Okay...Now we are in a new room. looking around the room, we appeared to be in a very basic furniture bedroom. A big old fashion bed right in the middle of the room, mostly taking up the whole area. There was an old fashion armor set standing against the wall near the window. A big wardrobe and some bedside decks on each side of the room.
"Wow! How did we get here so fast!" I said astonished while looking around the room. Johnny, the good friend he is, quickly grabbed my arm and ran to the other side of the room. Probably trying to get as much distance between us and the real Dracula. He banged on the big window hoping it would open.
What exactly do you plan for us to do with the window Johnny. Jump?! Like we would survive that fall.
"Please don't kill us! We are so young! We have so many places we want to see! I've got tickets to 6 Dave Matthews Band concerts!" Johnny said quickly. He looked around the room desperately and spotted a handle on the ground. " We gotta get out of here Ella. Follow me!!" He added while pulling on the handle on the ground and jumping into it.
Before I could even follow after Johnny. I heard a big ROAR and Johnny popped right back up and right onto the bed pull. I can't lie the ROAR from under us actually scared me too and on instinct, I followed close to Johnny.
"Shut up, already. It's impossible for me to think with all the noise you two create." Dracula said with a tired tone. I saw him walk calmly to the trapped door Johnny opened and spoke into it. "Sorry, Glen! Go back to sleep!" He yelled back into it. Once he closes the cellar door 'Glen' roars down in reply.
Glen? Interesting name for a monster.
"Wait. Aren't you going to suck our blood?" Johnny said. We both looked at each other than at Dracula expecting for the worse. "Or maybe we will be harvested?!" I added dramatically. Dracula went over to his bed and sat down at a treasure chest box that was placed in front of the bed. His back was facing us now.
"Classic human paranoia. Human blood is so fatty, and you never know where it's been. And really? Why would we want to harvest loud people? " Dracula said, sounding like a picky eater while he puts his hands over his face. Johnny and I both looked at each other not expecting that kind of response. I slowly moved towards the end of the bed and had my legs over the end. While Johnny slowly slid down the curtain of the bed pole and moved closer to Dracula.
" So, Dracula doesn't drink blood?" Johnny said slowly as he went closer to Dracula. I got off the bed and moved to the front of the bed now facing Dracula. He didn't look up from his spot and continued to pout. I have a feeling he won't harm us.
"No, I use a blood substitute. Either Near Blood or Blood Beaters. You can't tell the difference." Dracula said as he looked over to Johnny then me for a second then looked back down thinking.
"That's nice of you. Who knew you guys had a blood substitute. Can I try one?" I said courteously. I wonder how they make them. Both Johnny and Dracula looked at me weirdly. I let out a laugh and only told them it was a joke. More or less.
"So, wow, you're, like, the real Count Dracula. Like, "I'm Dracula. Bleh, bleh-bleh." Johnny mimicked Dracula while getting up into his face for a quick second. "No joke. The real Dracula. The ones that behind all the myths and legends." I said mostly to myself but I knew they could hear me too.
"I've never said that in my life. "Bleh, bleh-bleh." I don't know where that comes from." Dracula said mockingly. Well, they had to get it somewhere. "No Jokes or whatever. Yes, I am the one and only Dracula." He answered my question while getting up from his spot. Deciding to sit where Dracula was previously sitting Johnny and I watched him walk closer to the two big windows.
"Quick question. What exactly is this castle, this place? Why does it have all these monsters around?" I asked Dracula knowing well that Johnny was wondering the same thing. I looked over to Johnny seeing him give a small nod of an agreement while looking around this room.
"What is this place?" Dracula said looking at us then all of a sudden the two big glass windows opened up. The way Dracula's cape was moving around plus the light from the mood hitting him made him look very dramatic. "It's a place I built for all those monsters out there, lurking in the shadows, hiding from the persecution of humankind. A place for them and their families to come to and be themselves. A place void of torches, pitchforks, angry mobs. A place of peace, relaxation, and tranquility." He finished.
