<<πππππππ'π πΏπΎπ
*= whispering
Shirabu went to lunch the next day and sat beside Tendou at the volleyball table as usual.
Shirabu: *whispers* Hey, Tendou. I want to talk about something.
Tendou: *whispers* Of course Shiraboo. What's it about, though?
Shirabu: It's about ...*looks at Semi and then beck at Tendou*
Tendou: Oh, what happened, Shiraboo?
Shirabu sighed and looked down at his lunch tray.
Shirabu: I think he likes me back.
Shirabu and Tendou were the only ones talking. They were whispering into each other's ear, which brought a lot of attention and tension. Everyone at the table was silent. They would see Shirabu whisper into Tendou's ear, and he would laugh and whisper something back into Shirabu's ear. Everyone at the table but Semi knew what they were talking about. They told everyone at the table but Semi.
Shirabu: *whispers* Why is everyone whispering to each other?
Tendou: * whispers* You of course
Shirabu's eyes widened at the thought of them telling Semi. He watched everyone but Semi get whispers back.
Semi was feeling down because no one was telling him anything.
Ushijima: *whispers to Reon* I think something happened between Semi and Shirabu. Pass it on to everyone but Semi and Shirabu.
They kept passing it on until it got to Tendou, in which they skipped Semi and Shirabu.
Semi: I think it has something to do with Shirabu and me.
Shirabu knew what they were talking about, and he was happy. He was happy that he had such trustworthy friends. The only person he told was his mom, dog, Okuma and Tendou. But how did the others find out? Tendou. He told Ushijima and Ushijima told Reon who passed it on, so on and so forth.
Shirabu: *I'll tell you this all at one okay Tendou*
Tendou: * okay go*
Shirabu: So...
Shirabu had just left the bathroom and stood by a wall beside it. He wanted to know why Semi was still in the 2nd years' bathroom.
Semi: Wait.
Okuma turned back to look at Semi.
Semi: Do you enjoy hanging out with him?
Okuma: Yea, I guess.
Semi: But is he mean or rude to you?
Okuma: No. Not really.
Semi: O-Ok.
It shocked Semi that Shirabu could be a cheerful person.
Semi: So, how did you guys meet?
Okuma: He helped me out this morning.
Okuma: You're asking a lot of questions. Are you his boyfriend?
Semi blushed and covered his face.
Okuma smirked and raised an eyebrow.
Okuma: Oh, I get it.
Semi: Get what?
Okuma: You like him, and you don't want him to be with anyone else.
Semi's eyes widened.
Okuma: Your face says it all.
Semi: Whatever, I don't like him.
Semi rolls his eyes and leaves the bathroom.
Okuma: I won't take him from you.
Semi: Thanks...
Shirabu ran down the hall to the gymnasium where Ushijima was when he noticed Semi walk out of the bathroom.
Shirabu was still in total shock about what went down in the bathroom. He was in shock at the fact that Semi partially admitted that he had a crush on him.
EnD Of FlAsHbAcK.
Shirabu: *And that's it pretty much*
Tendou: Oh, wow. That's very sus, though.
Shirabu: I know right.
By now Semi was staring at his food while everyone was whispering.
<<ππππ'π πΏπΎπ
What the fuck is everyone whispering about? Are they talking about me? It started with Shirabu. So did something happen to him?
The whispering continued for about 5 minutes, and Sei was getting the feeling that the whispers were about him. He sat through it. He felt every whisper. Semi kept thinking about what he did. Then he couldn't take it anymore.
Semi got up from his seat and left the table with a very pissed off face.
Everyone noticed, and Shirabu felt bad.
Tendou: Can you go talk to him? Please.
Shirabu: B-But you know that I'm not good with those feelings stuff and all.
Tendou: I know, but you love him. Don't you?
Shirabu nodded and got up. He silently followed Semi up to the 3rd years' bathroom.
He caught Semi crying in the stall but didn't call to his name. Instead, he listened to what he had to say.
Semi: What the fuck did I do? Why does it hurt, though? I've dealt with criticism before, but why does this one hurt so badly? Is Shirabu angry at me? What did I do...?
Shirabu knocks on the stall and rests his back on it.
Shirabu: You did nothing Eita.
Semi's eyes widened, and he quickly wiped his tears off his face.
Semi: What do you need, bangsies?
Shirabu: Could you please stop it with the bangsies thing?!
Shirabu let out a soft chuckle and combed his hair with his hands.
Shirabu: I-It's fine when you say it, but it pisses me off when someone else says it.
Semi: Huh?
Semi opened the stall and came out.
Shirabu: I need to talk to you. But not here.
Semi: Why?
Shirabu: Reasons.
Shirabu grabbed Semi's hands and dragged him.
Both: Soft.
Shirabu led them to the fountain, outside
<<πππππππ'π πΏπΎπ
This isn't where I wanted to do it but, I have to do it now. Just man up already.
Semi: And what do you want?
Shirabu: Well, can you just stop being so cocky?
Semi: Oh WoW lOoKie HeRe.
Shirabu: Just stop being rude.
Semi: Oh wow, so you just came here to tell me how rude I was being. You were acting so rude for not telling me anything, and you started saying something and looking at me every 1 minute. I thought I did something wrong, but all this time you were just talking about how rude I was being. Do you know how hurt I was, Do you know how much you mean to me?!
Shirabu's heart stopped beating for a second. Then it started skipping beats.
Semi: Do you have any idea how hard I took it. Do-
Shirabu closed his eyes and planted his soft lips onto Semi's. Cutting off his words.
Shirabu: I love you. A lot.
Semi was speechless. He didn't know how to take it. But he definitely could return does feeling.
Shirabu: I'm sorry.
Semi: Wai-
Shirabu closed his eyes and ran away, leaving Semi speechless at the fountain.
<<ππππ'π πΏπΎπ
He loves me. I love him. Now he's probably mad at me. I'm such an idiot. This is how it always goes. I'm actually an idiot.
That is it for this chapter thanks fro reading and have a great day!!
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