "Mikey, you're such a dumbass!" Emma shouted,as she nudge her brother. Mikey just rolled his eyes. Before long, they arrived at a middle school. "What do we do now?" Emma pondered out loud. Not even a second when he saw Shinichiro at the school gate waiting for someone. Both siblings hide into side gate not too far away from their brother. A few seconds until the afternoon bell rang and many students went out of the school gates. Their eyes glued to their brother.

"Chiro-kun!" A sweet voice was heard but the two couldn't see them properly. It took them a few glances to see both of their brother and his mysterious girlfriend to been seen. Mikey pauses as his eyes widen at the sight of a young lady with long white hair. Before Mikey could see her face properly, Emma pushed her brother's head away to see the young lady. "Mikey I won the bet!" Emma scoffed at him and Mikey looked back at her annoyed.

"WOAHHHHHH!!!!" Both screamed in awe as they saw the girl in front of them this close. "I don't get it. " Mikey was lost for words and look at his brother who was smirking.

Emma was talking to her and asked questions non-stop. "I can't believe I'll have a sister! Can I call you Ane!" Emma stated. The girl couldn't let but to chuckled and agreed. "Sure. " while Emma was on a verge of exploding Mikey was on doubt while looking at the girl. He couldn't know what to feel. 'Since when' he thought.

"Shinichiro..." I gazed at him affectionately, feeling grateful for his care and support. His comforting presence is what motivates me to keep moving forward. The gentle touch of his hand brings me a sense of security and peace.

"Hush," he whispered, a smile playing on his lips as he gently undid the buttons of my blouse. I felt a mix of emotions, unsure whether to cry out of love for him or out of desire to be close to him in that moment. His kiss on my forehead only added to the intensity of the moment.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle. " he assured me, and I gave a nod in response.

On August 13th, I had no clue it would be the day I would forever hold dear in my heart, the day I would feel his warmth for the first time and the last time I would see my lost love...

I took a cold shower and made a vow to track down Shinichiro's killer and seek revenge. Above all, I promised myself to find Izana before my eighteenth birthday.

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