" Cool. So, it's like a hotel for monsters?" Johnny said calmly. I rolled my eyes at how bluntly Johnny said that. He even said a whole monologue about this place and you had to ruin the atmosphere. Props on Dracula for even trying.
"Yes, exactly. "A hotel for monsters." Way to sum it up." Dracula said annoyed once again. He then quickly moved to now in front of me and Johnny looked down at us. "Okay, you Johnny. Hop on my back. You are leaving first." Dracula said quickly before turning into a small bad. " And you Ella. I can't carry both and I can tolerate you more than Johnny. So you are staying in this room while I drop off your friend first."
I just had my mouth opened while he spoke. I could not believe he just turned into a bat! I want to do that! I moved the old witch hat on my head a little because it was blocking some of my views. Johnny started freaking out again while moving around the room to get a better look at Dracula's new form. He Grabbed Johnny by the collar and proceeded to move towards the window.
" Oh, man, you're a bat now. I always wanted to fly. What's it like? This is insane. Wait. Wait, I want to stay. Can Frankenstein sign my costume? Can I meet the Invisible Man? Hey, if I stuck my hand in the Invisible Man's mouth, would it disappear?" Johnny began to ramble while I am sure Dracula just rolled his eyes at Johnny's questions. Once Dracula and Johnny made it out the window I quickly followed and stopped at the window to watch them leave. Still astonished by what I see. "No fare Johnny," I said to myself. I wanted to fly first.
"Hi" Before they could even go-to fare. Two smaller bats popped up in front of them halting them in their tracks. They must be Dracula's kids. The one that spoke first sounded like the girl. So I am guessing the one on her right was her brother.
"Mavey! Marky! What are you two doing, my two sweet little blood orange? Our friends were just leaving" Dracula said nervously. I could see both the smaller bats look down at Johnny then over to the window where I was. Johnny speaking snapped them back to him and Dracula, but one of them kept looking over at me.
" Yeah, he was flying me out the window," Johnny told them. Dracula let out a small laugh in response and quickly flew back inside. He turned back into a human and got close to Johnny.
"This guy, he's so funny. Look, you two seem to have something on your faces," Dracula said, making an excuse to move us both closer to the door of the room. "Play along if the two of you ever want to see your precious backpacks" Dracula threatened. Johnny let out a nervous laugh while I just nodded my head. I don't really care for the backpacks but I guess I will for Johnny's sake.
The attention of the two siblings turning back into humans in the room caught both Johnny's and my attention. We both looked in awe. The two siblings looked over at us suspiciously.
"Whoa. So, wait, you didn't have any clothes on when you were a bat? Or were they bat-sized?" Johnny asks. Dracula looked from the corner of his eye at his kids scared.
"Johnny! Don't ask that. That might be offensive to them." I quickly said while elbowing Johnny in the side. He let out a small sorry. The two continued to stare at us.
'Who exactly are they?" The girl said looking over at her dad. The boy on the other hand looked down at his clothes and back at us and smiled.
" Actually I don't really know myself. But if I had to pick it would probably be the clothes go away and our bat form takes over as our new clothing. If our clothes were bat-sized you would have seen them on us." The male sibling said as he had a piece of his clothing in his hand and then letting go. Wow, He actually answered the question. Johnny and I both let out a wow.
The next thing I knew I was being hugged sideways by Dracula on his left while Johnny was on his right. "Hmm. Honeybats. You see, it's the two of your birthdays. And you know I want the two of you to have the bestest, specialest party of your lives. So, well, I needed some help." Dracula said looking at both of us while we both looked back nervously.
"You needed help?" The girl said no believing him. She looked over at her brother who also didn't look like he believed him.
"Well, look, I am very good, but I thought it would be even better, specialist if I had gotten some people closer to your ages to help plan the party," Dracula said while looking back at his kids. Wow for a person on the spot he's really good at lying.
Upon hearing we were the same age as the two siblings they both got excited. The girl got up into our faces and asked "The two of you are our ages?!"
"Sure. Well, how old are you?" Johnny asked back while we both looked at each other nervously.
"We are twins and turn 118 today," The male said happily. He walked over to his sister and rested his arm on her shoulder. He looked to be a head taller than her.
