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Before I could even open the basement door any further, I heard the front door open. A wave of relief hit me like a tsunami. I let out a heavy breath, trying to calm myself down.

Happy thoughts Tzuyu, happy thoughts. Think of what makes you happy, the thing that can fill your whole being with at least an ounce of joy, think of Sana.

Once I calmed down, I took far steps from her basement until the door was completely out of my line of vision. I headed to the living room where lies a rather exhausted Sana on the couch. Surprised but not really, Momo was there too.

"This house gives me the creeps..." the raven haired girl suddenly starts talking while looking around the living room. She was seated at the other side of the couch.

I didn't notice a bunch of shopping bags until I almost stepped on one.

"YAH!" Sana replied.

She looked up at Momo with narrowed eyes feeling slightly pissed though anyone who's not her would think she was about to cry because of her puppy eyes. "Don't say that.."

"What's wrong?"

"You know I get scared and start imagining things...", she states suddenly jolting up and came closer to Momo grabbing her arm while looking around the living room.

What'd I tell you.. Lucky friends.

"Stop being such a baby Sana. You're not a 5 year old and yet you're still afraid of ghosts and whatnot." Momo says rolling her eyes at Sana who's still grabbing her arm like her life depended on it.

Of course she would be afraid Tzuyu. Look at you, some random ghost who has a dead body at the basement of this house, crushing on the owner, staring at her while she sleeps like a creep would, following her around, getting jealous over her friends.

If she knew these things Tzuyu, she would run in a flash.

Shut it inside voice. The dead body part is a lie. That was probably discarded years ago.


She's too precious and fragile to be left living alone in a home where there's a disgusting ghost lurking.

But I just can't leave her.

Someday you will, hon.

Sana pouted and smacked Momo's arm. Momo let out a cry, not that loud though it was loud enough for sana to hear. "I know that.. "

No one talked after that and at some point Momo had to leave. They were outside the house waving goodbye to each other same thoughts on their mind. With what seems to be the last goodbye, Momo drove off to her own abode probably with no supernatural lurking.

When Sana was about to step inside her house where I was patiently waiting, her name was called.


An excited Dahyun would be heard not too far from where I am. She was alone holding a plate of what looked like newly baked cookies.

"oh Dahyun.. What is it?" Sana replied, turning her head to where the tofu looking girl was. I could only sigh at the sight. I can't do anything about this now can I.

"Chaeyoung and I baked cookies earlier. She saw you outside so-" Dahyun's words were cut off by a tiny but loud voice from inside the neighbors house. They both turned their heads seeing Dahyun's little sister.

"We wanted to give you cookies because we like you!" shouted Chaeyoung who was sticking he head out the window. "Right dahyunie?"

".. R-right, what she said," Dahyun answered, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red half embarrased feeling like her sister just revealed one of her most hidden secrets.

She couldn't even face Sana now.

While Sana just chuckled, she thanked the two for the cookies. "Thank you, these look delicious." She said eyes mesmerised at the plate like it's gold.

When they bid farewell to each other, I could see Sana's face. She was smiling from ear to ear while looking at the baked dough.

She went inside the house and turned to the kitchen with a goofy smile plastered on her face.

Who knew how that one moment of those two could ruin my heart, how it went from pumping from happiness and to cracking because of pain.

I was reminded,

I can never be like Dahyun, just by giving her cookies that would make her grin so goofily.

Heck, I could never be like any of her friends. One's that could make her happy to the point where she'd giggle and jump like she was 5 again.

I could never be like them who always hangs around with her, hugging her oh so tightly, giving each other high fives.

I could never be like them who would be by her side to comfort her in time of need, to help her with her homework, picking her outfit for a party, cry with her laugh with her.

I could never be like them because I'm just an unwanted ghost.

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