Johnny let out a surprised yell " One hundred an- " but was cut off by Dracula harshly hitting him in the gut. Ouch. The best part is Dracula looked completely innocent not looking at us. I looked over at Johnny making sure he was okay while putting a hand on his back. Now I know what Dracula would do if we don't play along. " Yeah, I'm 121." He finished. Then they both looked over at me. Crap. I don't wanna get hit.
" Oh...Umm... I am 120" I said letting out a small laugh.
"Really," The two twins said at once, both sounding surprised. Johnny and I both just nodded in responses.
"You see? Everything is very, very normal. I'm throwing a party, and they are helping." Dracula said calmly. When you say it like that it sounds not normal.
. "Sir, there's an emergency" The armor stand that was near his window was now speaking. No. Way. He can talk! Johnny got frightened by his sudden speaking and jumped behind Dracula while I just stared wide eyes at it.
" Not now. Can't you see we're in the middle of something very normal here?" Dracula said back to the metal guy. I wanted to go check that out so I grabbed Johnny behind Dracula and went over to him. The twins and Dracula didn't look too faced at us admiring the metal guy. I actually heard one of them laugh at our antics.
I wasn't to focus on their conversations but more on mine and Johnny's. Johnny started poking at it while I walked around him to see any wires. Johnny started messing with his head peace and I guess he was getting annoyed because I saw him slap away Johnny's hand.
"Hey, do you have any wire pieces on you?" I asked it, couriers, while still looking at him.
"Whoa, look at my face," Johnny said while making scary faces on the metal manes chest pieces. I let out a laugh while standing beside Johnny. To my surprise, the metal man pushed Johnny with his hand on his face. Johnny looked surprised at first but then decided to square up against him.
"Johnny I don't think you should fight a magical suit of armor," I told Johnny continuously. I looked back at the suit guy then at Johnny. " Watch this Ella," Johnny said, completely ignoring my previous statement. He pretended to punch the guy but eventually, the mentally suited man actually punched Johnny. Sending him flying to the end of the room.
Johnny jumped back up fast and started having a little catfight with the suit of armor. A voice behind me spoke suddenly " I bet the armor suit will win". I jumped to the side in surprise and looked at who it was. It was one of the siblings to be exact. He lets out a laugh while speaking "Sorry didn't mean to scare you"
"When did you get over here?" I said while looking at where Dracula and his sister were. Thinking he was original over there. Dracula was still talking to his daughter and was currently trying to not get them to stay here any longer. He was pushing one of them towards the door but then she started walking towards us.
I looked over at Johnny once again and to my surprise, Johnny was now wearing the suit man's head. Or should I say helmet?
"Okay. So, maybe if the two of you are not planning later, we can all hang out." She asked while lifting the helmet Johnny was now wearing. She looked at Johnny then me while smiling. She seems nice. Her brother walked next to her whiling nodding in agreement.
"That sounds fun!" I told them while smiling at her back.
"Sounds good," Johnny added looking over at them.
"Yes. You hear that?" Dracula said while walking back over to us. " It sounds good and fun." He continued while grabbing his two kids and pushing them out the door. "So you will hang out. See you later, my honey. Lovelys'' He finally told them before closing the door on them fast. He then quickly turned back to us and his face completely changed from what it was just a few seconds ago. " Okay, you're not hanging out. Because you are leaving"
"Wow you straight up lied to their face," I said surprised. " But the opposite, you said."
Johnny also protested. Dracula was now near the wall opposite the bed, feeling around for something. In one moment he pressed on a brick and the wall started to move. My mouth opened a little by how cool that was. I could see in the corner of my eye Johnny also looking surprised by the secret passage.
"But, sir, the emergency" Johnny's helmet started to speak again.
"Holly. He's still alive?!' I looked back at johnny.
Dracula completely ignored the protesting object and told us to follow him up the stairs in the secret wall. In a second he was there and the next Dracula used his magic and turned into blue and purple light going up the secret stairs.
I didn't really ask any questions before running after Dracula up the stairs. I heard Johnny throw down something that sounded like metal on the ground before following me up the flight of stairs. It was a few seconds before finally making it to where Dracula was waiting for us. Dracula looked too tall for this passage because was currently hunching down a few inches. I looked over to where Johnny was and he was not wearing the armor suit head. That was probably the thing he threw before coming here.
We followed Dracula down the narrow hallway as he held up a torchlight to brighten the path. This place looked really old, fitting for a secret passageway. Always wanted to be in one.
" Where are we going?" Johnny asked while we both followed Dracula down a path of stairs leading who knows where.
"Oh, are we going to the secret party room?" I questioned.
"Just getting rid of you two through a secret tunnel so they do not see us." Dracula calmly said back to us. Keeping it straight and simple. Now that I notice the further we go into the tunnel the bigger the roof of the tunnel gets.
"So, can I ask you a question? Is that real, about the garlic thing?"Johnny started to question Dracula. Oh, smart thinking Johnny. All the facts we knew about vampires can be asked now that we are in the presence of the real Dracula.
"Yes, I cannot have it. My throat swells." Dracula surprisingly answers easily and fast while gesturing to his neck. Sounds like he doesn't mind being asked random questions. We stopped in front of many other tunnels going different ways. My turn!
"Oh. Oh, what about. Does your skin glow in the sunlight?" I asked because I have seen it in a movie before. I was on Dracula's left while Johnny was on his right side. Dracula looked over at me confused.
"No. Where did you get that crazy idea? We get really bad burns" Dracula said while looking back at the tunnels trying to figure out which one to pick.
"Huh. Wooden stake to the heart?" Johnny asked again.
"Yeah, well, who wouldn't that kill?" He said while deciding to go throw the tunnel in front of us.
"Fair point," I responded.
The tunnel we went through wasn't very long because Dracula quickly ran straight to a wall. Hitting his face straight at it. I could hear a mall groan from him before turning back around and pickling the tunnel to the right of us.
We stopped in front of a lever which Dracula pulled and when the wall opened up it showed an empty room. Well, I assumed it was empty before Dracula got closer to the bed and was talking to some very small bugs.
" Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little lost. Yes, I know it's your honeymoon. I apologize. Go back to doing what you were doing" Dracula apologized while we all backed up into the secret tunnel.
"Well this is clearly not the right tunnel," I said. I heard a small laugh from Johnny before heading off again to another tunnel.
" I'm not down here much. It's meant to be an exit if humans ever invade." Dracula said while we followed him to different tunnels and sometimes it would just loop us around to our original spot.
"So, We, like, the first humans here, huh? That's really cool." Johnny said, sounding impressed.
"Looks like we made history Johnny," I said back to him and we both quickly did a high five.
We eventually got to another lever and this time Dracula didn't sound too confident to pull it. I leaned over to Johnny.
"Hey. 10 bucks this is the wrong area," I whispered to Johnny. He looked over his right before nodding his head and we both shook on it. Then a few seconds later Dracula pulled the lever revealing the same skeleton Johnny disturbed, taking a shower. We kinda just stayed there for a few seconds before she noticed us.
"Ahhh! What is happening?" She screamed out at us while trying to cover herself. Johnny and I didn't really react because all we saw were skeletons. Thank God. "I am terribly sorry! Uh, my mistake!" Dracula tried to apologize quickly.
" What is wrong with you people?!" I am assuming that was her husband that just barged in. Before the door closed on us the husband threw a sponge that hit Dracula straight in the face. I let out a laugh while Johnny dug into his pocket and pulled out a $10. "Thank you," I said to Johnny before taking the money.
"Oh, man, this place is amazing!" Johnny said. After a couple of minutes of walking around this place, we are still trying to find a way out. " I know! You could play hide and seek here and always win!" I said back to Johnny. We both were behind Dracula because of how narrow the tunnel was now.
"Okay, I could really use some silence right now," Dracula said back to us. We obliged and kept to ourselves quietly while talking about random stuff. At one moment we ended at a downwards staircase that suddenly stopped. I saw it before
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